Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Bad luck on the iodine, why not try the lugols and find out.

Also had a look at your injury thread, I don’t think that’s scar tissue, looks and sounds like a blocked lymph vessel.
I can’t see how its possible to develop a scar like that but wrapping can easily cause a vessel to block.
They can be a pain and be there anything from weeks to months but nearly always resolve themselves if left alone.

Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels

I know, I can’t believe my bad luck on this. I’m one of maybe 3 people, at the most, on this thread that had an allergic reaction to this stuff.
I’ve ordered the Lugol’s : J.CROW’S® Lugol’s Solution,J.CROW’S® Marketplace, (800)878 1965, The Original
so we’ll see.

Thanks for the link on Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels. It’s possible, but I’m not seeing any of those signs or symptoms of a lymph vessel: There are no "beads" on it; it doesn’t widen towards the base of the penis; I’m having a hard time tracing it to the base of the penis… Not used to this. It’s like a featureless string or cord. I’ve posted some more pics on my thread, More pics. Are there other tests I can try to check if it’s a lymph vessel? Maybe I’ll pump for 15 min at 2-3 mmHg and then check it out again? Maybe it will be more swollen and easier to trace…

Are clogged lymph vessels "tough", like a line of dental floss? This is like a string that, if I pull down on the skin near the base of my penis and on the underside, it will pull on my penis if I have an erection and kind of make it bend downward. I.e. it doesn’t have the same elastic properties as the rest of the skin on my penis.

Sorry you had/have to deal with the clogged lymph vessel thing. Can you hang or pump while waiting for one to go away? I have both hangers and pumps in my PE "lab" :)
I don’t want to stop hanging and pumping, but I’ve seriously cut back while I’m figuring out what to do with this thing…

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Have you tested a new / different bottle of the detoxified iodine? Is it possible that your iodine sample somehow became contaminated?

Yeah I did wonder about contamination. So opened another bottle and tried it (I ordered like 10 bottles of detox iodine, not thinking at all that I would have a reaction to the stuff). Same effect from the 2nd bottle, so I don’t think it’s random contamination of one of the bottles.

I also thought it might be contamination in the DMSO, but the test with the detox iodine alone (no DMSO) gave the same rash and the itches, so that kind of ruled out the DMSO as the problem.

That said, my original DMSO did not seem to freeze when I put it in some cool water. Maybe it takes a while, but that had me concerned. The melting/freezing point is 19C. I put it in my refrigerator, and after a full 24 hr day it was still only about 50% frozen. This surprised me. After 2-3 days it was totally frozen, but I don’t think it should take that long and it made me suspect it is not pure, even though the supplier said 99.995% pure; it’s this stuff: https://www.ama … /dp/B01BSYQ0XC/
Anyway, my experience alone. Maybe other ppl have had better luck with this stuff.
Based on this I ended up getting another kind, which is this one: https://www.ama … /dp/B00ZNV5N8U/
and it’s been working fine.
But to be fair, I haven’t yet done the freezing test on this one, and the previous DMSO appears not to be the source of my allergy problems.

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Originally Posted by wowmaker
I know, I can’t believe my bad luck on this. I’m one of maybe 3 people, at the most, on this thread that had an allergic reaction to this stuff.
I’ve ordered the Lugol’s : J.CROW’S® Lugol’s Solution,J.CROW’S® Marketplace, (800)878 1965, The Original
so we’ll see.

Thanks for the link on Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels. It’s possible, but I’m not seeing any of those signs or symptoms of a lymph vessel: There are no "beads" on it; it doesn’t widen towards the base of the penis; I’m having a hard time tracing it to the base of the penis… Not used to this. It’s like a featureless string or cord. I’ve posted some more pics on my thread, More pics. Are there other tests I can try to check if it’s a lymph vessel? Maybe I’ll pump for 15 min at 2-3 mmHg and then check it out again? Maybe it will be more swollen and easier to trace…

Are clogged lymph vessels "tough", like a line of dental floss? This is like a string that, if I pull down on the skin near the base of my penis and on the underside, it will pull on my penis if I have an erection and kind of make it bend downward. I.e. it doesn’t have the same elastic properties as the rest of the skin on my penis.

