Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CrusherBrooks's stat tracking and notes

CrusherBrooks's stat tracking and notes

My first post, today is week 4 day 5 of the newbie routine for me! That’s me I’m a noob.
I decided to start PE to increase both size but more importantly EQ, hoping to improve my average erection efficiency during sexual activity (my maximum erection may be 173 mm, but I get only ~150 mm while having sex, which is a damn shame). It would also be nice to increase the size of my glans specifically. The ultimate goal of course is to go from “nice” to “impressive”, I’m looking to reach 190 to 200 mm in length and tbd girth.
I’ve been reading up on some of the interesting-looking forums and the safety and efficiency related threads. I’m trying to take it easy and slow and I’ve been doing the recommended following:
2 days on 1 day off
5-6 minutes hot wrap
5 minutes stretch (up down left right rotate and repeat) +1 minute for each week after the first, currently at 8 minutes
10 minutes wet jelq with minimal erection, maybe around 30%, using kegels to ramp in the blood, +4 minutes for each week after the first, currently at 22 minutes
In the last few minutes I don’t mind increasing the erection a bit and holding the pressure in a little longer, it just feels good.
5-6 minutes hot wrap, usually with a shower to take off the oil.
10 minutes or so of 5 second kegels anywhere during the day after the rest of the PE
Notes on the exercise routine:
I started doing my kegels during the initial hot wrap but this lead to being unable to kegel successfully later during the jelqs.
I massage and roll (firegoat rolls) my penis several times throughout the jelqing session, usually while trying to reduce my erection level if it gets too high.
I have a lot of scrotum skin so I started pulling an elastic hair band loosely around my testicles to keep it down while I jelq.
I have noticed the temporary increase in fullness of my flaccid penis after the exercise session for about half an hour.
I watch mild porn during jelqing to make my kegels more effective but I’m not a fan of porn since it has in the past reduced my EQ.

My starting length (in SI units) and girth were:
173 mm BPEL
140 mm circumference
My highest measurement I’ve achieved so far were at the end of week 2 with:
184 mm BPEL
148 mm circumference
Notes on measuring:
The post on measuring properly mentions that I should align my penis with the ruler, however there is no way I can bend my fully erect penis without damaging it.
The twist of my penis seems to have changed a bit during these “enhanced” erections.
Most gains appear to have been related to the glans.

General notes:
I have not experienced the improvements in EQ that I was expecting to find.
Currently my maximum erections seem to reside around the 180 mm (already larger than I ever was).
I’ve tried the subliminal blaster as suggested by Firegoat but I don’t think it’s working for me.
In the field of supplements I’m taking maca and pretty much nothing else.

That’s all so far, I’m open to suggestions an thoughts related to basically anything! Looking over the vast database of this website/community gives me the confidence that you’re nice people with good ideas and experience. I guess I’ll post here from time to time primarily for my personal reference.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place.

Nice girth there sir.

Have a good one.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Notes from a rest day

Rest days give me the opportunity to use those 50 minutes normally spent on PE to read, reflect and get educated, so here’s my random collection of course adjustments after ~ 4 weeks.

Interestingly I had morning wood today which is a very rare occurrence for me personally. It’s apparently super important or some sort of indicator but I’ve just never really had it. Unfortunately it was mostly gone by the time I managed to collect my measuring tape, one of which I now keep on my nightstand.

After studying up on the anatomy of the penis (vascularity and innervation) I’ll adjust my OK grip a little to focus on the corpus cavernosum and minimize the risk of damaging the dorsal compartment.

My unit feels somewhat beat up after each PE session which means I’m probably doing something wrong. I think I’m stretching too hard so I’ll half the stretching time for a week or so and see what happens. I’ll also try different lubricants for my jelqs and decide later, currently using a decent massage oil.

I’d like to recall my previous measurements since I made them after my PE sessions, and I’ll try to fit in a measuring session before PE on the day after my resting day (2 on 1 off). The girth growth seemed excessive anyway, likely some measurement error unless I can repeat it. I am having a hard time (no pun intended) getting to an erection of the degree I’ve been having after PE lately (seems not only larger but somehow ‘better’, more lucid and more constant across the length, glans etc.) so any tips on that front would be appreciated, measurement shyness doesn’t help consistency.

Finally I’ll try to quit porn entirely or taper it off first. I’ve recently quit caffeine and I enjoy the lucidity of it, it’s helping me make some more long term decisions such as deciding to quit porn.

