Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib or Mike Salvini before & after pictures ?

Everyone has my permission to turn this thread into a complete flame war.


OK. I generally use propane to barbecue, but I prefer charcoal when I have the time. Ha!

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by blink2000
I see your point— apparently he was associated with DLD for a short time. I still don’t think it’s fair to compare Bib to him though. Just look at the points made by Big Girtha, Millia, myself & others. He’s constantly giving free advice, he doesn’t charge for his forums, his hanger is really cheap (he can’t be profiting much if anything) , and he’s constantly helping people (in fact, he started out giving away his hangers for free). If that’s not enough for someone, then maybe they’ve got some kind if bias. Even if you don’t like all his theories, you can’t deny he’s a major contributor to the discipline of PE.

I’m not saying DLD an Bib are the same, actually - DLD is an ex member, Bib is still a member here, just to say.

But I wouldn’t attack a guy who notice some similarities between DLD and Bib saying he’s insulting anybody, as long critiques are kept in a respective tone.

I have read many posts of people who said ‘Hey thank DLD you are the most helpful member here’. And both claimed incredible gains.
And even the ‘theory’ behind those gains is very similar : how DLD elongated his penis? Basically, pulling with his bare hands 1, 2,….6 hours daily, day after day, week after week - something that near nobody would be able to do.
How Bib made his gains? Hanging, 1, 2,….6 hours daily, day after day, for months - something that nobody would be able to do.

Both guys sell something.

Similarities could end here or not.

DLD is a heavy drug user and probably has some degree of mental illness - despite that, many guys believed to his miracolous gains and naive anatomic theories - and some still believe. This should give food for thought.

Bib’ gains or DLD gains really have nothing to do with the quality of things they do sell. By what I’ve heard, Bib’ hanger is a nice product, and customer care - supporting buyers with info etc. - is excellent. Becoming heated about the truth or not of seller’ gains..well, it is actually something that should make us smile.

Let’s look this way: if those gains are true, they aren’t a direct consequence of this or this other theory or product, but a matter of bodily singolarities, from a statistical point of view, so those gains can’t really be used to endorse anything - Michael Jordan isn’t the best basketball player because he use a different ball, or shoes - but, of course, marketing could try to convince you that the truth is actually the latter. (:

Your explanation helps for sure. And I see that maybe he had a more valid point than I gave him credit for.

The point I was trying to make is this:

Just because someone wont show you a picture of their penis doesn't prove they don't know what they are talking about.

If people want, they can throw out everything Bib, DLD, and every other commercial seller has ever said on any forum based on the theory that somehow everything they said is ‘tainted’ because they have an incentive to sell their product, and perhaps because all of them have one theory or another that’s eventually proven wrong several years after the fact. To me, that’s like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Originally Posted by marinera

How Bib made his gains? Hanging, 1, 2,….6 hours daily, day after day, for months - something that nobody would be able to do.

I see your point but to some degree I don’t find that this is something that nobody would be able to do. There are so many lurkers that don’t post so we don’t know what everyone is doing. Even Mr. Schlong pointed out that he is doing the same as well. I read another thread by a member who I can’t remember who did like 8 sets in a day or something. I know at the other forums I regular on there’s yet another member who sits there using a foreskin restorer for 6+ hours a day.

If you PE and work from home, I think that hanging for 4-6 hours daily will enable you to get some crazy gains like what Bib has claimed. But this is just my personal belief, and one of the glorious things about PE is that if one is unwilling to take pictures of their penis to prove something then you should use your best discretion and believe what you want. I mean I believe in aliens and other intellectual beings in the universe with us, but does that mean you do? Not necessarily.

From personal experience over the last few months if I actually had the time to hang like that, I would be well over what I am now in the gains department.

Just my $0.03 though! :)

iHang Muzzle

:hanger: 15 lbs now. Angle: BTC

I think a lot of people want to throw Bib under a bus because he refuses to back his claims. Of course I can see how that might put his gains in question (no proof, I get it). But… like I said, he’s constantly helping people, and he is actually very insightful and gives awesome advice. He’s actually a good source of PE knowledge and he’s not charging people to share it. I basically started a flame war by saying it’s not cool to disrespect this guy because he’s actually a really good guy—despite the fact that he wont give us ‘proof’ of his gains. I guess I’m naive because I believe Bib. Maybe I just want to believe incredible gains are possible.

Anyway, even if a crazy PEer showed pics, proving someone could gain 4 inches+ I don’t think it would prove that anyone else could make the same gains. The truth is, most of us actually don’t want to gain that much anyway, so I guess to me, the question of whether someone can gain 4” isn’t actually that important.

