Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

An Extender Public Service Announcement To Extender Newbies

Originally Posted by irishjim
It will be interesting to see if anyone counters this claim by confirming EL gains from extending at a length which was below their BPEL. My own experience was that I could never extend beyond my BPEL due to attachment and comfort issues. The result has been good FL gains but no EL gains at all.

No pun intended but you are the quintessential example that illustrates my statement.

The same applies to girth gains as well in those exercises. Gains in girth come from the stressing of tissues BEYOND your normal girth repeatedly. This is the case whether you clamp, pump, etc. If you are not exercising your desired parameter to increase beyond its preset capacity you’re not going to gain in that department whether it is length, girth, or both

Last edited by jay9incher : 05-23-2013 at .

Originally Posted by irishjim
It will be interesting to see if anyone counters this claim by confirming EL gains from extending at a length which was below their BPEL. My own experience was that I could never extend beyond my BPEL due to attachment and comfort issues. The result has been good FL gains but no EL gains at all.

Ive used an extender before and I get where you are coming from about comfort and attachment issues. Stretching even a little bit past your BPEL is a @#$%*&^%$#@! and it takes effort and a “working up to it”. The same way newbies are directed to the newbie routine because it primes the penis, is the same manner in which it is advised, when wearing the extender, to initially to start off at your current flaccid length. From there you MUST keep gradually increasing the length (and therefore the traction) of the device. Eventually you will come to a point where you will only be able to minutely increase the length of the device and mount properly. This is the point at which you will need to supplement adding extension rods with adjusting the base screws while the device is on.

Originally Posted by irishjim
It will be interesting to see if anyone counters this claim by confirming EL gains from extending at a length which was below their BPEL. My own experience was that I could never extend beyond my BPEL due to attachment and comfort issues. The result has been good FL gains but no EL gains at all.

Me. I worn the device for a long time under my max length and I found I could easly extend 1/2cm week after week, so I found myself beyond my previous BPEL length without at any time pulling at my maximum length. Actually gains stalled when I started pulling at the maximum possible lenght inside the device. I also see that most of the times those who don’t gain using an extender started wearing it with too much tension.

I think the above should be pretty much the normal way to use these devices and it is the way those devices are adviced to be used by manufacturers.

Originally Posted by marinera
Me. I worn the device for a long time under my max length and I found I could easly extend 1/2cm week after week, so I found myself beyond my previous BPEL length without at any time pulling at my maximum length. Actually gains stalled when I started pulling at the maximum possible lenght inside the device. I also see that most of the times those who don’t gain using an extender started wearing it with too much tension.

I think the above should be pretty much the normal way to use these devices and it is the way those devices are adviced to be used by manufacturers.

It would be nice to get some more input on this forum in this topic from other users with a good amount of extender use (at least 700+ hrs). I have started another thread on another forum site and the answers so far are what I have stated. Users experiencing erect length gains are stretching past their bpel. Being that the penis is more stretchable and flexible in the flaccid state it would have to be an exception for someone’s flaccid stretch to NOT exceed or at least be equal to their actual erect length in both states.

I don’t know if this will link but here is the thread on another forum:

http://www.pegy … ngth-gains.html

So far we have one user here who states that he doesn’t have any erect gains (because he is not stretching past bpel), a user on this forum who has gained by stretching past bpel and documented it in this thread: After a Year of Auto Extender Use

Then there are 3 replies on the other forum topic all confirming that they have experienced erect gains by stretching past BPEL. .

Originally Posted by jay9incher
Being that the penis is more stretchable and flexible in the flaccid state it would have to be an exception for someone’s flaccid stretch to NOT exceed or at least be equal to their actual erect length in both states.

Not really
/poll.html?do=s … ults&pollid=582

Originally Posted by jay9incher
So far we have one user here who states that he doesn’t have any erect gains (because he is not stretching past bpel)…

And, not because. It is an hypothesis of yours that this is the reason why he didn’t gain.

Originally Posted by jay9incher
a user on this forum who has gained by stretching past bpel and documented it in this thread: After a Year of Auto Extender Use

Where he wrote that? In his first post he writes that he didn’t even know precisely what his BPEL was and later that he worn the extender pointing up; when the penis points up it is at its shortest BPEL length. It seems you are reading things according to your preconceived beliefs.

Now let’s make a bit of order : when you stretch, you stretch flaccid. The point of reference is the BPFSL, not the BPEL. Being the BPFSL, by the definition, the longest measure you can stretch your penis at, than if the hypothesis : no one can gain if he doesn't stretch beyond BPFSL was true, no one could gain. Very simple deduction.

One could than assert that it still holds true assuming that you have to stretch beyond the BPEL, supposing that everybody has a BPFSL>BPEL; but this again is not true since a significative number of people have BPEL>BPFSL and still manage to gain through stretching.

To have gains, stretching beyond maximum length is not required like it is not required to lift your maximum weight to gain muscle; every part of our body is living matter which grows if a stress beyond a given threshold is applied; if an excessive stress is applied, the body is unable to adapt and gets broken. Cellular proliferation, for example, is triggered in connective tissue by stretches way lower than maximum length.

Last edited by marinera : 05-24-2013 at .

Originally Posted by marinera
Not true. Some people have a BPFSL<BPEL, so it is impossible for them to start extending past their BPEL.

Marinera, In a narrow sense what you write is correct but from a practical longer term sense I believe, at least in my case it is inaccurate.

I am a newbie who has been extending for about 5 months. Initially I believe my BPFSL was <BPEL and as you point out I got no initial increase in BEPL probably for about 2 - 3 months. What I did get very quickly as I conditioned my unit was a significant increase in flaccid length as my ligs stretched and then an increase in BPFSL to the point where my BPFSL was more than 1/2 an inch in excess of my BEPL. All of a sudden in the last month or so I have started getting significant increases in BEPL.

