Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Firm flaccid penis

Originally Posted by willy wonka
Aswell as resting it completely for a month I haven’t touched the shaft of my penis during masturbation in 17 months. When I need to masturbate, and we all need to masturbate at some point whether we have a knackered penis or not, I stimulate the glans gently once a week at most.

So I’ve effectively been resting my penis for 17months and it’s made zero difference.

Dude an injury that you have had ( and possibly been making worse ) for over a year does not just heal in 4 weeks of rest. It could take months. One thing is for sure, masturbating does not help and you don’t NEED to do it, especially when your unit is trying to recover !

You have not been resting it for 17 months man, ejaculation resets the process - especially if your problem is linked with the prostate/pc muscles.

Mine is GRADUALLY getting better, at times it goes completely relaxed like it was before all this I.e standing around, sitting down and contracting the BC muscles
But at times ( usually after urination, weight training the leg muscles ) it goes really hard & flaccid. There must be some correlation with this.

Originally Posted by BMashina
I agree that nothing we can do will heal this.

I have had this for about a year and a half now and I have tryed many things, and I mean many things.

Matutinal, while what you describe is just like our FF, you probably just have an overworked penis that needs rest.

We have an injured penis and something is WRONG and no supplement or rice sack is going to heal it im afraid.

The Viagra is great guys, I have my way through six tablets now, about 50mg is good for me. I have had sex on it, morning wood, good erections that require no physical stimulation, and they LAST. I wonder if the huge increase of blood to my penis will help with healing, unfortunatly my diet and health habits are terrible right now so that isn’t helping. I can say I have recovered some size that was lost from the FF condition. While it isn’t a solution, I can live a normal life. I just keep a little container with a couple 50mg dosages of viagra and some Ibprofen on me at all times.

The Ibprofen is great for muscle inflamation, because sometimes I will be semi-erect to erect for long amounts of time from the viagra and the my penis feels inflammed. The Ibprofen takes care of it.


No offence, but doom-mongering doesn’t help yourself or people in this thread so try and stay positive yeah?

Originally Posted by bulldoggrowth

This is a tough situation. I am wondering if you have considered getting a penile implant. I know it is not what a lot of us want to hear right now, but I think an inflatable penile implant may bring some happiness to some here. It is true that natural erections will never exist again if you are to get the inflatable implant, but at this point, I think the benefits outweigh the costs. I am going to wait several more months and pray for recovery and do anything I can. My worst symptom currently is that after I ejaculate, my penis literally feels hollow. I can lift it up and it feels about as light as a feather for the next several days after ejaculation. I have a beautiful girl friend now, so at least I have not completely let this cut off my social ties. However, my performance in school and work has suffered tremendously.

I have my Doppler Ultrasound with Dr. Levine in Chicago, Illinois in late December. I wish I could have gotten this test done last January/February when the problem began, but I can only look forward now.

I have purchased “A Headache in the Pelvis” and am trying to get on a routine. I feel that if I attack the problem from many different directions, then just maybe I’ll get lucky.

Best of luck to everyone.

Absolutely not, mate.

As horrendous as things are right now they would have to get a lot worse (like not being able to achieve any kind of erection at all) before I contemplate having the corpus cavernosum of my penis gutted and replaced with plastic tubes.

Originally Posted by biff7686

Out of everyone on the forums your problems are probably the most similar to mine in terms of the loss of sensation in the penis and scrotum. Now you say you have rested your penis, but you really haven’t since you still do masturbate once a week. Ejaculation really does stress the entire pelvic area and can lead to the symptoms remaining, even if it is just once a week. I notice for myself whenever I get an erection my firm flaccid gets worse after it subsides. There was a member here by the name of ghost24 that claimed he healed from his firm flaccid, but he completely rested his penis for over a year. This meant no ejaculation and I believe he even restrained from getting erections. You might be right that rest might not help alleviate our symptoms, but I think at this point it is the best chance we got.

My personal belief on this whole issue is the pelvic muscles in our perineum are so freaking tense that they have entrapped the pudendal nerve. And that the only way to relax them is to not put any strain on these muscles for a long period of time. I also do think botox might be a possible treatment to help relax the muscles. Deep heated ultrasound is another possibility I’m looking into.

