Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Message from Bigger

>You’d think for 140 bucks, that making one of those wouldn’t be a chore?<

What he said.

Try making one yourself for $140. Good luck. Buy all the needed materials. Create the positives out of something (have fun). Make molds of the halves. Then cast them. Add the hardware. Good luck on the gel. I don’t have a clue what he uses. How many hours will all this take you? The materials alone will cost $100 or better for a one-off, plus a tremendous amount of time. And then when your first try doesn’t work out, you get to start over.

So Cappy…..(drum roll)…who…….Japanikon?

Never mind. I know. And I’m not surprised

It’s sad that no matter how much someone gives of himself for the benefit of others,there will always be someone else who has done nothing seeking to tear them down.

Frankly I wouldn’t have minded if the entire cost for the product was profit. Truthfully I was even discussing yesterday my intent,before BIB made his generous offer,of offering to pay more than standard price for the opportunity to purchase one. I didn’t expect to be successful,but I wanted to at least try.

But I also recognize that there is a lot of time and cost that goes into making one of these hangers. It’s not worth it for a guy taking time away from a family and a career. Not only to make the hangers,but then to answer all of the questions of the jerks like me who have no clue what they are doing.

So I hope BIB recognizes that despite the views of a single flamer,most of the rest of us appreciate his kind offer, and know that he is the one doing us a favor,and not the other way around.

Originally Posted by JapanNikon

There have been some weird things occur here in the past 5 months I have been here is all.

I knew something was up with this Japan guy when he said that. I’ve been here for over 1/2 year and there hasn’t been “weird” things occurring. With that statement he tipped his hand that he was something other than just somebody suspicious of some brilliant money making scheme.

Bib was as straight forward a guy as I’ve ever read the posts of here. Helpful to everyone and looked up to by everyone. Good luck Bib.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Bib has a really nice job that requires him to constantly be on the road and dealing with clients. His product is “A # 1” and he does take time to make them right, this takes him out of his real first job which he can make way better money at hands down. He does have a big investment in the molding machinery to factor in. He keeps the production in house with his sons who are college aged and don’t really want to sit around and boil up gel and mold plastics for some guys dick contraption during a summer they can get out and party and have fun. This isn’t some Sweat shop in which people are putting 4 pieces of PVC together and charging you $140.00 it is the real deal. I own both a starter and a regular hanger.

Thanks TT, I do like my Bib, and I guess I didn’t think of it the way you explain it.

I was thinking of it more of as a mass production situation where the reality is he’s only producing maybe a thousand units or so? My reasoning was it’s a bunch of plastic, few screws, some rubber and a nylon strap (granted it’s put together nicely.)

But I guess the cost is justified with the weight of the machinery labor, time Bib has spent supporting the thing, and the time of his Biblets toiling in the gel and plastics molds. (I wonder if they have 10 inch cocks too)



I have come to see that my complaints at the policies of how Thunder’s is run with its Mods and/or higher ups has inadvertantly had a impact on the respect and reputation of Bib, which was not my intention. I originally started about my complaints with the secrecy and about Bib leaving due to whatever was occuring at Thunder’s I felt it was wrong to let yet another great legend go, it was sad indeed. My comments about the Bib and the two weeks, was very unclear and came off arrogant, moronic, and stupid. It was not the meaning of it to do so.

I respect Bib a lot, I have yet to do anything even in his range that he has done in PE, I only wish one day to have some success even 1/10th of his. My point got shuffled along and it came unclear and with those on here that I disagree with a bit my meaning was switched. I still have to take the blame, and this is me alone saying this nothing to do with any other forum. I was wrong to make those accusations and to disrespect the people of Thunder’s whether intentional or not I had that effect and was indeed wrong. I still feel the same way about the policies here, but I see pushing that and complaining honestly will not change much anyhow.

I should have kept my issues with the system here, and I ask that the Mods here ban my name, it is the only positive that should come from this, I was interpreted as dissing Bib’s departure, if I kept it to complaining about the staff I would not ask for this. But the Bib thing is bad enough so please remove of my username. Bib if you read this my apologizes, I truly did not mean to put you in the crossfires of my issues of policy here.

thank you.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Never mind. I know. And I’m not surprised

Well I don’t. And I am surprised! I feel I should know. Do tell Andrew.

I do remember you though, Japan. As I recall, you were having a laugh on us when we forked out for the new Power Jelq, when we could have bought a jar opener instead.

I see now, that you went for the jar opener option and got a really big one! Forgive me, I am finding so velly funny!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Sorry, cancel that request Andrew, it just came to me!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

If bib was really just in it for the money he wouldnt have sent me two new halves when my bib hanger broke, he could have just sent me one of the halves… BIB could have really limited the support he provided and still sold his bibs.

should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11

My point got shuffled along and it came unclear and with those on here that I disagree with a bit my meaning was switched.

