Thunder's Place

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hanger tightness

hanger tightness

Well I’m about three weeks into hanging now and I’ve solved many of the small problems that were annoying me before. Most importantly, wrapping has become an automatic practice now and I can do it comfortably almost every time.

An issue that I had for a while was that I couldn’t increase my weight because the hanger would slide down. I would apply the weight, then the hanger would slide down to my head, and then stop when my head filled with blood. I read about some others having this problem and they solved it by tightening the hanger. Of course I tried this and it solved the sliding problem and the hanger now anchors on.

However, I was wondering if overtightening the hanger can damage the penis or cut the circulation too much during hanging. It seems as if I must make the hanger VERY tight so that it can support the weight. Once I apply the weight, my head does NOT balloon up with blood, but when I pinch above the head (right below the hanger) I can feel some very solid structures deep inside. Are these the internal structures just tightening up under the extreme pressure?


>However, I was wondering if overtightening the hanger can damage the penis or cut the circulation too much during hanging. It seems as if I must make the hanger VERY tight so that it can support the weight.<

You do not say which hanger you use or with what weight. If you use a bib, and do not use too much wrap, the hanger can indeed be very tight and still allow circulation. In fact, if you make it tighter to avoid slipping, circulation might even improve because when looser it may slip down too far. You might have noticed after taking the hanger off, that the top half of the glans is a little discoloured (temporarily) after a set. If you do, you need to tighten more.

> Once I apply the weight, my head does NOT balloon up with blood, but when I pinch above the head (right below the hanger) I can feel some very solid structures deep inside. Are these the internal structures just tightening up under the extreme pressure?<

Yes. The tissues will bunch up and support the hanger, this is safe and normal, especially at high weights.

If you are only using light weights, and you get the slippage, you may be using too much wrap.


tight hanging

I use an ace bandage for wrapping, and another shorter one to wrap just above where I am going to place the hanger, so I end up with an ace bandage donut that’s at least 3/4” (inside to outside diameter). That way, the hanger doesn’t pinch to the point of hurting. I’ve been able to hang down 30#s(from the root) and hang up 40#s for up to 30 minutes.
(from the head, the numbers are 25# and 30#s).

Talking about pounding, I’ve found that using a heating pad at the same time has resulting in max. loads and times being cut in half. Anyone else experiencing this, or is it just time for me to rest from hanging for a while?


>I’ve been able to hang down 30#s(from the root) and hang up 40#s for up to 30 minutes. <

My friend I do not like the thought of you hanging 40 pounds for 30 minutes! You are really pushing it in terms of tissue death here. If there is some circulation, limit sets to 20 minutes, if not, 10 minutes. Even if it seems to be OK, injuries can creep up on you without warning, especially at that intensity. Safety is the number one concern IMO.

>Talking about pounding, I’ve found that using a heating pad at the same time has resulting in max. loads and times being cut in half. Anyone else experiencing this, or is it just time for me to rest from hanging for a while?<

Heat will help the enlarging process tremendously if used right. What is happening is the heat is allowing the tissues to stretch more easily, and therefore fatigue will most likely build up quicker. Your max load will not be cut, but as you find yourself hanging less than max, you ride this fatigue at lower weights. When you can’t feel the effectiveness of the work (usually when you drop to half your max), switch to another angle.


a word of thanks and some questions

I am not so foolish as to ignore a Master PE. Since I increased times gradually, and then weight from the mid-teens, I thought I could cheat

tissue death. Your words brought me back to reality, and should to everyone.After-all, amputation sorta defeats the whole purpose of it all.

I was getting worried, since it was taking more and more weight to continue having increases in the after hang length. I was going to have to enter a side show or quit hanging for a while if things continued for another year .Using continuous heat, what is the max poundage you would suggest. Time does seem to be limited to around 15 minutes, not only due to fatigue, but to heat buildup. What about using a stretcher during the cooling off period. Wouldn’t that mimic both hanging up and down?


>Since I increased times gradually, and then weight from the mid-teens, I thought I could cheat
tissue death. <

Ahh the old PE-invincibilty disorder, quite common.

>Your words brought me back to reality, and should to everyone.After-all, amputation sorta defeats the whole purpose of it all. <

Yeah, there’s easier ways to get a dildo if you wanted one that bad.

>Using continuous heat, what is the max poundage you would suggest.<

Well first, you should use heat only in the first half of the set. Is that what you meant? Anyway, poundages used are individual and dynamic. It’s a day by day thing, on the first set just start light and slowly add the weight until you get to the stress you feel is right.

> Time does seem to be limited to around 15 minutes, not only due to fatigue, but to heat buildup. <

I’m not sure I understand, could you rephrase please?

>What about using a stretcher during the cooling off period. Wouldn’t that mimic both hanging up and down?<

Using a stretcher after all the hanging sets are done is best, and yes if you are hanging up this will be hitting both angles. But don’t worry it will still maintain the work you did at the upper angles.


