Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why do guys starting at 7 inches plus bother

Agreed Modesto, and what bothers me most about this post, is you are implying a value-base on penis size, which to you is average-slightly above : We all have values associated with our size, some of use want bigger, some not, but does that imply that the bigger guys are all destitute, insecure, weak-minded people? No, certainly not, they just have a different size in mind when they think of a perfect dick.

With that said, are we all dick-obsessed? Yes, that you can fairly say :)

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I have my reasons, and some of them are so complicated that I don’t want to choke anyone, lol ^^, however the resume would be: I want to recover my original size, or what I could have if it wasn’t for a surgery that I had.

I don’t really see myself big (My best stats: 19.2 cm x 15.4 cm , in fact my best measure at the mid-shaft of my circumference was 16.1 cm, but I know this measurement was exceptional, not a common thing, so I ignored it, and I lost a little size after the time I took a break, well, I’m still on the break), I can’t imagine myself big, damn low self-esteem!

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

Well I didn’t start out that big but at 6.2 which is at least supposed to be above average. The thing is I have always thought I had a small dick since I was never a shower, it used to grow something like double size at least. (not as big diffrence now though) It was only some time ago that I realized that I was actually not that small, after doing the math.

So I think being a grower can be something that makes a guy feel he wants it bigger even though he is fairly well equipped.

Now I sometimes get comments that I’m big, which feels really good for a guy who used to think he was small.:)

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

Originally Posted by Manc123
Lol for you maybe..

Not boasting, but I’m tall, good looking, good body and have slept with over 40 women at age 20. (You can choose to not believe this if you like.but there are people out there actually getting laid!) I have never been dumped, and whenever I do finish with a girl, 9 times out of 10 they try to get back with me. I always have at least 3 girls that I can have sex with at any given time (I’m into PUA stuff) and I know for a fact that I’m shit hot in bed (read some David Shade). And I’m BELOW 6 inches.

You seriously don’t know what you’re on about matey, trust me on this one. I’d suggest you get over your insecurities before embarking on your next relationship

I’m happily married- so there goes that theory.


Originally Posted by Manc123
Lol for you maybe..

Not boasting, but I’m tall, good looking, good body and have slept with over 40 women at age 20. (You can choose to not believe this if you like.but there are people out there actually getting laid!) I have never been dumped, and whenever I do finish with a girl, 9 times out of 10 they try to get back with me. I always have at least 3 girls that I can have sex with at any given time (I’m into PUA stuff) and I know for a fact that I’m shit hot in bed (read some David Shade). And I’m BELOW 6 inches.

You seriously don’t know what you’re on about matey, trust me on this one. I’d suggest you get over your insecurities before embarking on your next relationship

Hahahahhaah, I didn’t even see this post… yes, someone who sleeps with 40 women by the age of 20 strikes as just FULL of security… get over it man, I was someone who thought sleeping with a ton of women was hot shit when I was younger too, but I would say trying to bang out women quicker than I did booze was well-short of the positive that PE is.

Congrats on having sex with women, you’re the first on this site! So, how exactly does it go? And you’re saying penis size won’t affect it at all, huh???

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Gimli
Whoever said, “money can’t buy happiness”, didn’t know where to shop. :)


Money cant buy happiness, but it can buy the kind of misery I can tolerate!

Originally Posted by Manc123
Lol for you maybe..

Not boasting, but I’m tall, good looking, good body and have slept with over 40 women at age 20. (You can choose to not believe this if you like.but there are people out there actually getting laid!) I have never been dumped, and whenever I do finish with a girl, 9 times out of 10 they try to get back with me. I always have at least 3 girls that I can have sex with at any given time (I’m into PUA stuff) and I know for a fact that I’m shit hot in bed (read some David Shade). And I’m BELOW 6 inches.

You seriously don’t know what you’re on about matey, trust me on this one. I’d suggest you get over your insecurities before embarking on your next relationship

Fellow, I don’t think YOU “know what you’re on about.”
You keep talking about what a dazzling stud you are (at “BELOW 6 inches”), but what are you comparing this to? Have you ever pleasured a woman with 7” of length, 8” of length - or 6” of girth, or almost 7” of girth?

Well, I have - and, trust me on this one, they can FEEL the difference. I started out rather “standard,” but as my unit grew from PE, so did my then-wife’s desire for sex. She was never a “size queen” (obviously, she married a guy with a standard cock), but she loved the extra beef I developed.

Furthermore, you state that most women would happy with 5.5 - 8 inches. Ha ha, that’s a HUGE difference. Why not say that as long as you’re between 1” and 1’, you’re cock is good?