No your intent was to play on emotion, the love here for BIB and the mourning of his loss as stated here: ancientchina at MOS

If you wanted speak directly on the ongoings/moderation/ and such here at Thunders thats fine, but thats not what you did. What you did was blatantly accuse BIB of being in league with Thunder and creating a false market for BIB hangers. You directly spit on both their honor in order to illicit a negative response.

At some point something must have sunk in because you start singing the same song there as you are here of being missunderstood but your words are still easily read at the begining of this thread.

Last edited by trips : 05-21-2004 at .

Japan is AncientChina at MOS. I went over there as a guest, did some reading, and he’s admitting he messed up about Bib. I’m sure the guys at MOS wish he hadn’t because they would very much like to have Bib. I have a strong feeling Bib isn’t much interested in going to MOS, but of course that’s Bib’s decision.

Since this thread about Bib’s hangers has already been contaminated so much by Japan’s choosing to do so, I’m going to go ahead and say something here about the accusations of Japan(and others at MOS from what I’ve read) that Thunder’s is a place ready to ban somebody at a moment’s notice. In the 6-7 months I’ve been at Thunder’s I’ve seen very little of anybody getting banned. I’ve seen it happen once when somebody walked in the door flaming people with obvious intent, and I’ve seen it happen once when somebody seemed to be so biased against women that they hounded very negatively the ladies in a very serious manner every post they made- the ban didn’t occur at first, but only after relentless following the female posts around.I’ve seen a couple of bans where the person came in posting dick pictures as theirs, and then got caught that they were not theirs. The ban only occurred when it was obvious the person only intended to blame everybody but themselves about the deception.

It’s made fun of that Thunder likes to have the writing readable. There is no point in making a joke about that. I really don’t much care how someone writes, but it does make it easier to read for me when one letter abbreviations aren’t all over the page. If it’s tougher for me, one can only imagine how difficult it makes it for someone who doesn’t speak English as their native language. Also, asking posters to please capitalise their I’s isn’t such a bad thing, it is part of the English language. I don’t really care if somebody capitalizes their I’s or not, but there is nothing wrong with wanting his forum written that. As far as messing up when typing, I know that I and others do all the time with nothing ever said about it. As Thunder has posted himself, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just make an effort is what he asks.

The accusations that Thunder’s censors anything and everything certainly looks like a big exaggeration to me. I haven’t had one post censored or anything and I can’t even think of any other than this with Bib. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened before, just that it can’t be rampant like it is being said it is for me to have trouble recalling one right off. I read at MOS complaints from MOS members about lines being censored out at MOS and entire threads were deleted when mods didn’t like something. I also read DLD disapproves of it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it has been happening. One mod admitted to the member that he did it and told the member so what about it, that DLD isn’t going to do anything to him for deleting. To finger point at this forum that leaves are in the yard, when the yard there has leaves in it, looks wrong to me.

It’s a very good bet that Bib leaving has left, not only the members here, but also Thunder and all of the mods here down about it. And you can bet it’s because he was/is a friend to them, not just because he was a fantastic guru. I’ve seen it happen several times in my life, that when politics or religion are discussed people get very passionate about it. There is nothing more likely to cause trouble in debates than politics and religion. Long before internet discussions even existed, I’ve seen people get very angry at each other over these issues and then feel bad about it later. The passion just got the better of them at the moment. This isn’t a Thunder’s thing or a MOS thing, this is everywhere. I wasn’t following the thread that triggered Bib’s leaving and therefore know little detail as to it.

I almost didn’t post all this. Exaggerating things to put Thunder’s down isn’t the way to have a great forum yourself is it? DLD is passionate about freedom of speech, and I commend him on that. Still, that freedom isn’t worth much if it isn’t fair.

Last edited by beenthere : 05-21-2004 at .

Originally Posted by Jersey
Tampoon? Is that a chinese fishing boat? Or did you mean monsoon

Tampoon is a much better name for it. It is Ancient Chinese Secret word for “pussy that floods like rice paddy during monsoon”

I like it so much, I’m going to start a feminine hygiene company and use Pam Anderson as my spokesperson.

Let the cotton pickers rejoice, it’s Pam’s time of the month again!

Reminds me of the time when Mrs. Mayer was cajoling around the house nekkid with that cute little string hanging from her love nest and I wanted to see if she would launch like a bottle rocket if I lit it with a Bic.


Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

Originally Posted by Oscar Mayer
Tampoon is a much better name for it. It is Ancient Chinese Secret word for “pussy that floods like rice paddy during monsoon”

I like it so much, I’m going to start a feminine hygiene company and use Pam Anderson as my spokesperson.

Let the cotton pickers rejoice, it’s Pam’s time of the month again!

Reminds me of the time when Mrs. Mayer was cajoling around the house nekkid with that cute little string hanging from her love nest and I wanted to see if she would launch like a bottle rocket if I lit it with a Bic.


I love your imagery/psychosis. You paint pretty little pictures.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

How can you pay a Bib from Germany? Credit Card only?


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