Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Blood From Penis

Jelquing up Blood!!!!

I’ve had blood from the eye of my dick a couple of times in the past two weeks. It stopped straight after I noticed it and ceased jelqing immediately.

I’ve been tested for STD’s, and was negative. So the advice from the Doctor today was to lay off jelquing for 2 weeks and give it a complete chance to heal.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

I assume you are not a bleeder like me? One extremly light tap to my nose or mouth and blood shoots everywhere.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser

I assume you are not a bleeder like me? One extremly light tap to my nose or mouth and blood shoots everywhere.

No, I’m not a bleeder. It takes a deep cut to get me to bleed. I think I know what I’ve been doing wrong. I was not giving enough time for the blood vessels warm up and expand. I more than likely burst one of them right at the tip and and up inside the gland. This morning I allowed more time for my member to warm up and loosened up. No problem this time. Thanks for the reply.

Have often experienced blood coming out of the penis when I’ve jelqed the top 1/3 with too much pressure

a. after insufficient warm-up and

b. when my erection is at about 60-70%.

Happens very rarely with a fuller erection. I think that when the corpora cavernosa are harder there is less transference of pressure to the urethra. As well as jelqing with a fuller erection now I go easier when focusing on the glans when I’m at 60-70%. I have also fine-tuned my over and underhand grips so that when jelqing overhand (back of my hand facing up, thumbs towards body) I form a grip with my thumb and fingers to either side of the urethra when at the bottom of the stroke (i.e near the glans) and when underhand align my grip so the inner bend of the index finger joint after the knuckle provides some space for the urethra to move through without being compressed too much. When it happens I go easy on the upper third for a while but still jelq from the base to just over 1/2 way up.


I’ve bled from my penis a few times from PEing too hard..

I’m a newbie to this site though and I’ll have to do a little more research to see what the names for the different exercises I was doing were.. Most of them involved tight grips on the base of the penis, kegeling blood into it and squeezing it up.. I’ve ruptured some capillaries a few times doing that. The other exercise that I used to do alot was basically the same thing with bends. I’d Kegel and put pressure on the penis with one hand and do downward and side stretches with the pressure on it.

I never really got worried, because it was only a little blood and I could visually see where it was coming out at, I just had to lay off the exercises for a while (or do other exercises with less intensity).

I think it is mostly caused by doing improper warm-ups, I have difficulty getting a proper warm-up due to limited to no privacy.. Most of my PE happens on the crapper or in the shower.


99% of the time that you see blood and think it is coming OUT of your penis through your urethra, it is actually blood that you have forced out of the skin near the frenulum (not frenum, I don’t know WTF that even is), sometimes you can see small cracks in the skin there or even feel a stinging sensation when you are cleaning up. Lay off the PE for a couple of days and apply some antibiotic like Neosporin to the area to help it heal. Oh yeah, take it a little easier when you finally do get back to your routine.

This has happened to me before actually it just happened a few mins ago when I was jelqing.
This also happened when I would be pumping and used too much vaccuum pressure or when I was packing the tube and my cock head was nearing the very top of the tube as more pressure was being placed on the cock head.

I’ve also found that if I’m really squeezing when jelqing all the way down the shaft to the cock head, this is wear I can run into trouble of creating a small tear in the skin right near the opening of the pee hole as Thunder describes here.

If I ease off on the pressure just before I reach the cock head, I don’t run into any trouble. And when I used to pump, if I always used a low comfortable pressure, I also wouldn’t have this problem.

Think about it, you’re placing a great deal of pressure on your cock head from pumping and jelqing. If you apply too much, I don’t doubt that you run the risk of making a small tear inside your pee hole as all the blood is forcing forward.

If there’s a tear in the skin, obviously some blood is going to come out of the tear.

We all use these methods to increase our dick size.But if we over do it something will break and we know we do it .The rule is do the exercise and over a period of time it will get bigger

I have ran into this (bleeding) and as of right now I am on my 3rd week off letting things repair. I did go to the doctor (do a search on my name and see results). I plan to give it a few more weeks and then return to my journey.

I will never be the same because after 2 months on the program my wife said during sex one night that my dick felt thicker, and I know for a fact she was really enjoying it.


I remember a few years back I was jacking off and it was the first time I started to massage the head and it bled a little bit and I didn’t jack off for a day and it was fine so if you usually stick to the shaft and just the head is sore don’t be worried about that it’s just not use to it.

I remember that once when I was jelqing, a bit of blood came from the shaft of my penis and I lost my semi-erection. I was horrified. The reason was that I had been cutting my hairs earlier around the base of my shaft and I had snagged the scissors on my foreskin, causing a tear. It didn’t really hurt, but I felt it, and the increased pressure on my penis during the Jelqing caused it to rupture. Taking a week off to let it heal fixed the problem, and I was just fine. It was pretty scary though.

Hello guys! This is my first post here,but I have been reading and learned alot.I hoped that my first post would be something positive and not this..

I have hanged for about 3 month everyday between 5-15 pounds.when I hanged 15 pounds today,after 15 min I felt too strong discomfort and pressure from the glands so I removed the hanger and noticed that I was bleeding from inside the really scared the hell of me,and I’m still afraid that I have damaged something serious.
From what I have read in this thread,this is not very serious and will heal.but it still scary when it comes blood from inside the penis.
Can I count on that this will heal,or do I have to be nervous?

I’m sure the bleeding started of to high pressure to the glans get brused quite much after every hanging seasson.

Sorry if my english swedish is better:)


I don’t think I will be of much help since your injury is hanging related, but I have had a very hard time healing from my 1st injury. Most on here said just take a week off and resume with a light workout. That did not work for me, I then took off 7 weeks, then started back with a newbie routine, again after 6 weeks the blood returned. I am now on my 9Th week off and plan to return after 12 weeks. From what I have read the type injury I have, (urethra) it takes anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks to fully heal. Good luck, and be sure to get some feedback from the experienced hangers.

Originally Posted by trip
I don’t think I will be of much help since your injury is hanging related, but I have had a very hard time healing from my 1st injury. Most on here said just take a week off and resume with a light workout. That did not work for me, I then took off 7 weeks, then started back with a newbie routine, again after 6 weeks the blood returned. I am now on my 9Th week off and plan to return after 12 weeks. From what I have read the type injury I have, (urethra) it takes anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks to fully heal. Good luck, and be sure to get some feedback from the experienced hangers.

Thanks for your answer.I have now been off for 1 week and I feel that I´m not fully recovered.still am a little bruised on the head.but at least now I know that it was not so serious that I first thought.I have no problems getting a hard on or something.I think I will wait another week before I start to hang again,and then start with some lighter weights.I hate to not been able to PE,but I don’t want to do any serious harm to my dick.this hole thing made me think that I should be more only got one dick lol.

What do you think caused your injury?if a vein popped or that hell did the blood get in to the urethra?? What exercise did you do to get injured?

I think I caused it by not starting with a newbie program, I just one day half ass read a few things else where and started beating up on my dick. A month later I seen gains, 2 weeks after I seen blood. I feel pretty good about the fact that if you do as most of these guys say and listen to good advise, it will pay off. In 2 more weeks I will be back at it and plan to do it right.

If you bleed from your pisshole mostly likely you have put too much pressure on your urethra or your glans. Squeezing/pulling your glans can make it bleed from the inside as well as too much pressure.

Healing alone will not remedy your problem, you have to change your technique.


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