Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circumcision: What is your opinion?


Originally Posted by pumpedmember
My take on circumcision is that parents don’t want to teach their sons how to wash and maintain their uncut penis because it will be, to them, like teaching them how to “play” with themselves. I think parents are scared to teach their kids how to wash their genitals because they think they force their kids to touch their genitals, which leads to masturbation, which is embarrassing for parents to deal with. Add religion into this and its a mess: parents need to stop worrying about sex so much and teach their children how to bathe, its ok and cleaning is not a sexual act! I mean parents are afraid to tell their kids about sex and what it is, so you can imagine they definitely don’t want to teach their kids how to clean (touch) their own genitals. I’m not a parent, but I always felt like the fear, worry and shame that could be attached to parents teaching their kids about genital cleanliness leads them to just circumcise their sons.

Praise for masturbation. Masturbation is a very useful and enjoyable habit. Which helps to reduce sexual tension. It is also healthy if the sperm is drained regularly. That keeps the prostate healthy. Masturbation can be performed alone (solo masturbation) or with like-minded partners. In order to obtain sexual satisfaction, masturbants do not have to harm anyone. That means other people (children, women and men) are not endangered by masturbants. Personally, I am a proud solo masturbant who has been masturbating regularly for 67 years. I started masturbating when I was 9 years old and now I’m 75 years old. I have been studying the phenomenon of masturbation for many years. That means I have collected all the information available to me.

Masturbation is better than sex!

Aside from the medical info previously mentioned … my personal take… My penis is just fine being circumsized … like another person said it’s all I know .. and when I’m not being a complete porn addict .. still a huge issue for me… girls like it.

With that being said, I do feel like I can use a bit more skin… feels tight.

So if I were to go back… I might revert to uncircumcised or atleast less skin being taken away if that makes sense.

It may also explain anger / trauma ….

Starting NBPEL 6.8 -7.3

BPEL 7.5-7.7 (based on EQ) (2018)

Current - same. Goal NBPEL 8

Just like with female genital mutilation it is meant to remove sexual pleasure, which is why every part except the essentials needed for repdroduction is removed. Like clitoris and vaginal lips = Redundant so it can be removed. Foreskin = redundant usually and can then be removed.
The practise stems from cultures that view sex and masturbation in particular as dirty. So Jews, Muslims and in the US it comes from the victorian era where masturbation was viewed as dangerous, unhealthy and dirty.
People come up with all sorts of ideas about why to do it, but these are just excuses to excuse the fact that serious abuse, multilation of a child has taken place and when questioned you need a good answer or you look like a real psycho when questioned by someone who doesn’t support it, or you look like the tool you are if you go about your day mutilating children and were convinced it cause no harm. And since sex nowadays aren’t viewed as dirty and dangerous in general people get confused about the reason behind the practise, the right answer behind the practise isn’t a popular answer to give anymore, the real reason it is done has been forgotten, and people now just parrot stuff that excuse makers come up with. Like “it doesn’t desensitize you” when in fact 80% of all sexual stimuli on the penis is in the foreskin and furthermore the glans act as protetction to the glans to enable it to be smooth and sensitive to touch so you can experience more pleasure. Once again the purpose is to remove sexual function and pleasure, so that what it does, thats what cutting and mutilating any bodypart does. Many men are in denial about the fact that they had their will violated and their penis damaged without consent, so they stick with nonsense answers to why it is good and live in that world, they are delusional (cutting off a body part does not do nothing, it is ridicoulus to think that). And no you don’t know that you are just fine when it was done to you at birth, living circumcised is all you experienced, how can you tell your own loss. I see a few people who got circumcised later in life saying there is no difference, ok, it makes 0 sense medically speaking to remove sexual parts and not experience loss in sensation, but ok I’m not gonna argue further, what I do know is that the brain is capable of compensating for loss of bodily function by enhancing and balancing sense, touch, taste etc so that may be what happened. Still the foreskin grants an unique sexual experience which the glans or shaft can’t make up for.
Mutilation can cause deep trauma and some people affected by the violation must believe it is the right thing or that it was a good thing that happened or they experience the pain of confronting abuse by others, often their parents (which is a hard thing to come to terms with, along with a society that says your opinion doesnt matter, and no you didn’t have the idea of wanting to be circumcised as an infant - all you experience as an infant was people subjecting you to their own will cutting into your body for their own reasons. Techincially and neutrally speaking your were violated and mutilated. You may like it but thats what you were.

It is weakness to live in denial of abuse and people taking liberties with your own body, noone is truly against having own autonomy over your own body, it is a slave mentality to live like that and be passive towards forced child mutilation. I write alot about this because I see people have like a Stockholm syndrome relationship with circumcision - no the trauma is real, loss of penis function is real, you can decide to like what was done to you and approve but thats comes with reasoning. If you are somehow okey with people taking liberties with your sexuality, you can be weird like that, but please don’t carry on the tradition. Leave others bodies be.

Like with all cultural things, if something is not viewed in negative, people will do it without needing real reasons why, they want social validation of doing common things, the cool, hip things or so they think. This culture is changing however and circumcision is becoming viewed as something negative, but not soon enough for myself unfortunatly and many others.