You might have mentioned this before and even answered me and if you do I apologize but I am wondering if you have any looseness at the base of your penis?

In it’s flaccid state? Yes. When it isn’t in a firm flaccid state I can twist my penis all the way round to the right so that the urethral opening is facing me. I could never do that before but it may have something to do with not being as engorged with blood when it’s flaccid like it used to be. It also bends to the right more than it did.

In it’s erect state? No. It stands the way it used to and I cannot push it down far or twist it in any way.

As for your second paragraph, I asked the urologist I’m seeing about the possibility of straining the pelvic floor muscles or perenial muscles by doing this jelqing and he asked me how I could’ve possibly done that? I couldn’t answer. So could someone else answer? How can pulling your penis for a minute have chronically tensed your PFM’s? And why wouldn’t such a thing not happen with masturbation etc?

Originally Posted by willy wonka
In it’s flaccid state? Yes. When it isn’t in a firm flaccid state I can twist my penis all the way round to the right so that the urethral opening is facing me. I could never do that before but it may have something to do with not being as engorged with blood when it’s flaccid like it used to be. It also bends to the right more than it did.

In it’s erect state? No. It stands the way it used to and I cannot push it down far or twist it in any way.

As for your second paragraph, I asked the urologist I’m seeing about the possibility of straining the pelvic floor muscles or perenial muscles by doing this jelqing and he asked me how I could’ve possibly done that? I couldn’t answer. So could someone else answer? How can pulling your penis for a minute have chronically tensed your PFM’s? And why wouldn’t such a thing not happen with masturbation etc?

I’m thinking that by jelqing you might have irritated a nerve in the corpus spongiosum that caused the pelvic floor muscles to retract. I base this on my injury to the corpus spongiosum that left it damaged and caused my firm flaccid when I wore tight underwear. Jelqing can put a lot of pressure on the spongiosum and there are nerves there that can caused the pelvic muscles to retract if irritated.

Originally Posted by willy wonka
No offence, but doom-mongering doesn’t help yourself or people in this thread so try and stay positive yeah?

Exactly what I was thinking. I understand we need to be realistic, but constant pecimism isn’t going to help.
For now I think the best thing to do is rest. It’s been working for me anyway.

Register and Read at this forum:

It’s full of people with our problem, sexual exhaustion.

Just a few quotes from that forum.
“A complete sexual rest is necessary in all cases, whether of prematurity, sexual neurasthenia or complete impotence. There should be no at-tempt at indulgence of any kind. This rest should last from two or three months to a year or two. ”

“Another myth I have heard is to drop your ejculation frequency to once a week this is Dr Lins way of making people wait longer for recovery and order more products. You SHOULD NOT EJACULATE UNTIL YOU HAVE A SUPER HARD SPONTANOUS ERECTION THEN ONCE YOU KICK START YOU HAVE TO HAVE GREAT SELF CONTROL AND KEEP A HEALTH EJACULATION FREQUENCY.”

“If the semen is very watery, penis is inflammed with urinating problems of any kind, being not able to hold erection and being unable to get any spontaneous erection does all mean that forcing sexual practices or masturbation might cause even greater damage to the system.”

“Abstinence or ejaculation/sex/masturbation regulation creates the basis for all healing and energy cultivation. After that, we can start working on different methods, foods, herbs, supplements and all that. “

” Absistance I believe is key. However the only way you can be absistant is by keeping yourself busy ALL THE TIME. “

“For me, I find some abstinence does wonders, but like so many of us here, it’s hard to continue with.”

"Yes people heal all the time once they balance there thyroid, adrenals and other issues.. All depends how long you want to take to get to the bottom of it.”

“Now, from my experience and research, to make this brief:
1. Abstain from masturbation for as long as you feel that your penis has returned to 100%. It may be a week or a month, wait that long. Don’t masturbate if it isn’t at 100%!! “

“Now things to AVOID: Avoid looking at porn and masturbating. You can use your mind to naturally get an erection, but DON’T use your hands. “

” Don’t mess with too much chemicals, you can end up worsening things. The body does the healing, not pills.”

