Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lap dancer has given me some sort of awakening. Whats going on?

Lap dancer has given me some sort of awakening. Whats going on?

Hi Thunders,

After a toxic work environment and a fair amount of time off (depression) I decided to attend an adult club to take my mind off things. I had a great dance with a woman and it both took my mind off things and made me feel better, read less depressed. I enjoyed the experience so much that a few weeks later I returned however the original woman was not there and I had a dance with another woman. Well, I thought the first one blew my mind. This one was sensational.

She kept telling me how wet I was making her and at one point said, Who are you? As if to say, how are you doing this to me. I said to myself, yeah right, Im (sorry about the punctuation, my keyboard is broken on the quote key) paying you and thats great that you are giving such a good show and left it at that.

A few weeks on I went again. I found the second Woman and we had our 2nd dance. Again she was saying how wet I was making her, so I called her on it. I said, Thats really nice but your joking. She said that she wasn’t joking and spun around to show me a very erect bit of female anatomy. She then drew a string of juice with her fingers and said, I cant fake that. I then asked her if she was turned on by me being turned on to which she replied. Your easy, your so sexual and you not a creep. Some guys I really have to work on with the moans. Yep, cant argue with that and I went home with a sense that yeah, I can still turn a woman on.

Third dance, she had her period and wasn’t that into it and it was fine and still a nice dance.

Fourth dance. She says, I just love the way you touch me. Even when you are just giving me a shoulder massage. She then got a little what I called rough. I told her that she seemed to like it a bit rougher than my usual delicate touch. She corrected me to say not rough, passionate. I agreed that this was indeed a better term. The dance continued and I let my self go and my passion come out. For the next 10 mins we were both raw. After we had finished I now understood what she was talking about regarding passion. Never mind turning it up to 11. I would say this was up to 14+ over the previous experience. And after we left the room she bought me a drink. I thanked her for what I described as almost therapy and how much it had helped my self confidence and taught me so much.

Now for the crazy awakening.

The following week I noticed that I defiantly had a greater respect and appreciation for women. Then the awakening started. I would see and attractive woman, not just psychically attractive, and I would get this rush of energy to my chest that then moved down to my groin. I dont know how else to describe it. Last night I was about to go to bed and was thinking about her and I got a rush of energy and warmth to my groin. I though, what has she done to me? It has continued today. I just feel so lucky.

Any one know whats going on with me?



Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Hi Thunders,

After a toxic work environment and a fair amount of time off (depression) I decided to attend an adult club to take my mind off things. I had a great dance with a woman and it both took my mind off things and made me feel better, read less depressed. I enjoyed the experience so much that a few weeks later I returned however the original woman was not there and I had a dance with another woman. Well, I thought the first one blew my mind. This one was sensational.

She kept telling me how wet I was making her and at one point said, Who are you? As if to say, how are you doing this to me. I said to myself, yeah right, Im (sorry about the punctuation, my keyboard is broken on the quote key) paying you and thats great that you are giving such a good show and left it at that.

A few weeks on I went again. I found the second Woman and we had our 2nd dance. Again she was saying how wet I was making her, so I called her on it. I said, Thats really nice but your joking. She said that she wasn’t joking and spun around to show me a very erect bit of female anatomy. She then drew a string of juice with her fingers and said, I cant fake that. I then asked her if she was turned on by me being turned on to which she replied. Your easy, your so sexual and you not a creep. Some guys I really have to work on with the moans. Yep, cant argue with that and I went home with a sense that yeah, I can still turn a woman on.

Third dance, she had her period and wasn’t that into it and it was fine and still a nice dance.

Fourth dance. She says, I just love the way you touch me. Even when you are just giving me a shoulder massage. She then got a little what I called rough. I told her that she seemed to like it a bit rougher than my usual delicate touch. She corrected me to say not rough, passionate. I agreed that this was indeed a better term. The dance continued and I let my self go and my passion come out. For the next 10 mins we were both raw. After we had finished I now understood what she was talking about regarding passion. Never mind turning it up to 11. I would say this was up to 14+ over the previous experience. And after we left the room she bought me a drink. I thanked her for what I described as almost therapy and how much it had helped my self confidence and taught me so much.