Sorry you had/have to deal with the clogged lymph vessel thing. Can you hang or pump while waiting for one to go away? I have both hangers and pumps in my PE "lab" :)
I don’t want to stop hanging and pumping, but I’ve seriously cut back while I’m figuring out what to do with this thing…

I really don’t know what it can be if it’s not a lymph vessel or a vein.
lymph vessels don’t always have the string of beads feeling and they sometines seem to vanish before they reach the body, also they are tough and inelastic.
I hate to say it but if that’s what it is then total rest is the answer.
The last one I had lasted months and then one morning it was gone !

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I really don’t know what it can be if it’s not a lymph vessel or a vein.
lymph vessels don’t always have the string of beads feeling and they sometines seem to vanish before they reach the body, also they are tough and inelastic.
I hate to say it but if that’s what it is then total rest is the answer.
The last one I had lasted months and then one morning it was gone !

Dr. Capernicus,
Does it make sense that it’s kind of rough on the surface? Like a rough line going down the underside of my penis. I posted some more pics in my scar injury thread, [wowmaker - Scar line developed on underside of penis—what to do?] , you can see how on the line where it is, the skin is rougher. That’s why I thought it was a scar.

I can put my fingers underneath it, and feel it in the skin over my fingers—its kind of like a rope in the skin.
And I can also press down on the top and bottom of it, with my thumbs, and it will kind of indent into the softer flesh of my penis, showing how tough and stringy it is. (another picture posted on my thread)

Is this what a blocked lymph vessel would look and feel like? I have no experience with this…

Months… oh shit… When yours went away, did the elasticity come back fully? Like you couldn’t even find it anymore?

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Originally Posted by wowmaker
Dr. Capernicus,
Does it make sense that it’s kind of rough on the surface? Like a rough line going down the underside of my penis. I posted some more pics in my scar injury thread, [wowmaker - Scar line developed on underside of penis—what to do?] , you can see how on the line where it is, the skin is rougher. That’s why I thought it was a scar.

I can put my fingers underneath it, and feel it in the skin over my fingers—its kind of like a rope in the skin.
And I can also press down on the top and bottom of it, with my thumbs, and it will kind of indent into the softer flesh of my penis, showing how tough and stringy it is. (another picture posted on my thread)

Is this what a blocked lymph vessel would look and feel like? I have no experience with this…

Months… oh shit… When yours went away, did the elasticity come back fully? Like you couldn’t even find it anymore?

When it went it completely went, like I couldn’t find it.

Are you sure it isn’t just the seam that runs over the centre of your nuts and up the underside of your shaft ?
Everyone has it to some extent, perhaps stretching the skin has made it more obvious ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1
When it went it completely went, like I couldn’t find it.

That must have been an awesome day…

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Are you sure it isn’t just the seam that runs over the centre of your nuts and up the underside of your shaft ?
Everyone has it to some extent, perhaps stretching the skin has made it more obvious ?

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s not that, or a raphe. But it’s an interesting thought that stretching the skin has made it “come out”, or something like that. It’s off-center though, not in the middle like the nut-seam is.
I’ve tried to mark the nut-seam and the scar/lymph vessel in these pics:
[marked pics of ball-seam and “scar-line”]
Now I’m wondering why you might have thought it’s something else besides a lymph vessel? Were some of the properties I was describing/showing different than what you experienced?

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Originally Posted by wowmaker
That must have been an awesome day…

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s not that, or a raphe. But it’s an interesting thought that stretching the skin has made it “come out”, or something like that. It’s off-center though, not in the middle like the nut-seam is.
I’ve tried to mark the nut-seam and the scar/lymph vessel in these pics:
[marked pics of ball-seam and “scar-line”]
Now I’m wondering why you might have thought it’s something else besides a lymph vessel? Were some of the properties I was describing/showing different than what you experienced?

Only the lack of small beads or lumps.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Only the lack of small beads or lumps.

For the most part it’s just line, but down towards the base in particular there are some places where it almost looks/feels like a branching point, and there I can sort of feel a bump or it’s slightly raised. So maybe…
I’ll try to take some more pics to describe what I mean, but maybe it’s best to continue this off of this thread. I’ll PM you in a day or two if that’s OK? I’ll probably also post something on the lymph vessel thread that you mentioned.

