Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Occasionally people can get blisters on their penis from overworking it. Sometimes they go away quickly, other times it takes a little more work. So what should you do if you experience a blister in the most sensitive of areas? What are your experiences?

Previous Threads

Blood Blister
Maybie PE injury

I just developed a blister on the underside of the base of my shaft. It’s really irritating me as it is stopping me from hanging, as i can’t put any kind of preasure on it for obvious reasons. I just put from distilled witch hazel on it … am gonna see what happens.

Time heals all wounds.

yeah, such a pain in the arse not being able to PE tho!

It’s completely gona now bar some minor discolouration.

I’ve recently had problems with blisters on the head of my penis as a result of my overaggressive use of the vacuum hanger and vacuum pump. Foolishly, I didn’t adhere to the recommended protocol of 20 minute sets with the vacuum hanger. I also didn’t take into account the need for the XL head as a result of some growth I experienced in the first month of use. The blisters really bugged me because the results have been excellent and the injury made me miss two full weeks of hanging. I jelqed during the recovery time and used vitamin A and D ointment on the blister (actually, there were two blisters right next to each other, one fairly large and the other smaller). I’m curious whether anyone has come up with a more effective treatment for this injury?

Try Neosporin ointment. It seemed to work good (fast) for me when I gave myself some of those hard lymph nodules.

I think A&D ointment maybe the right direction, but I’m not sure it has the antibiotic qualities of Neosporin.

IMHO, it’s the antibiotic properties that make Neosporin work so well.

I can´t post a new thread because of insufficient privileges or something, but what I have noticed is blistering and “scab-formation” on the head. They are dark, raised, encrusted scabs. The scabs are long and thin. I’m quite worried. I was wondering whether to scrub them off (pain?) or let em heal?

White spots on gland

About 2 weeks ago when I was doing my routine I saw some white spots on my gland after my workout. At first I thought it was fluid buildup but that should have cleared up within a couple of days. The spots are whitish in color and raised abit. They do not feel hard but they almost feel like a vein. I have tried arnica for a few days as well as neosporin. I stopped doing my exercises for a few days when it happened thinking it would clear up. After the 2 days rest I decided to continue with my workouts since it does not hurt. Now it about 2 weeks later and the spots are still there. I don’t know if I should just take one to two weeks off and see if it clears up on it’s own. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

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Pumping injury - Blister

Well, I pumped at too high for too long, and I have a clear blister on my head! What to do?? I did a search & one response said not to pop, but I wanna get rid of this thing!

This was what I did:
Pop it with clean needle (burn it and put into alcohol), and push out all the liquid, put garamycin (I don’t know if you have it in your country), change twice a day. It healed after 5 days, and leave it for another few days before you start your routine again.

If you start too early, where the newly built skin is still very thin, you will get bigger problems.

Starting Aug/06: BPEL 5.5", EG 4.3"

05/Feb/2007: BPEL 6.3", NBPEL 5.7", EG 4.9"

Thanks Guys. I just got my first blister from pumping and now I won’t worry about it as much. Now when I pump I grow to just above 7 and 3/4th’s. Today I was trying to rush things going for the 8 inch mark. Now I know to be more patient.

As I understand your inputs: jelqing is ok but don’t pump until a few days after the blister is gone.

I can’t bring myself to pop the blister as I’m very active and feel popping it would cause more irritation.

Since I can’t start my own threads I thought I would post in one that seemed most relevant to me.

I’m not sure if what I have is a blister, I noticed it just now while attempting to take some pictures to post here once my post count improves, it looks almost like a bruise, I think I may have burst blood vessels in the skin?

I was really worried at first due to where it is, I thought it was something to do with my ‘main’ vein on the left side of my penis (see pic 1), it was only after looking, I released it’s not, the mark seems to move with the penis skin (see pic 3, sorry for the camera shake on this one).

I’ve attached a few pictures (I presume there allowed here due to being injury related?), could anyone offer an insight in to what the mark is and if I should lay of jelqing until it’s gone?

Ps: There’s no pain in the area at all.

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Update: I have done jelqing since then (using my hand instead) and it cleared up by Sunday night :) .

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