Now for the crazy awakening.

The following week I noticed that I defiantly had a greater respect and appreciation for women. Then the awakening started. I would see and attractive woman, not just psychically attractive, and I would get this rush of energy to my chest that then moved down to my groin. I dont know how else to describe it. Last night I was about to go to bed and was thinking about her and I got a rush of energy and warmth to my groin. I though, what has she done to me? It has continued today. I just feel so lucky.

Any one know whats going on with me?



Great story man.Its amazing how good a hot looking lady that pays special attention to you can make you feel.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Rush of energy from chest to groin is indeed beautiful. But here most of the studies are centred around the groin and adjoining region.

It’s called testosterone boost.

Happy for you. Know exactly what you are telling us, because a beautiful woman once did the same for me. Never have written about it because the incident was wonderful, yet also embarrassing. Just getting ready to leave right now for two sex filled days with a beautiful woman. But when I return, then will relate my experience to you and my other Thunder’sPlace brothers. So later.

Originally Posted by magicwand9
Happy for you. Know exactly what you are telling us, because a beautiful woman once did the same for me. Never have written about it because the incident was wonderful, yet also embarrassing. Just getting ready to leave right now for two sex filled days with a beautiful woman. But when I return, then will relate my experience to you and my other Thunder’sPlace brothers. So later.

Would love to hear the story.

I’m going to Google Chakras. I think this may have something to do with it.

It seems it is the second Chakra that is unblocking or overactive. Maybe someone what is into sexual kung fu might be able to advise what’s going on?


Hey Shaunbaby,

An initial energy awakening is an exciting time.

The energy can follow almost electromagnetic principles and your experience might be a response to her energy running through her open chakras (in other words, maybe she regularly cultivates this energy through yoga or tantra or some spiritual practice). During sex or passionate intimacy, the energy can flow between people. Or it could be a karmic awakening within you - i.e. this experience has unlocked some deep understanding in you, partly conscious partly subconscious that changed the way your energy flows and reacts to passion. The energy rushes you’re experiencing may not be permanent, but the opening is (you will continue to have the capacity for these flows and they may continue to happen at unexpected times for the rest of your life). I once got a similar energetically awakening foot rub from a yogini girl who was married with a newborn child. If you are a religious or spiritually active person or have light karmic burdens (so to speak), it can prime the pathways for these energies and make you more open to them, a possible reason that you experienced this while other men did not.

If you want to cultivate more of these feelings on your own or gain a deeper understanding of what’s happening, the best free source I know of on these topics is - a collection of lessons by an anonymous yogi that previously studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yoga - and which serves as a broad expansion upon the Transcendental Meditation lessons. Another good source, although a little more scattered, far out, and somewhat mythically or mystically outdated - is Mantak Chia who has westernized a lot of Taoist energy concepts. And finally, Jack Johnston’s I would put in a distant 3rd as a singular specific, powerful, yet overpriced practice.

You could also ask to see this girl casually outside the strip club and continue to explore these sensations with her. If she is a yogini, that would likely open up energy pathways much faster than doing yoga practices on your own. If you do both, it could lead to opening all the chakras and many pathways around the whole body. Could lead to some profound life changes in the way your subconscious energy flows, and many more of these subtle internal knowledge awakenings (like the passion vs roughness one) that deeply influence your life, behaviors, and habits.

Enjoy the newfound good energy!


Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Thanks BD,

I was hoping you would reply. I’ve read your response and I will re read and digest before responding.

She works near where is live, she let that slip. And she also told menher real name. Next time I see her I’ll ask her about her yoga practices as per above.

I’ve kind of been into this sort of stuff but never got any reaction until now.

I’ll ask her the same question she asked me in the first dance. Who are you?


Thanks BD,

Lots of information on In any case the journey has begun with the first step.

I plan to she her on Friday so I will let you know how it goes.

I am amazed that what is normally a taboo activity has had such a profoundly positive effect on my well being.


