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Lecithin Granules and increase load

Has anyone else here experienced an increased ejaculation load with Lecithin Granules? The original poster said the increase in volume occurred that same day, later in the evening. How could it possibly work that fast? Maybe it was urine. Lol.

Seriously, reproductive metabolism takes longer than that. The whole notion is suspect.

Any published studies anyone aware of?

I’ve wasted my money on all the other bullshit, so I figured I’d give this a try. I usually don’t try stuff unless there are a few people stating that it works, so Ima give it a shot despite my harshness against all the “peter north” bullshit supplements like Volume pills. F****ng Fraud those things are. All of them.

Results to follow.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Interested to read your results, kfarrell. Lecithin worked very well for me, along with zinc. The trick is, get the lecithin granules, as the capsules are expensive and rather worthless. 1 tablespoon of granules equals about 10 capsules. Mix 2 tablespoons of granules into your protein smoothie, oatmeal, or yogurt, and you will definitely notice bigger loads and soon.

NOW brand granules cost about 10 bucks a pound anywhere….but has a 3 pound jug for 10 bucks. FYI.

IMO lecithin, zinc, and spirulina are the only ‘enhancement’ stack most people will need. Did really great for me, not that I stopped there. I threw some tribulus (completely worthless IMO) and Maca (I love this shit!) in there too.

Once all my supplements run out, the ONLY things I plan on re-ordering are spirulina, chlorella, maca, and zinc. Huge lecithin loads are fun and all, but that’s just one more thing to take, and the supplements I just mentioned help with volume enough already. I may keep a little lecithin around just for sex marathons in the future.

Yeah I got a big tub of the lecithin granules yesterday. Figured I’ve tried every other supp there is. What’s $10 on something else that doesn’t work? Pffffttt……

Well, taking it with an open mind and we’ll see what happens.

I ordered some MACA from 1fast400 too based on the comments of people that used that brand. Even a chick commented saying it threw her sex drive into outerspace.

I think most of the supplement trade is a fraud and most of the shit doesn’t work because it’s old and lost it’s potency. I’d grow stuff like maca and the like, but up here in the northeast, nothing grows as it’s winter 9 months a year, everything is dead, including the people.

This is why 99% of the CRAP we purchase has ZERO effect. It’s DEAD

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Maca has done wonders for me and my wife. We buy the gelatinized powder because it has no starches, pricey 99.00 for a kilo but it works. I am waiting for my Swanson order to see what it does. I bought it because of the comments people have made on helping with concentration.

Here is the link. Buy Your Maca Products Here Now


Starting stats May2006 from the pubic hairline 5.6x 5.3

Oct. 2008 stats from the pubic hairline 7.0 x 6.0

8.0 bpel

Heh kfarrel, I have ordered that Maca from 1fast400, and turned Bambifox onto it so she wrote that review. Great stuff, I like it. I mainly bought it for its adaptogenic properties though, and the pumps it gives me when I take it pre-workout.

Originally Posted by javyn
NOW brand granules cost about 10 bucks a pound anywhere….but has a 3 pound jug for 10 bucks. FYI.

IMO lecithin, zinc, and spirulina are the only ‘enhancement’ stack most people will need. Did really great for me, not that I stopped there. I threw some tribulus (completely worthless IMO) and Maca (I love this shit!) in there too.

I’ve been taking the capsules (3-4 per day) and noticed a difference. However, I just ordered the lecithin granules from that site. A lot cheaper and I’d prefer the less hassle of taking it just once or twice a day. Thanks for the information.

I don’t take any additional zinc other than whats in my multivitamin and diet. I eat a lot of zinc rich foods like nuts, oysters, etc.

Keep in mind Kent, strenuous activity like weight lifting, and also blowing a load can really cause your body’s zinc reserve to take a hit. Also, the zinc form in multivitamins is zinc gluconate. Not very well absorbed by the body at all. Zinc is one of those supps I’d never give up. Optizinc (zinc aspartate) or zinc picolinate, “for the win”.

I tried 10 lecithin capsules for 2 weeks it did absolutely nothing . I took the capsules cause I had them in the house. Do you think I may have better luck with the granular lecithin ? How much should I take ? How long before I’m ejaculating bigger cum loads? Thanks

I got the granules. Been taking 2 tbsp a day for a few days, nothing though. Perhaps it would be more noticable if I didn’t unload daily. However, I’m in love with myself and can’t keep my hands out of my pants.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

I have no idea what to tell you man. Two tablespoons a day turned me into Peter North! Took hours to see the difference rather than days too. This thread inspired me to get back on my lecithin, so I’m eating a tablespoon mixed with lowfat yogurt for breakfast every morning along with an apple.

IMO lecithin and zinc are the most basic stack that all EQ regimens should revolve around.

Also, I unload once or twice a day myself, not counting sex with the gf. She’d kill me if she knew I was rubbing one off every morning while getting ready for work, since I should be saving all that for her….but I’m a firm believer in self love! Everyone should masturbate, even if they are getting laid IMO.

Gladiator: 10 capsules at 1 gram each is almost the equivalent of 2 tablespoons of granules. If you aren’t feeling it, I guess it will do nothing for you.

Too bad, this shit really does the trick for me. I left a nice omelette sized load on my gf’s face last night as a reward for her eating my ass. Lecithin does us both good.

Got my order Monday. This morning I could feel my load was a lot bigger. Wife if commented on it.

Originally Posted by Springer240
It increases ejaculate, and increased ejaculate improves my orgasm, I can’t verify this but it makes sense the more you ejaculate the better the orgasm or else it’s a placebo effect.

I agree with you and that’s why I’m taking lecithin. Bigger the load more intense the initial and subsequent smaller orgasms.

For what it’s worth, I can definitley feel the same difference when I’ve consumed lecithin in the morning.

I did some research on the NOW brand I buy and came across this:
http://www.nowf … l&item_id=13934

…not sure if it has any bearing on loads.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Originally Posted by Cock Kent
Got my order Monday. This morning I could feel my load was a lot bigger. Wife if commented on it.

I agree with you and that’s why I’m taking lecithin. Bigger the load more intense the initial and subsequent smaller orgasms.

Cock Kent:
How much have you been taking per day?
Are you taking it with food or on an empty stomach?
How’s your water intake? Do you feel you need to drink a lot of water for it to work?

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

How much have you been taking per day? javyn mentioned taking two tablespoons per day and that’s the amount I’m taking.

Are you taking it with food or on an empty stomach? Monday I had it at night then Tuesday and Wednesday midday in soup. Thursday, Friday and Saturday was holiday time with eating and a lot of alcohol consumption so I cut out all supplements t give the liver a break.

Sunday I took the 2 tablespoons n the morning with green tea on an empty stomach. Not sure I like it in the tea since it made it lumpy. I also felt nauseous for a half hour afterword but it settled down after I ate breakfast. Had it today with my breakfast protein smoothie. No problems.

How's your water intake? Do you feel you need to drink a lot of water for it to work? Dude I usually drink a lot of water anyway. I drink a gallon of water a day and that doesn’t include coffee, tea etc. Not only is water good for you I also take creatine which requires a lot of water intake.

One thing I did notice right of the bat is taking this really satiates and could help take the edge of your appetite. When I took it with soup it felt like I just had a huge meal.

Due to a business trip I’ll be off this stuff Wednesday through Sunday. When I can get a solid two-three weeks on it I’ll report back.


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