Originally Posted by venomx
Register and Read at this forum:

It’s full of people with our problem, sexual exhaustion.

Just a few quotes from that forum.
“A complete sexual rest is necessary in all cases, whether of prematurity, sexual neurasthenia or complete impotence. There should be no at-tempt at indulgence of any kind. This rest should last from two or three months to a year or two. ”

“Another myth I have heard is to drop your ejculation frequency to once a week this is Dr Lins way of making people wait longer for recovery and order more products. You SHOULD NOT EJACULATE UNTIL YOU HAVE A SUPER HARD SPONTANOUS ERECTION THEN ONCE YOU KICK START YOU HAVE TO HAVE GREAT SELF CONTROL AND KEEP A HEALTH EJACULATION FREQUENCY.”

“If the semen is very watery, penis is inflammed with urinating problems of any kind, being not able to hold erection and being unable to get any spontaneous erection does all mean that forcing sexual practices or masturbation might cause even greater damage to the system.”

“Abstinence or ejaculation/sex/masturbation regulation creates the basis for all healing and energy cultivation. After that, we can start working on different methods, foods, herbs, supplements and all that. “

” Absistance I believe is key. However the only way you can be absistant is by keeping yourself busy ALL THE TIME. “

“For me, I find some abstinence does wonders, but like so many of us here, it’s hard to continue with.”

"Yes people heal all the time once they balance there thyroid, adrenals and other issues.. All depends how long you want to take to get to the bottom of it.”

“Now, from my experience and research, to make this brief:
1. Abstain from masturbation for as long as you feel that your penis has returned to 100%. It may be a week or a month, wait that long. Don’t masturbate if it isn’t at 100%!! “

“Now things to AVOID: Avoid looking at porn and masturbating. You can use your mind to naturally get an erection, but DON’T use your hands. “

” Don’t mess with too much chemicals, you can end up worsening things. The body does the healing, not pills.”

“Sexual Exhaustion”? Nonsense. It’s certainly nonsense for anyone who has engaged in jelqing and experienced problems.

Have you jelqed? Yes. Have you experienced problems after jelqing? Yes. Then what’s that got to do with “sexual exhaustion”.

You can believe what you like. But I know I personally have caused a trauma to my penis, albeit an incredibly mild one (one minute’s jelqing), and that has caused my problems. My job is now to at least narrow down where what that trauma is and how it’s causing my symptoms.

Originally Posted by biff7686
I’m thinking that by jelqing you might have irritated a nerve in the corpus spongiosum that caused the pelvic floor muscles to retract. I base this on my injury to the corpus spongiosum that left it damaged and caused my firm flaccid when I wore tight underwear. Jelqing can put a lot of pressure on the spongiosum and there are nerves there that can caused the pelvic muscles to retract if irritated.

Why would damage to a nerve in the chambers of your penis cause your pelvic floor to become chronically tensed? The pelvic floor muscles are not connected to the penis.
Why would sex or masturbation not cause this (the penis is designed to be “roughed up”, the job of it’s nerves are to be stimulated/aggrivated until the penis ejaculates!).
Why doesn’t jelqing cause this problem for everyone who does it? We all have nerves in our corpus spongiosum don’t we?

Last edited by willy wonka : 11-24-2010 at .

Originally Posted by willy wonka
Have you jelqed? Yes. Have you experienced problems after jelqing? Yes. Then what’s that got to do with “sexual exhaustion”.

No I had never jelqed. I got the injury after months of exessive masturbation, which then lead to excessive porn viewing to convince myself I could still perform.
We have overworked our units, and it needs rest. You can critisize my theory all you like, but until you can prove any other method of working - I will continue to abstain from sexual activity.

Originally Posted by venomx
No I had never jelqed. I got the injury after months of exessive masturbation, which then lead to excessive porn viewing to convince myself I could still perform.
We have overworked our units, and it needs rest. You can critisize my theory all you like, but until you can prove any other method of working - I will continue to abstain from sexual activity.