I think that your initial cautious pose was a good & healthy one. Strippers, dancers, and the like are there to do a job, and the best of them do a job that seamlessly blends fantasy with reality. Go and have fun, enjoy yourself, but protect yourself, as well.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Originally Posted by Don Logan
I think that your initial cautious pose was a good & healthy one. Strippers, dancers, and the like are there to do a job, and the best of them do a job that seamlessly blends fantasy with reality. Go and have fun, enjoy yourself, but protect yourself, as well.


She is really good at what she does. And she has been really good at helping and growing me. It’s funny the things you find in unexpected places. I would have never guessed this would have happened.


She freed me from 15 years in prison

Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Then the awakening started. I would see an attractive woman, not just physically attractive, and I would get this rush of energy to my chest that then moved down to my groin. I don’t know how else to describe it. Last night I was about to go to bed and was thinking about her and I got a rush of energy and warmth to my groin.

Don’t know if it can be described as mystical, but I definitely experienced the awesome power of one very attractive woman. She freed me from a self imposed fifteen year prison that had nearly killed my sexuality.

After my wife’s death, I locked away my sexuality. Told others that it was in order to dedicate myself to raising our three young sons, and then later to concentrate on my job as the way to ensure funding for their college educations. Some of that was true, but there were other reasons that I locked deep inside. Regardless of the reason, was very successful. Celibate for nearly fifteen years, my body even stopped having an occasional wet dream after the first few years.

Decided to retire early after my younger brother died from a heart attack, and then older brother was diagnosed as having brain tumors. My company asked for a two year notice, so gave it immediately. And as that clock ticked down, got to thinking about just how lonely retirement might be. Not much fun to do things alone, and I remembered how filled life was when my wife was still with me. But unfortunately, my sexuality was dead. My flaccid penis had shrunk (was always a shower, but now much smaller), and I was unable to have an erection.

A very attractive woman vendor had visited my company several times. Her company had contracted with mine to set up a new ‘Health and Wellness’ program for us. Her visits were to explain to our employees the various features of that program. I typically arrived at work around 6 am in order to get a few things done before the phone started ringing. Had just started up my computer and sat at my desk with the first cup of coffee for the day when there was a knock at my open office door. She asked if I could answer a few questions. Then came it and sat down. A gorgeous woman. About 5’ 8”, forty-five or so, very pretty face, blond with pony tail, tight black slacks over shapely legs, open toed shoes, and a sheer white blouse over a white bra that strained to hold an incredible rack that adorned her slim body.

I walked to the wall opposite from where she was seated to retrieve a file from a file cabinet. When I turned around she was standing nearly as close to me as possible. So took a step backwards, and got pinned against the file cabinet. She took another step forward until her face was just a few inches from mine, and her breasts were poking against my chest. She was talking, but not a single word was registering. My brain was experiencing sensory overload — perhaps from the pheromones in her breath, and my head was swimming. Managed to break away, and said I’d be right back. Met a manager in the hallway who was a good friend. Told him that I’d apparently been struck by a flu bug. So would he please try to answer any questions that the Health and Wellness vendor in my office might have, and then lock up my office because I was leaving for home. So embarrassed by how I treated that poor woman. After that day, she never returned. Always sent one of her subordinates instead.

For most of that day, my body felt like I’d been in a giant vibrator Had a tingling sensation all over. Then was awoken during the night by a raging wet dream that went on and on. What a fricking mess. But a fifteen year dam had been broken. Hard to explain just how alive I felt that next morning. It was like being neutered for fifteen years, and then suddenly having your nuts grow back. Women excited me again, and I could have erections.

A crazy, embarrassing, but true story. Never doubt the power of an attractive woman.

Wow magicwand9,

Thanks for being so raw. Such as tragic experience with your wife.

I would like to add that you should never under estimate yourself as a man. She did that to you because of you. I think that it is important to own the fact that an attractive woman came onto you, even if a bit quickly. You rock!

And as you know from a recent experience, you have still got it!


I’ve felt the same thing :)

At least for me, it had to do with being made to feel desired and attractive.

When you believe that about yourself, the way you look at women changes. It goes from:

Oh, she’s nice to look at, the way the Mona Lisa is nice to look at: from a distance, behind a velvet rope.


I want her, and I want her to want me.

And the body responds with hormones and neurotransmitters :D

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in


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