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I'm about ready to give up. Extender users please comment.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Have u surpassed your 8.75 bpel in your PE stats?

No I’m lucky I can hang on to that, I’m so inconsistent these days, I can go many months without doing any PE at all. I seem to lose a little then put it right back on when I start to PE again. It’s like me at the gym I regain my muscle mass really fast.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by sckail
Try using the extender for less time like 2-4 hours a day and do the newbie routine along with it don’t forget the rest days I wore my extender for 3 months and had no results now that I’m doing the newbie routine along with that I established a 0.2inch gain per month

Rest days? For the newbie routine or the extender? Would you mind providing some details regarding your experience with extenders? I’d like to hear it.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
No I’m lucky I can hang on to that, I’m so inconsistent these days, I can go many months without doing any PE at all. I seem to lose a little then put it right back on when I start to PE again. It’s like me at the gym I regain my muscle mass really fast.

If you don’t have a lot of time for it or choose not to think about it much, a couple 5 minute hi pressure clamping sessions should do the trick for maintaining any gained expansion from PE.

I think it’s healthy to keep your mind off of PE when your not doing it anyway, think that many guys erection problems after PE is mental, worried about being the biggest, when they should be happy what they gained instead and have a mentality before they knew about PE and porn cocks too.

I’ve been wearing an ads (strap modified to noose) since 2009. I never really incorporated much manual stretching into my routine. I gained a little over an inch and then seemed like it stopped. I took a couple months off and then started a manual stretch routine that included fulcrum stretching. In addition to the ads.
In the last two and a half months, I’ve managed to add .5” to my bpfsl.

So like marinera said, you might want to do a manual routine with some fulcrum throw in.

Originally Posted by andgrowing

I haven’t once measured BPFSL. What difference would it make, anyway? I’m not asking to be a smart mouth. I’m serious. Why would an increase in BPFSL matter if there’s been no increase in NBPEL or BPEL?

NBPEL measure is not reliable for obvious reasons. BPFSL normally precede BPEL gains - say ‘BPFSL gains announce BPEL gains’, so to speak. If you have worn the device for many hours, you could be on the neighbours of some gains, so giving up now could means missing gains. If you had measured BPFSL, you could know better now.

Originally Posted by marinera
NBPEL measure is not reliable for obvious reasons. BPFSL normally precede BPEL gains - say ‘BPFSL gains announce BPEL gains’, so to speak. If you have worn the device for many hours, you could be on the neighbours of some gains, so giving up now could means missing gains. If you had measured BPFSL, you could know better now.

Well, unfortunately I didn’t. But you’re saying that BPFSL gains precede BPEL gains? Also, do you have any thoughts on Dino’s opinion about the strap vs. the noose on the extender?

’ you’re saying that BPFSL gains precede BPEL gains?’

Yes, that’s what I’m saying. :)

‘do you have any thoughts on Dino’s opinion about the strap vs. the noose on the extender?’

I have his same views, actually. I have a homemade extender built exactly like a maxxtender - a hyper-simple device. I tried the vac- cap, but I can’t help thinking that the noose is pulling better the inner structure. Noose can be painful at first and for a few weeks the device has to be worn at very limited tension/lenght. Once your coronal ridge has adapted to the rope, there isn’t any problem.

About dangerousity, the trick to minimize risks is to use a very thick tube (or rope or how do you call it). My homemade device has a 0.5 mm diameter nylon rope; it can exert a lot of force (which is not really required, though, could even be counterproductive for gains) without much risks.

Noose hurts my gland so bad after 30 minutes of use, it feels like an extreme indian burn. Unless I am doing something wrong?

The vacextender seems to give me a far better stretch with no pain at all (4 hours straight). I have heard of blisters, which thankfully I haven’t got, but I received the new vacextender 4 in the mail, and just do not like it. There are so many different sleeves now (with a tube to manually suck air out that I can’t even figure out how to work).

The original vacextender is what I prefer.

Start: EL 6.75" -> Before PE (stat I told my wife even though I felt I exaggerated and remember EL 5.9")

Current: FBPSL 8.5", BPEL 7.75", EG 5.1" SqueezeEG 5.6 -> June 2012

Goals: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.5" Starting Pics

I modified my strap extender with something like this, this ain’t the one I bought, I lost that link. The one I bought is really soft and comfortable. Like Marinera said noose’s hurt till your dick gets used you it. But done right you do get a very well developed gland after a while, which makes it even easier because of less slippage.

I tried to add some simple jelqing to my wearing the extender, and some how it turned into a full blown clamping and edging routine, oh well :)

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0023AUY3S/

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Last edited by Dino9X7 : 06-18-2012 at .

Originally Posted by marinera

……..My homemade device has a 0.5 mm diameter nylon rope;….

Sorry, I meant 0.5 cm diameter.

Originally Posted by marinera
NBPEL measure is not reliable for obvious reasons. BPFSL normally precede BPEL gains - say ‘BPFSL gains announce BPEL gains’, so to speak. If you have worn the device for many hours, you could be on the neighbours of some gains, so giving up now could means missing gains. If you had measured BPFSL, you could know better now.

You’ll have to excuse me but why is NBPEL not reliable? I have a few ideas but just humor me.

Originally Posted by andgrowing

You’ll have to excuse me but why is NBPEL not reliable? I have a few ideas but just humor me.

The “fat pad” (the point you are measuring off of when measuring NBPEL) is very inconsistent for both short and long term considerations because in the long term it can vary slowly based on weight loss or weight gain, and in the short term it can fluctuate considerably from day to day based on diet. :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by andgrowing
I know I’ve been around for a while but I don’t feel like I’ve made much in the way of gains throughout my PE career. From PE, I’ve only gained one inch in length and a quarter inch in girth. WTF?

No, it uses the strap methodology. I’ve thought about surgery a great deal.

Are you taking the piss? You’re well above average anyway, and have already gained an inch. Can’t you be grateful and satisfied about those things?

Many guys would have killed for one inch in length, so don`t forget about that.

I do however feel your frustration if you do not have any gains to show for after such a long time period and putting in the hours. I wonder if a conditioned guy would need manual stretching and/or jelqing in order to be able to gain with an extender?

BPFSL gains tend to be leading indicator for BPEL gains, so I would keep an eye on that one. If it has increased, chances are that it will translate to real gains eventually.

IMO, if you continue with the extender, I would consider adding manual stretching and jelqing to your routine.

If you have the privacy, I would consider hanging, although it sure is not an “easy” way to gain either.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by Underground
Are you taking the piss? You’re well above average anyway, and have already gained an inch. Can’t you be grateful and satisfied about those things?

Don’t come down on him it’s still frustrating if you’re putting a huge effort into something and the returns on your investment dry up. I once went into hermit mode and pretty much stayed in most of the time giving up my life and hung with weights for many hours a day and gained about a quarter-inch, in a years time. I’m happy for my gains but it does get frustrating when they dry up and your still putting in a huge effort. So us guys who have made good gains while we need to be happy about it, don’t expect us not to get frustrated sometimes. But consistency and determination usually pay off in the long run.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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