I haven’t experimented with heating before, as I was generally doubtful that it’d make a difference, let alone the difference that you are experiencing. Sounds like I should really start doing it. So are you just heating it up before each hanging set, or during too? If you are doing it during, is it sufficient to use a rice sock or something like the thermo-flex which will remain hot and then warm for about 5 minutes?

Cheers for any help. :D


I’m heating during the hangs, some days up and some days down.
Everyday though is a hang from the root and a hang from beneath the head. You would think that a hang beneath the head would give a better
after hang stretch, but it doesn’t. Perhaps its cause I wrap the entire shaft,so a hang a the root is still “pushing” beneath the root.

Only problem is eventually the penis and inseams(?) get to hot and I have to stop.

PS.. I didn’t think warm-ups would make that much difference, so I skipped them because I didn’t have the time. The heating pad makes me think that I would have had better results if I had done warmups.

Going to try cooling down in a stretcher. Maybe it will act like tempering glass or steel. Cemeting may be faster, and hence maximum length sooner.
Before I was thinking I’d be happy just getting my old size back. Now I’m thinking there is a chance for a greater length than ever before. Then again, the positive effects may peter out in a month, at which time I’m at the ol’ plateau.


>I’m heating during the hangs, some days up and some days down.
Everyday though is a hang from the root and a hang from beneath the head. You would think that a hang beneath the head would give a better
after hang stretch, but it doesn’t. Perhaps its cause I wrap the entire shaft,so a hang a the root is still “pushing” beneath the root. <

By root you mean base right? How the hell do you keep the hanger at the base with 40 pounds? Don’t you get a lot of skin stretch?

>PS.. I didn’t think warm-ups would make that much difference, so I skipped them because I didn’t have the time. The heating pad makes me think that I would have had better results if I had done warmups. <

Warm ups are good for the soft tissues, it makes them more elastic. Ever notice how your balls are down by your knees when you get out of a hot bath? So they wont get injured as easily. Always hot wrap the entire shaft before a session.

>Going to try cooling down in a stretcher. Maybe it will act like tempering glass or steel. Cemeting may be faster, and hence maximum length sooner. <

An excellent method, go for it.

>Before I was thinking I’d be happy just getting my old size back. Now I’m thinking there is a chance for a greater length than ever before. Then again, the positive effects may peter out in a month, at which time I’m at the ol’ plateau.<

Get that ‘the positive effects may peter out in a month’ though out of your head now. No, right now! If you keep thinking it, that is what will happen. Go ahead and try if you don’t believe me! Don’t think that you will gain, know it, never get disappointed and think you can’t, because you can it just takes more time. I should know.

Good Luck

hanging from the root/base

I use an ace bandage and wrap snuggly from the head to the base.
My hanger is about an inch wide, so starting about an inch or so from the base, I tightly wrap another shorter ace bandage until I have a donut about 3/4 inch thick, and then “end ” the donut wrap by another wrap near the base. The hanger holds the donut wrap in place. The limiting factor is how much weight I can stand, not skin stretch.

I have noticed that after hanging then pumping, that the weight I can carry is significantly reduced. I’m planning on limiting the weight to 20 pounds during the heating pad trails, and not pumping.

I couldn’t PE for 5 days due to company coming, and the new length held. However, after one day hanging and a rest day, I’ll starting to loose the gain. I consider 5 days a good indicator as to permanence potential, or at least minimum maintenance level required.

The top half of the glans becomes discolored SS4?? I have never experienced this but, I have had discoloration of the bottom half of the glans. Any idea as to the cause of this? I hang 7lbs for 20 min sets with a Bib starter, sweatshirt and theraband wrap.



>I use an ace bandage and wrap snuggly from the head to the base.
My hanger is about an inch wide, so starting about an inch or so from the base, I tightly wrap another shorter ace bandage until I have a donut about 3/4 inch thick, and then “end ” the donut wrap by another wrap near the base. The hanger holds the donut wrap in place. The limiting factor is how much weight I can stand, not skin stretch. <

If it works for you, great!

>I have noticed that after hanging then pumping, that the weight I can carry is significantly reduced. I’m planning on limiting the weight to 20 pounds during the heating pad trails, and not pumping. <

I have actually found pumping to be uncomfortable after a few hours of hanging. I leave a rest period.

>I couldn’t PE for 5 days due to company coming, and the new length held. However, after one day hanging and a rest day, I’ll starting to loose the gain.<

You can regain lost gains quickly, as I have found.


>The top half of the glans becomes discolored SS4?? I have never experienced this but, I have had discoloration of the bottom half of the glans. Any idea as to the cause of this? I hang 7lbs for 20 min sets with a Bib starter, sweatshirt and theraband wrap.<

Using too much wrap or wrapping to tight, probably. That’s my answer to everything these days. “SS4, what is the meaning of life” “wrapping too tight or using too much wrap.”


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