Thunder's Place

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One side of my corpus cavernosum is thicker than the other.

One side of my corpus cavernosum is thicker than the other.

Hi guys, this is no where near as a problem for me as my last emotional issue lol. But, I’m wondering if anybody else has this problem, and if it’s common to have one cc thicker/larger than the other cc? I am right handed, and have noticed that the left cc side of my penis is thicker and a bit longer than the right side. Due to the weight difference, my penis tilts to the right. I’ve tried erect bends to the left to counter this problem and have also done stretching to the left side, but to no effect. I’ve done my research on this board about curved penis’s, but I don’t think I have a problem like someone who has peyronie’s disease. Most people have mentioned that using a stretching device; ie penimaster, jelqing to the opposite direction, or doing erect bends, has no effect. Is there a solution to even it out the cc’s? Thanks.

I have that also. A stretcher has made my penis straighter, jelqing made it curved again. :)

My right CC is a bit bigger than left CC, but my dick is straight nonetheless. I hope clamping will even them out.

How can you see/feel that?

01/03/2009- NBPEL:5.1; EG:4.6.

01/05/2010- NBPEL:6.1; EG:4.7.

Long Term Goal- NBPEL: 7.0; EG:5.5

I have the same effect. I have an over average girth at 5.75 inches which is practically exclusively caused by the right corpus cavernosum. I once took a foto of my dick erect and mirrored it in the center (parallel to the penis) so I could see how my penis would look like if it was symmetrical. With the lefth half doubled, it looked really really sad and average. With the right side doubled, it looked like a fat short beast.

I attribute this to the fact that I was a late bloomer and started to wank while my penis was still starting to grow, thus accidentally jelquing it (many years before the Internet was widespread and I learned about the PE concept).

I have the exact same problem but haven’t had time to solve this problem so I don’t know what works

Would using the opposite hand help? I used to jerk off right handed. Would left handed work? Could we target specific sides by increased pressure or bends perhaps?

Bone Pressed ERECT: 7.0 inches

Girth:5.0 inches at hardest(most erect)

Width 1 7/8 inches

Originally Posted by mike2002

Hi guys, this is no where near as a problem for me as my last emotional issue lol. But, I’m wondering if anybody else has this problem, and if it’s common to have one cc thicker/larger than the other cc? I am right handed, and have noticed that the left cc side of my penis is thicker and a bit longer than the right side. Due to the weight difference, my penis tilts to the right. I’ve tried erect bends to the left to counter this problem and have also done stretching to the left side, but to no effect. I’ve done my research on this board about curved penis’s, but I don’t think I have a problem like someone who has peyronie’s disease. Most people have mentioned that using a stretching device; ie penimaster, jelqing to the opposite direction, or doing erect bends, has no effect. Is there a solution to even it out the cc’s? Thanks.

Mine curves to the left. I had a plication done in my early 20’s which straightened it out a bit but reduced my length by 2cm

I don’t point straight. My penis is curved too.

Start 2/27/14: BPEL 6"/ EG 5" ==> 6.5"/ 5.25"

Now: Taking a break!

Make a Donation Everybody's doing it.:cancer:

Cool. But could we target specific sides? To thicken up the cc?

Bone Pressed ERECT: 7.0 inches

Girth:5.0 inches at hardest(most erect)

Width 1 7/8 inches

I have the very exact same problem as the original poster. I’ve done tons of research on how to fix this problem and haven’t not really found any solutions on how to enlarge one individual CC. Usually size disparities in CC’s cause a penis to curve one way and or look asymmetric. Because of this I’ve focused less on trying to enlarge the smaller CC and more on molding my erect penis to look like a normal symmetric one by doing a simultaneous erect bend and horse squeeze while clamped. My goal is to make my penis look normal and symmetric from the outside; even if my CC’s never become even in size I believe I can make them look generally even from the outside. I also do bundled stretches twisting towards the larger CC. So far I’m making slow but steady progress I believe. If my explanation is confusing and anyone wants clarification feel free to ask because I typed this up pretty quickly. This condition sucks because people with symmetric penises don’t have to worry about uneven gains whilst if you have this condition you always have to keep in mind that since one side is larger than the other, the larger side will gain proportionately to the smaller side if you’re not careful.

I googled this: one side of my penis feels different than the other… and this is the first link. Google is amazing, anyways… My penis curves slightly to the right, my left side is softer and thicker and underneath the skin I would describe it as smoother. When I’m hard I think my right side isn’t as “malleable” meaning I can’t bend my penis to the left (bend it like in the middle of the shaft), but I can bend it at the middle of the shaft if I bend it to the right…. When you think about it, bending to the left requires the right side to stretch while in a hard state and bending to the right requires the right side to kind of condense… I think my left side gains girth easier than my right… do other people who have something similar resonate with what I’m saying?

2010.02: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-1/2" Beg

2010.06: 7-1/8" Bpel | 5-1/8" Mseg | 5-3/4" Beg

So I got something like this going on, I think. It might be a scar tissue injury, or it might be that my Right cc is just outgrowing my Left cc. I’m gonna schedule an appointment with the cock doctor and see what he thinks. I spoke about this briefly in another thread, but I’d like to mention it here, and if anyone has any thoughts I’d really like to hear them.

If flaccid is 0% and full erection is 100%, from 0-50%, everything appears to be normal. When I get to 50%, it starts thinking about curving, and from 50 to about 70% it curves down and to the left. After about the 70% mark it straightens. From 70-100% I get my normal boner.

I thought this was scar tissue. I bought DMSO, Iodine and Magnesium Oil. However, now I’m thinking it might just be that my Right cc is outgrowing the Left. I’ve already put together a DIY Phallosan using an X4 memory foam pad, a styrofoam wreath ring, velcro straps, and shoelaces. I haven’t actually tried it yet, but my thoughts are, if I stretch to the right, the focus of the stretch will be mostly on the left side of penis, engaging the Left cc. I’m hoping to wear this contraption for around ten hours a day until I see some kind of improvement.

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