But if I understand correctly, a blocked lymph vessel has all of these features I mentioned:
* It’s like a string in the skin of the penis.
* It has less elasticity than the rest of the penis. It stands out that way— you can push down on it like I did with my thumbs and it will “indent” into the penis, as I showed in my pics.
* It is lighter in color than the surrounding skin, so it can look like scar line.
* It can feel rougher on the surface of the penis along the line of the vessel/scar.
* It runs lengthwise down the shaft of the penis.
* It can pull on the penis when you get an erection and you pull on the skin, like if I pull my balls down and I have an erection, I will feel it pulling down on my penis and kind of bending it down.
* You can kind of dig your fingers under it by putting your fingers under the skin of the penis, and then you will feel it like a string in the skin above your fingers.

Is there any of the above features that a blocked lymph vessel wouldn’t have?

I thought that I got this scar/blocked vessel thing by wrapping too tightly with theraband. When I would take the wrap off I would notice a “crease” where the scar-line now is. I thought the combination of repeatedly creasing the skin there and stretching the skin by hanging would do enough damage to that local area that it would make a linear scar there. Just pursuing all options now.

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Where to buy DMSO 70% and POTABA in Europe?

I need both to treat penis after priapism induced by chemical PE efforts of regular PGE-1 injections.

The ones selling on Amazon are available to US customers only.

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches

I did it. Finished this entire thread. Took multiple days, a little over an hour a day.

I feel like this thread is more important than some members of this site have made it out to be.

I wish I knew about iodine + dmso before I started PEing in 2004.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
I feel like this thread is more important than some members of this site have made it out to be.

How so?

Originally Posted by MHedberg
I wish I knew about iodine + dmso before I started PEing in 2004.

How has iodine+DMSO helped you?

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

I’ve got, what I believe to be some scar tissue on the upper right part of the shaft which is causing me to curve slightly downward and to the left when becoming erect. It does correct itself though, and I have a normal erection. This happened fairly recently. So I have an injury, but I still get a non-curved normal erection.

When this happened obviously it was stressing me out. Finding this thread has given me some confidence that the problem can indeed be solved. I’m grateful that this website exists, and I plan on giving a small donation in the future.

I feel like if I knew about iodine and dmso from the beginning, this would have never happened. I’m also fairly confident that iodine and dmso can be useful for gains for some; even though I don’t believe any were reported in this thread.
Also, the chem part of PE is one of the parts that I neglected and I now think that supplementation will be beneficial to future growth for myself. I’ve learned some about chem from this thread.

Last edited by MHedberg : 10-04-2019 at .

I wonder if anybody has tried this with Lugol’s 5% solution? I already have a bottle, so I could try that, but theoretically it should be like 10 times stronger than Nascent iodine. One drop of Nascent iodine has 0.2mg of Iodine, while one drop of Lugol’s 5% contains 2.5mg of Iodine. It is almost 12 times more concentrated, not to mention that it also contains Potassium Iodide.

Ok. So I would like to tell all of you that the combo of iodine and DMSO works. I have done PE off and on for about 10 years. I injured myself towards the end of the summer clamping too long while watching porn. I was probably clamped for about 25 mins+. I literally was so much into the porn that I forgot I was clamped. My penis had gotten very very dark and I’m a black male. I had an addiction to porn almost all my life on and off.( I would have breaks where I would quit for months and then fall back into porn addiction. ) My penis didn’t inflate like it used to on left side. After the injury I started jogging and I kinda got back to normal. Then I masturbated a few times and I injured myself again. Not because I was clamped but because the masturbation doesn’t allow your penis to heal.

So I ordered some dmso and Lugols 2% iodine.

The iodine came first so I painted my entire penis with the iodine. Within 2 days I started noticing more engorgement. I would do this only once a day. Then the dmso came and then I would apply some iodine and some dmso. Still no PE involved and NO masturbation. ( I have about 2 months without masturbation ) Masturbation really hinders healing and growth !! This is a fact. DON’T DO IT. If you must orgasm get a girlfriend or a pocket vagina.