Now in the case of DLD, apparently he photo-shopped his pics. He basically jumped on a grenade, so the way people reacted to what he did isn’t really shocking. At the same time, if DLD was helping people for free, I might have something to say in his defense (then again, he wasn’t honest, so I think that does put everything else he says into question). So, he doesn’t help people for free and he obviously doesn’t have a lot of integrity, so I have nothing to say about him. That same lack of integrity is why I said it was unfair to compare Bib to him— Anyway, I’m not trying to be mean to DLD; like you said, he helped a lot of people too. So he’s obviously not all bad.

Bib is a legend, respect the God. If you don’t believe him, stop PE. Without faith, PE doesn’t work, because you will lack discipline and dedication.

Where on earth can I buy a bib hanger or something similar? Can’t find this anywhere in the UK. I really don’t have the skills to makeone myself. I’m rubbish at DIY.

Originally Posted by Millia
I see your point but to some degree I don’t find that this is something that nobody would be able to do. ….

6 hours hanging daily, when you add rest time, is about 9 hours of total time. Do this for 1 year or more? If you are a recluse, otherwise I can’t see how would you do.

A foreskin restoration device isn’t anywere comparable to an hanger. Even wearing an extender 6 hours daily is not an easy task - and it can be worn for 60+ minutes without pauses, exerts a very light force, etc..

Over the course of time, our knowledge has improved a tiny bit. There are many guys around here using extenders. You do know what? After a given number of hours, additional time wearing the device makes no difference for gains. Guys who gain 1” wearing an extender 3 hours daily don’t gain much more wearing it 6 hours daily. There a couple of guys who tried wearing an extender 24/24, guess what happened? No gains.

The idea that the more you pull, the more it will grow is a naive one IMHO. Adaptive abilities of your body have limits.

All those lurkers that are hanging 6 hours daily day after day for months, well, do they have clear pics to proof their 4”+ gains in a year or such? Why don’t they post? All what I’ve seen are pics showing about 0.5 -1” gains - the kind of gains that people using other PE techniques have, if they are lucky.

This topic has been debated many times around here so I know how Bib’ fans can react to this all - I don’t want to read it again. After all, anyone can believe the Bible, the Koraan, Bib’ history, and trying to change their mind is a waste of time.
The only thing the I want to say, is that I hope no one gets attacked because he doesn’t believe Bib’ gains or ideas.

There are a handful of guys who claim to have gained 4 inches of length or more. I am thinking of Mike Salvini, BIB, going411x7, etc. Mike admitted to having obsessive/compulsive disorder and barely leaving the house for a few years, spending hours a day jelqing and more hours a day stretching. BIB admits to sitting at his computer and hanging for 3-4 hours average every day with weights up to 66 lbs. Going411x7 also spent many hours per day doing PE.

Most people are not going to consider these folks role models because their lifestyles simply don’t fit into the real world that most of us know. I’m referring to that world in which one is married, has kids to raise, a wife to support, elderly parents to help take care of, and leisure interests other than one’s own penis. I am not knocking someone who was able to, and chose to spend hours a day on PE, but to suggest that their examples serve as general role models is absurd.

Marinera - you were right about it all, point taken. I hadn’t really though about that and it shows in my earlier post. But I believe anything is possible though, and if someone decides to become a recluse, to each his own! Good post though.

Originally Posted by bugasman
Bib is a legend, respect the God. If you don’t believe him, stop PE. Without faith, PE doesn’t work, because you will lack discipline and dedication.

I dare you to go to his forum and praise him as such and see his reaction. Bib refuses to acknowledge that he is a legend or even a God (if you hold him such high esteem that you think he’s a God then …. Wow). He will tell you that he is merely helping others out, but not as nicely as that.

Redbear - Man I didn’t know you were on here brother! Great post as well my man! You just added good insight to marinera’s post.

iHang Muzzle

:hanger: 15 lbs now. Angle: BTC

Originally Posted by bugasman

Bib is a legend, respect the God. If you don’t believe him, stop PE. Without faith, PE doesn’t work, because you will lack discipline and dedication.

Right, that totally makes sense. :rolleyes:

I think Yoda has secretly been lurking on the forum!

Originally Posted by bugasman
Bib is a legend, respect the God. If you don’t believe him, stop PE. Without faith, PE doesn’t work, because you will lack discipline and dedication.

That’s actually really true. If you refuse to believe, or have faith in the possibility of good gains, you’re just going to sap your own willpower. And without that willpower, you’ll never achieve your full potential.


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