I have realised recently that my BEPL really depends on whether I jelq prior measuring BEPL. I measured before and after jelqing this morning and gained an extra 10 cms (0.4”). Correct me if it is wrong to measure BEPL after jelqing.


I started extending at a BEPL of 5.25” in January and achieved 6.1” today. I am 66. In my youth I was about 6.1 (perhaps 6.25” if very aroused) but shrank to below 5” due to ED / health issues. So I reckon I am close to achieving my initial objective which was to regain my lost length. On the other hand I reckon I am now girthier than in my youth but cannot be sure as I never measured it then.

To be fair some of this recovery may be related to improvement in EQ through supplements, weight reduction and extra cardiac exercise. However my earlier BEPLs were ERECT measurements.

I asked the manufacturers (not x4 Labs) straight from DanaMedic the same question. And they also confirm my statement as true. Look at the attachment when it’s approved

reply from DanaMedic.webp
(128.5 KB, 254 views)

Originally Posted by austfred
Marinera, In a narrow sense what you write is correct but from a practical longer term sense I believe, at least in my case it is inaccurate.

I am a newbie who has been extending for about 5 months. Initially I believe my BPFSL was <BPEL and as you point out I got no initial increase in BEPL probably for about 2 - 3 months. What I did get very quickly as I conditioned my unit was a significant increase in flaccid length as my ligs stretched and then an increase in BPFSL to the point where my BPFSL WAS MORE THAN 1/2 AN INCH IN EXCESS OF MY BPEL. All of a sudden in the last month or so I HAVE STARTED GETTING SIGNIFICANT INCREASES IN BPEL

I have realised recently that my BEPL really depends on whether I jelq prior measuring BEPL. I measured before and after jelqing this morning and gained an extra 10 cms (0.4”). Correct me if it is wrong to measure BEPL after jelqing.


I started extending at a BEPL of 5.25” in January and achieved 6.1” today. I am 66. In my youth I was about 6.1 (perhaps 6.25” if very aroused) but shrank to below 5” due to ED / health issues. So I reckon I am close to achieving my initial objective which was to regain my lost length. On the other hand I reckon I am now girthier than in my youth but cannot be sure as I never measured it then.

To be fair some of this recovery may be related to improvement in EQ through supplements, weight reduction and extra cardiac exercise. However my earlier BEPLs were ERECT measurements.

Look at the part that I put in all caps. Further proof to substantiate my statement

Originally Posted by marinera
Not really
/poll.html?do=s … ults&pollid=582

And, not because. It is an hypothesis of yours that this is the reason why he didn’t gain.

Where he wrote that? In his first post he writes that he didn’t even know precisely what his BPEL was and later that he worn the extender pointing up; when the penis points up it is at its shortest BPEL length. It seems you are reading things according to your preconceived beliefs.

Now let’s make a bit of order : when you stretch, you stretch flaccid. The point of reference is the BPFSL, not the BPEL. Being the BPFSL, by the definition, the longest measure you can stretch your penis at, than if the hypothesis : no one can gain if he doesn't stretch beyond BPFSL was true, no one could gain. Very simple deduction.

One could than assert that it still holds true assuming that you have to stretch beyond the BPEL, supposing that everybody has a BPFSL>BPEL; but this again is not true since a significative number of people have BPEL>BPFSL and still manage to gain through stretching.

To have gains, stretching beyond maximum length is not required like it is not required to lift your maximum weight to gain muscle; every part of our body is living matter which grows if a stress beyond a given threshold is applied; if an excessive stress is applied, the body is unable to adapt and gets broken. Cellular proliferation, for example, is triggered in connective tissue by stretches way lower than maximum length.

I’m not saying that you won’t gain period by not stretching beyond BPEL. You will gain but those gains will be FLACCID. ERECT gains will come from wearing past your BPEL.

As time passes I am getting more responses that confirm my statement.

You get confirms because you search confirmations. ;)

It looks like you are not even understanding what I say so I’ll leave you with your I-know-it-all attitude.

For those who can’t read the image properly I made a PDF scan

Attached Files
Reply from DanaMedic.pdf
(76.7 KB, 78 views)

Originally Posted by austfred
Marinera, In a narrow sense what you write is correct but from a practical longer term sense I believe, at least in my case it is inaccurate.

I am a newbie who has been extending for about 5 months. Initially I believe my BPFSL was <BPEL and as you point out I got no initial increase in BEPL probably for about 2 - 3 months. What I did get very quickly as I conditioned my unit was a significant increase in flaccid length as my ligs stretched and then an increase in BPFSL to the point where my BPFSL was more than 1/2 an inch in excess of my BEPL. All of a sudden in the last month or so I have started getting significant increases in BEPL.

I have realised recently that my BEPL really depends on whether I jelq prior measuring BEPL. I measured before and after jelqing this morning and gained an extra 10 cms (0.4”). Correct me if it is wrong to measure BEPL after jelqing.

10 cm?!?!

Your experience says that, actually, you gained extending at less than BPEL, so if anything it is a proof that what I’m saying is true . To see the increase in EL you had to jelq because prolonged stretch lowers EQ, while jelqing increases EQ. Again. pretty simple.

Originally Posted by marinera
You get confirms because you search confirmations. ;)

It looks like you are not even understanding what I say so I’ll leave you with your I-know-it-all attitude.

Not at all. There are simply more claims and info that support my statement than yours. But I will accept the concession from you.

‘The flaccid stretched length is the same as the erect length.’. Right. :rolleyes:


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