Now here is the interesting part. I actually dropped the whole bottle of DMSO after 3 days of using it. So I was only applying the Lugols iodine once a day for the last 3 weeks. What an improvement ! More girth , hang , and sensitivity. I then incorporated mild jelqing (first I started with 50 jelqs. Then after a few days 75 jelqs 1 day on 2 off) then I added the Bathmate very lightly for only 3-4 minutes only 1 set. 1 day on 2 off. I would then apply the lugols after PE session. Lugols only applied everyday once a day. Just paint the penis and scrotum. I also started going to the gym (weight lifting) and doing a mile to a mile and a half of cardio.

I just got a new bottle of dmso and I mixed the lugols with dmso in a amber glass bottle. I apply with the glass dropper.

So to sum it all up, this stuff works for scar tissue in the penis. If you have any injuries from PE I highly recommend either the lugols 2% by itself or dmso with Lugols. Go for the mixture to get the iodine deeper in the scar tissue. And do not masturbate. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me. This has literally jump started my penis health with girth gains, morning woods , hang , sensitivity, sexdrive , etc.

Originally Posted by Jaay3000

Ok. So I would like to tell all of you that the combo of iodine and DMSO works. I have done PE off and on for about 10 years. I injured myself towards the end of the summer clamping too long while watching porn. I was probably clamped for about 25 mins+. I literally was so much into the porn that I forgot I was clamped. My penis had gotten very very dark and I’m a black male. I had an addiction to porn almost all my life on and off.( I would have breaks where I would quit for months and then fall back into porn addiction. ) My penis didn’t inflate like it used to on left side. After the injury I started jogging and I kinda got back to normal. Then I masturbated a few times and I injured myself again. Not because I was clamped but because the masturbation doesn’t allow your penis to heal.

So I ordered some dmso and Lugols 2% iodine.

The iodine came first so I painted my entire penis with the iodine. Within 2 days I started noticing more engorgement. I would do this only once a day. Then the dmso came and then I would apply some iodine and some dmso. Still no PE involved and NO masturbation. ( I have about 2 months without masturbation ) Masturbation really hinders healing and growth !! This is a fact. DON’T DO IT. If you must orgasm get a girlfriend or a pocket vagina.

Now here is the interesting part. I actually dropped the whole bottle of DMSO after 3 days of using it. So I was only applying the Lugols iodine once a day for the last 3 weeks. What an improvement ! More girth , hang , and sensitivity. I then incorporated mild jelqing (first I started with 50 jelqs. Then after a few days 75 jelqs 1 day on 2 off) then I added the Bathmate very lightly for only 3-4 minutes only 1 set. 1 day on 2 off. I would then apply the lugols after PE session. Lugols only applied everyday once a day. Just paint the penis and scrotum. I also started going to the gym (weight lifting) and doing a mile to a mile and a half of cardio.

I just got a new bottle of dmso and I mixed the lugols with dmso in a amber glass bottle. I apply with the glass dropper.

So to sum it all up, this stuff works for scar tissue in the penis. If you have any injuries from PE I highly recommend either the lugols 2% by itself or dmso with Lugols. Go for the mixture to get the iodine deeper in the scar tissue. And do not masturbate. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me. This has literally jump started my penis health with girth gains, morning woods , hang , sensitivity, sexdrive , etc.

So you grew from Lugols? Doesn’t that sound kind of “too good to be true”?

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches

May sound too good to be true but it is. I don’t know if it is a boost in testosterone because of the iodine or if its because of the healing factors of the iodine on my injury. I’m using the DMSO mixture again since I ordered a new bottle after the first one fell and actually I’m getting negative PI’s so I may switch back to only Lugols. I’ve had more positive PI’s when I just painted my penis with the iodine alone. The mixture has made me lose some girth and bloodflow. Not sure if it’s temporary because I never did more than 3 treatments with the mixture in the past. And this time I’m on my second treatment and I don’t like the negative PI’s. I used Lugols ONLY for 3 weeks strait with only positive PI’s in the past so I think I’m gonna revert back to only iodine. And don’t forget that I added mild PE exercises also. The reason I know it is the Lugols because I tried mild PE exercises after a waiting period after injury and I didnt get any progress. But once I added the iodine painting I only received positive results.


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