For all you guys wanting their foreskins back I want to point towards the site “foregen”. They are devoloping foreskin regeneration, so you can grow your own back with the help of a donor foreskin. The science isnt there just yet and they run on funding so it may take a few years. But eventually genital mutilation will no longer be irreverisible.

No circumcision

There are no arguments for circumcision without a medical indication.

1 and 2 With appropriate hygiene, these claims can not be upheld.

Hygiene means washing the penis in the morning, in the evening and after use with the foreskin retracted.

3 There’s no arguing about looks. I like uncircumcised penises much better. In addition, the foreskin is intended to protect the sensitive glans. This is so provided by nature and therefore certainly not wrong. A long foreskin has the advantage that it is great for masturbating. Because you always have a vulva, so to speak. The circumcision in different religions was ultimately made for hygienic reasons and then religiously transfigured over the years. The religions prescribing this are all originated in areas where water shortage was. Religions that have arisen in other areas without water shortage require no circumcision. The prudish US Americans originally introduced circumcision to curb masturbation. This does not work as we know. But out of ignorance, the circumcision was continued. Luckily, this calamity also subsides in the USA.

Masturbation is better than sex!

“Male circumcision has been demonstrated effective in reducing risk for HIV infection in three separate trials from South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda. Global expansion of STI treatment and male circumcision programs is a vital tool for control of HIV infection; current research priorities are presented.”

The Future of HIV Prevention: STI control and Circumcision Interventions - PMC

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I got a question why is so common in USA this practice? Apart from that study, what is the point? Why dont let decide the kid when he is adult what to do?

Originally Posted by 32quarters
“Male circumcision has been demonstrated effective in reducing risk for HIV infection in three separate trials from South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda. Global expansion of STI treatment and male circumcision programs is a vital tool for control of HIV infection; current research priorities are presented.”

The Future of HIV Prevention: STI control and Circumcision Interventions - PMC

Unfortunately, WHO was hoodwinked by rigged studies Circumcision and HIV.

We now know circumcision is of no value to thwart HIV.

- In Zambia Voluntary medical male circumcision and HIV in Zambia: expectations and observations - PubMed
- In Canada Circumcision and Risk of HIV among Males from Ontario, Canada - PubMed
- In Denmark Non-therapeutic male circumcision in infancy or childhood and risk of human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted infections: national cohort study in Denmark - PubMed
- In Lesotho Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho - PubMed
- And South Africa HIV rates among circumcised men in South Africa higher than expected | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

These are HUGE recent studies with millions of person-years of data, dwarfing the prior reports.

So no need to give up the best part!

So I was cut at birth (which is already uncool) but I never knew otherwise. When I started my foreskin restoration journey it was very empowering and transformational on a physical sexual and spiritual level for me. I feel more whole and self accepting. Masturbation and sex feels better even though I am only partially restored. My dick now gets coverage even when it is not cold and it feels overall better from me. I would only recommend getting you dick cut if it were for medically necessary purposes. Pressures of society which is the main reason should never be enough. It is a personal decision that only you can make for yourself. Do not make that decision for anyone else. Parents should never have autonomy over surgical mutilation of their child’s genitals whether for societal cultural or religious reasons because oneve it is gone it is gone and no amount of restoration can reverse that damage. Just my opinion though

Just want to be happily me. ;)

Start: BPEL 6.3" EG 5.1"

Now: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.7" Goal: MORE

Originally Posted by fdersby8
I got a question why is so common in USA this practice? Apart from that study, what is the point? Why dont let decide the kid when he is adult what to do?

Kellogg. The owner of Kellogg cereal was a pseudo dr that encouraged circumcision to curbe Dual deviancy and masturbation. It caught on partially due to Americas fanatically literal use of religion for thing that should be science based and has been standard ever since. Since it was standardized it became cultural or societal and now a natural dick is considered ugly or disgusting by many Americans despite that being the natural and beautiful standard.

Originally Posted by fdersby8
I got a question why is so common in USA this practice? Apart from that study, what is the point? Why dont let decide the kid when he is adult what to do?

In the late 1800s it became popular in Europe and America as part of modern preventive healthcare.

Studies and papers linked the foreskin to all sorts of maladies, from stinky dick to epilepsy, which shows that “medical science” back then was no more whack-a-doodle than it is today. Anyway, medical associations and hospitals pushed circumcision as a net health benefit. And, of course, it was a billable procedure, so there was a profit motive as well.

Depending on whose figures you use, circumcision went from “common” to “the norm” in the USA right after WWII. I suspect this was more due to changes in the medical industry than any change in ideas about health. By the late 1950s it was almost universal.

So the interesting question is, “why is the procedure fading in popularity now?”

As far as “mutilation” goes, it’s trivial compared to binding female infants’ feet to deform them so they can’t walk, clamping boards to their heads to reshape their skulls, gluing beads to their noses so they become cross-eyed, or castrating the males, all thought to be things that would improve the child’s status later in life.

Here in England circumcision was very much a ‘class’ thing in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods. The upper classes generally circumcised, and by the 1920s it was even becoming common amongst those aspiring to be middle class (‘Class’ was close to an obsession in England!).

After WW2 it steadily reversed to the point where by the 1960s it was still common practice amongst the upper classes, but rare amongst the middle and working classes.

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