By the way, I was a bouncer in my youth, and by the time I was only a year or 2 older than you, I had been with TWICE 40 women (2 years in the club, 3 nights per week = 312 shifts at work; I picked up a different woman at least every 4th shift - sometimes several shifts in a row. 80 would be a conservative estimate).

Like some mentioned above its about overall health for some also. (not me, I’m small and fairly healthy, but it couldn’t hurt keeping it in good health) Also, its the same people work out. Not just stay in shape working out, but work out to gain size. You see some guys benching 185lbs staring at the bigger guys benching 275. If you can finally bench 275 should you just stop working out or stop wanting to get bigger and more defined?? I work out and I wouldn’t mind getting more ripped and bigger. I guess if you’re grotesquely big where you need to buy special clothes it could be ridiculous, but even to that guy it is HIS perogative and HIS body. So who am I to tell him what to do with his own body?

Originally Posted by wadzilla

Fellow, I don’t think YOU “know what you’re on about.”

You keep talking about what a dazzling stud you are (at “BELOW 6 inches”), but what are you comparing this to? Have you ever pleasured a woman with 7” of length, 8” of length - or 6” of girth, or almost 7” of girth?

Saying that he can’t be a good lover at below 6” isn’t true though, a girl will value so much more than dick size in that department. To be a good lover you need to really connect mentally and be in tune with her feelings, a big dick may be good feeeling, but that connection is what will put her over the top and wanting more. You need to show her you have absolute trust and faith in her, then she will let go.

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

Why should guys bother to want more than 7” (I’m assuming you mean nbp)? For several reasons I think, and not necessarily in the order I’m listing here.

Some guys want to be the big guy amongst the guys. It’s an ego thing. 7” is far from a guarantee.

Some just want to have a penis they think appears better on their body. They are just doing it for themself.

Size queens exist. They usually state 8” minimum. From my observations I now believe they make up about 10 % of women, which is enough to count.

I don’t know that this applies to all guys, but I believe our instincts tell us more might rock her world more, and it just so happens some women actually do state a deep area sensation. Here we learn that area may very well be the cds, and from what I’ve read here it appears that over 7” is necessary to reach it in most women (as it requires pushing her bottom wall backwards into it), though not all. 6” usually misses out on that action completely.

Extra girth is not even a debate, as the majority of women say flat out that they prefer extra thickness. Some of the 7+” guys come here just mainly for girth and decide while they are at it to go ahead and throw some icing onto their length for insurance.

Last edited by beenthere : 06-04-2007 at .

Originally Posted by kazooplayer

Congrats on having sex with women, you’re the first on this site! So, how exactly does it go? And you’re saying penis size won’t affect it at all, huh??

Dude, just read some David Shade. He explains everything so that even a 20 year old can figure it out!

Originally Posted by hbgreek

Dude, just read some David Shade. He explains everything so that even a 20 year old can figure it out!

Why do I get the feeling that reading this David Shade will turn me into an asshole?

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

Originally Posted by hbgreek
Dude, just read some David Shade. He explains everything so that even a 20 year old can figure it out!

Uhh, haha, you knew I was kidding right? This double-sarcasm thing doesn’t work so well over the intranet.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

You know if the knowledge is there to increase, who cares what the reasons. Let people getbigger if they want.
If I was 8 inches I would still jelq because it is healthy for the penis.


Originally Posted by wadzilla
Fellow, I don’t think YOU “know what you’re on about.”
You keep talking about what a dazzling stud you are (at “BELOW 6 inches”), but what are you comparing this to? Have you ever pleasured a woman with 7” of length, 8” of length - or 6” of girth, or almost 7” of girth?

Well, I have - and, trust me on this one, they can FEEL the difference. I started out rather “standard,” but as my unit grew from PE, so did my then-wife’s desire for sex. She was never a “size queen” (obviously, she married a guy with a standard cock), but she loved the extra beef I developed.

Furthermore, you state that most women would happy with 5.5 - 8 inches. Ha ha, that’s a HUGE difference. Why not say that as long as you’re between 1” and 1’, you’re cock is good?

By the way, I was a bouncer in my youth, and by the time I was only a year or 2 older than you, I had been with TWICE 40 women (2 years in the club, 3 nights per week = 312 shifts at work; I picked up a different woman at least every 4th shift - sometimes several shifts in a row. 80 would be a conservative estimate).

Yea by 22 I’ll hit 100, no problem.just funny how most people here base their self-worth on penis size.

And I DO read David Shade. Powerful shit man.I highly reccomend it.


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