Fair enough.

To me, these “sexual exhaustion” websites come from the same stock as those “excessive masturbation can stint your growth” type websites.

Imo, you appear to have injured your penis in much the same way I have injured mine only you’ve done it whilst masturbating. I don’t think “exhaustion” comes into it (unless you’ve been masturbating every hour for month!!).

There’s a common link somewhere but it certainly isn’t how much porn we watch or how many time we ask our penises to do the job it’s designed to do (ejaculate). Does your heart need a rest from beating, do your lungs get exhausted from all the breathing, do your fingers need a month off after all the typing etc etc.

Originally Posted by venomx
Register and Read at this forum:

I’ve just had a look at that website and it’s full of impressionable people and a load of nonsense imo.

Some people don’t even appear to know what their problem is. One person’s talking about muscle loss in his legs. Another’s talking about hair loss. Another’s memory is poor. Someone on there is actually trying to heal the perfectly normal process of “pre-cum”. Sigh, the internet at it’s worst.

Here’s a classic post.

“My Penis is cold to the touch”
“Oh you have poor blood supply.”
“Yes, poor bloody supply and nutrition deficiences and hormonal imbalances”

LOL.That’s that sorted then!

Another thread has someone being told his acne is because of “sexual exhuastion”. So unfair, so irresponsible.

It’s a forum full of neurosis and shysters and I’d advise you to stay away from it, Venom, but each to their own. If you look at it long enough I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone blaming the smell of their poop on “sexual exhaustion”!

Originally Posted by willy wonka
Why would damage to a nerve in the chambers of your penis cause your pelvic floor to become chronically tensed? The pelvic floor muscles are not connected to the penis.
Why would sex or masturbation not cause this (the penis is designed to be “roughed up”, the job of it’s nerves are to be stimulated/aggrivated until the penis ejaculates!).
Why doesn’t jelqing cause this problem for everyone who does it? We all have nerves in our corpus spongiosum don’t we?

The pelvic floor muscles are connected to the penis and have nerves that are connected to the organ. If there is an injury to the penis then the penile nerves can contract the surrounding muscles as a reflex action. It just seems in cases of people with prolonged firm flaccid that the nerves are constantly causing the muscles to be tense due to the original irritation. I have no idea why this occurs though.

As to why jelqing doesn’t cause this issue for everyone it could be to differences in anatomical structures between individuals. It is possible that an individual like yourself might have had a nerve located more superficial in the corpus spongiosum. Thus when you attempted jelqing you might have had a predisposition to having an injury by applying too much pressure. Also, regular sex and masturbation doesn’t nearly cause as much direct pressure to the spongiosum as jelqing does so these activities would be less likely to cause nerve irritation to the spongiosum.

Originally Posted by venomx
No I had never jelqed. I got the injury after months of exessive masturbation, which then lead to excessive porn viewing to convince myself I could still perform.
We have overworked our units, and it needs rest. You can critisize my theory all you like, but until you can prove any other method of working - I will continue to abstain from sexual activity.

I don’t agree with the sexual exhaustion theory. But I do agree that rest is necessary because we have an injury.

Originally Posted by biff7686
The pelvic floor muscles are connected to the penis and have nerves that are connected to the organ. If there is an injury to the penis then the penile nerves can contract the surrounding muscles as a reflex action. It just seems in cases of people with prolonged firm flaccid that the nerves are constantly causing the muscles to be tense due to the original irritation. I have no idea why this occurs though.

As to why jelqing doesn’t cause this issue for everyone it could be to differences in anatomical structures between individuals. It is possible that an individual like yourself might have had a nerve located more superficial in the corpus spongiosum. Thus when you attempted jelqing you might have had a predisposition to having an injury by applying too much pressure. Also, regular sex and masturbation doesn’t nearly cause as much direct pressure to the spongiosum as jelqing does so these activities would be less likely to cause nerve irritation to the spongiosum.

If this is the case, why are urologists, who will have witnessed injuries to the penis before, so ignorant to such a pelvic floor reflex action?


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