Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

AndyJ's stricture and scarring rehab

I needed some more weights for my hanger. I had been using a one-pound lead bar in a little LeLuv cloth bag, and another half pound of steel cock rings and ball weights attached with carabiners.

Looking around at “stuff” around the house, I found the big penny jar. It turns out 180 post-1983 pennies weigh one pound. (old copper pennies are heavier). I sorted out 180 zinc pennies and stole one of my wife’s weird little ankle socks. I call them “sockettes”. 180 pennies filled it 3/4 full. I stuck a spare keyring and belt clip in the end and used a zip tie to close it. The ring part is inside, and can’t pull through the zip tied neck.

It worked fine. I made another, half a pound with 90 pennies.

Double Eagles and Krugerrands would have been nice, but I had to make do with what I had…

DATE: 06/04/2021 day 344 MONTHLY TOTALS
past month to date
spout: —— ——
plug: —— 942h35m
gauge out: —— 14x
pumping: 64h00m / 288h25m
ball pump: 21h25m / 140h05m
ball pull: —— / 6h55m
ball masg.: —— / 00h46m 7x
ball wt.: —— / ——
edge: 2h05m / 53h45m
jelq: —— / 15x straight out
60x / 75x reverse-OK
—— / 25x V-stretch
clamp: 6m / 2h58m
Kegels: 1200x / 14,010x
cock ring: 1h10m / 9h15m mostly MOS #3
extender: 71h10m / 180h45m Size Doctor
RLT light: 4h40m / 94h15m
hair: IPL : —— / 39x
depilatory: —— / 7x
shave: 2x / 49x
hours: 164h30m / 1,720h50m

As usual, formatting hosed during cut and paste.

It was a short month, only 26 days of work, the first few being lost due to loss of interest while gimping around with a back injury. Amazing how stabbing spikes of pain can re-orient my priorities.

I’ve mostly been doing pumping and extending this last month. 64 hours of pumping, mostly in 30-minute segments with the breast pump and the Froehle tube, some with the 2-1/8” LeLuv tube.

21 hours of separate ball pumping with the 2-1/8” tube. After 140 hours total I’m seeing some modest improvement, but it’s slow.

I didn’t do any ball pulling or massaging at all, or any jelqs.

No urethra work; there was no need.

Only a little edging or cock ringing, and or clamping.

I got some serious extender time in, at least by my standards, at 71 hours. I’ve managed to get enough stretch that I can wear the spare Size Doctor in its standard “extender” configuration. I’ve also stepped the weight of the “hanger” configuration to 1.6 pounds. That doesn’t sound like much, but after pulling a couple of blisters trying to hurry things, I’m allowing plenty of time to acclimatize between each step up in weight.

Total time for PE: 164 hours, 30 minutes. Figure 8-10 hours of that being “phantom” time, from when I can double up; extender + ball pump, or pump + RLT.

My main focus at the moment is to stretch the skin of the shaft enough where I can get the ruler down to my pelvic bone to do a proper starting measurement, and to get a full length cast with the Clone-A-Willy kit. Otherwise, I’m going to have to go with non-bone-pressed erect length instead of BPEL.

I went down to the local hardware store (Lowes) this morning, to get some bits to duplicate one of the homemade extender bases I’d seen in the extender subforum. There are some nice designs there, from back before commercial ones got so cheap on eBay; one of the bases looked like it might be better for my purposes than the one that came with the Size Doctor.

Flanged PVC pipe bushing: Nope. Last year they added two aisles of cleaning materials, apparently aimed at the COVID types; to make room for it, they deleted all the iron pipe and fittings and half of the PVC pipe and fittings. Now one of the cleaning material aisles is gone, and the iron pipe and fittings are back, and all of the plastic pipe, but only some of the plastic fittings; they have a random assortment of bits, but not enough to do any complete plumbing job. And none of the various pieces useful for DIY PE equipment. Frankly, it looked like the kind of selection you’d see from one of those “overstock and bankruptcy” stores, that sell odd bits they pick up for cheap.

#10 or 1/4” threaded eyes: They actually did have a few 1/4” pieces. And a bunch of “3/16” pieces… which isn’t actually a standard inch thread size, though it’s pretty close to a #10. However, I didn’t buy either since:

coupler nuts: despite sixty feet of multi-level shelving and racks, they had no coupler nuts of any size. I’ve actually bought coupler nets there before, so the *used to* carry them. Not even an empty hanger or drawer for them now.

Without any coupler nuts or a useable PVC fitting, no need to buy any threaded eyes. I walked out empty-handed.

I’m getting noticeable skin stretch with the Size Doctor. I’ve moved from “just barely able to get it on with no extension rods” to 25mm of extension rods in 5mm steps. If I push down hard on the bell, I can occasionally feel the extender base touch my pelvic bone. It shouldn’t be long before I can get a proper measurement with my ruler.

This is the 10th; the 14th will mark one full year since starting PE-based correction of the damage I got from the infections. The last problem was there was still an indented ring below the surface when erect; that is now almost imperceptible. The corrections aren’t completely set yet - the stretched scar tissue still hardens some if not pumped or stretched daily - but it’s still getting noticeably better, so I can justifiably consider that as “maintenance,” which I fully expected to have to keep up.

After the infections, I was left with: multiple strictures of the urethra and meatus, which made it impossible to take a leak like a normal man; a noticeable bend to the right, that I didn’t have before, loss of at least two inches of length, a thick “cock ring” scar that kept the skin pulled over the glans, that looked like phimosis but wasn’t, another band and a couple of patches of raw meat that wouldn’t heal, since I’m a grower and the raw pieces wanted to grow together than rolled up, and ripped apart each time I skinned flesh back to urinate, and an unwanted 1/4” or so “foreskin” of skin that had already grown together internally. Oh, and the “phimosis” scar ring was so tight I was only able to partially empty my bladder, and if I managed to pull it back over the shaft, it cut off both urine and circulation; the glans would go numb and start turning black.

All these things have been dealt with without urology or plastic surgery, since all the local ones shut down for the ‘rona. The guys at helped with the meatus and urethra problems. The rest of the help mostly came from here at Thunder’s. I spent many, many hours digging through the old threads, finding things that seemed applicable to my particular problems, trying many of them. Having done extensive reading of what’s available online about urology and plastic surgery, I can confidently say I got a better result then would be likely by conventional medical practice. The downside, of course, was that it took a full year… but I’m okay with that.

I’d like to thank all of you here, and those who haven’t logged on in a while, and those who probably aren’t with us any more; I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and results. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Congrats on all the wonderful progress you made on transforming yourself and getting your cock back in shape. The hours of hard work and persistence have really paid off. You are a real inspiration to me and no doubt many other thunder’s guys.

Just chiming in as I have just bought a reconditioned Spectra S1 and its turning up in a few days, so wanted to get any further info.

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Thanks for recommending this thread to me. Excellent information, and I think probably very applicable to my own situation. Edit: I read through the entire thing.


Hi I’m new to all of this could you please tell me where to begin PE it’s overwhelming no idea where to start

congrats on your progress AndyJ, sounds like you’ve been through hell, and you’re coming out the other side

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG

now: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG


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