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Fed up with extenders

Fed up with extenders

Guys—-I have tried many extenders starting from aliexpress and other well known brands. Initially I bought one extender from aliexpress and it was not useful and gives only pain. Second I bought another same like leluv slider ( same quality ) which also giving too much pain and discomfort ( Iam uncircumscized ). By that time I found that vac based extenders are suitable for uncut guys and I bought penimaster pro. That also I felt good initially but later on pain develops because of the part of the forekin being sucked in to the glans chamber. Then I found Quick extender pro good for uncut people but it was a total wastage. What do you think guys? I have spent a lot of money in buying extenders. Now I saw one post totalman 3.0 is good for cut and uncut people. any suggestions


After long periods, all extenders cause discomfort.

Search for the “darknight” here on thunders. I like it a lot and it is very inexpensive to make.

Thanks for the referral.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Try less vacuum on peni master so it doesn’t draw you that far in just the head should go in and leave it 5 mins to settle in then put the extender on.

Originally Posted by colin_r_

Try less vacuum on peni master so it doesn’t draw you that far in just the head should go in and leave it 5 mins to settle in then put the extender on.

Ok I will try it. Thanks for the tip. I bought the hose for to use instead of ball pump but I tried my full force to make vaccum using mouth but it is not possible. Any idea

Originally Posted by sjpmsd2018
Ok I will try it. Thanks for the tip. I bought the hose for to use instead of ball pump but I tried my full force to make vacuum using mouth but it is not possible. Any idea

The ball pump is really effective. I have not got the hose myself. I would try the ball if you have it

I’ve always used the cheapest cheap cheapy cheapo extender like the one from aliexpress, think it was proextender 3 or 2. It can become a lil painful but not always if you manage to place a cloth right under your dick so the noose wont pinch skin. THen you must secure the noose with any aided method, I use paper sticky-tape. Others use velcro straps, point is once secured noose must not slip. If it does, it will pinch your dicks skin and it will hust like mad.

Basically all pain involving the extender is driven by skin being pinched or being stretched too hard, so that is what you must avoid. And my guess is that will happen with any type of extender. Avoid skin folding under the noose too.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

I see no point in using uncomfortable device for hours a day when you can have 15 minutes stretching, 15 min jelqing and through the day doing piss pulls.

Got 5 cm in a year doing this, no discomfort, less time wasted and most guys see less results with extrnders

Take this approach or leave it, just my experience


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