I think that’s all for today.

If anyone reading this needs tips on how to log, plan, change habits or adjust course let me know, I’ve been into that for a couple of years now so I may be able to offer some pointers or resources.

Day one of week 5, rest day.

This is day 4 without porn, day 11 without caffeine.

My erections seem to have increased in intensity somewhat. Still no noticeable improvements in frequency or easy however.

I’ve halved my stretching and jelqing routine (now 4 min stretch 11 min jelq, increasing this week to 5 and 13) but I’ve increased the hot wrap time. This is because my unit has been feeling a little beat up after my PE sessions and though it’s in the newbie routine, most people get negative advice on the 2 on 1 off plan when they’re new. I’ll keep it halved until I get an increase in EQ. So far my unit doesn’t feel better or worse than when I did twice the exercise. I’m naturally jumpy or anxious so I’m quite sure that this is affecting my EQ substantially as well as my interpretation of any naturally occurring feeling in my groin area.

After reading up more I noticed that I’ve naturally done orange bends, edging and ulis before knowing about PE, just because they feel/look funny.

I’m tempted to do two things:

- Do more girth work, it improves EQ while length work worsens it

- Maybe buy a bathmate to remove the human factor/possibility to manually damage my unit

I’m probably just paranoid about it though. Haven’t had a solid enough erection for measurements since I quit porn cold turkey

Week 5 day 2

Yesterday was a rest day but I couldn’t resist doing a bit of stretching (4 minutes).

Edged for a little while in the afternoon, then when trying again a few hours later I felt a minuscule jolt of pain in the very tip left side of my unit while at the same time feeling a tiny jolt of pain about halfway between my navel and my unit, about an inch to the left. I can’t find images for the full innervation of the penis and surrounding areas but I’m guessing it’s an irritated nerve. Since the nature of the pain is sharp I’m suspending all PE activities until it goes away and probably until my EQ rises. It’s strange though because I’ve been very careful during my PE sessions and I haven’t had any other PI s except for a decrease in EQ which I attributed to quitting porn, caffeine and horny goat weed plus an increase in stress and having stretching in my routine. Could anyone link me to a good threat on PI s? I’m having a hard time finding my way through the forums with the search function.

Too bad, but I don’t think it’s too serious.

Thanks Useless!

I’m starting to think I’ve been ramping up the intensity a little too quickly, so it’s going to be a week off with just kegels. I might edge a few times.

Naturally it’s a bit discouraging but I’ll post again when EQ goes up!

Hi there CrusherBrooks!
I see we pretty much started the same way; too much, too fast. Such as newbies do right? Heh.
When I did that, I took a week off, like a complete week off. I forgot I had a penis at one point… I’m sure it helped me in the long run.

And on jelqing (someone double check me on this), jelqing with a low erection helps length more and jelqing with higher erections help increase girth more, but there’s a higher chance of injury. Jelq with a semi and kill two bones with one stone, eh?

EQ is like any other goal in PE, it’ll take some time. Best of luck to you CB! (Can I call you that? :) )

As of May 24,2024: BPEL: 7.5in MSEG: 5.5in

New Goals: Improved EQ; 0.5in MSEG

If you see the same perspectives, sizes, and colors everywhere, then you may be looking through a broken kaleidoscope.

Hello Panther!

Day 6 without porn, 13 without caffeine and horny goat weed (now Maca only)

Thanks for the feedback, and yes I’ve heard the same about the various jelqing options. I like to start fairly flaccid and work my way up to ~70% in the last 2 minutes so I have a little bit of everything throughout my session. I agree with the semi-erect jelq, it seems to be the general consensus too. What I think I did wrong was increase my time too quickly (24 minutes of jelqing may just be too much at this stage) and also I’ve been squeeze jelqing instead of regular jelqing because I need the second hand to keep down the excess skin lol.

My morning wood woke me up today so I’m guessing he likes the rest (continuing the kegels of course), I think I’ll rest him today and tomorrow and pick up where I left on Friday using my week 2 session (6 min stretch ~15 min jelq). Week 2 felt good and gave at least temporary growth. From the PI threat which Useless linked (a recommended read btw) I’ve concluded that things like massaging and very light PE might actually help recovery and I’m an advocate of active recovery in muscle injuries/soreness so I’m inclined to agree.

High five for the experience we gained from minor injuries and yes, you may call me CB ;)

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

how do you find the maca? I am not convinced over tribulus.

Hi 710Trader,

If you mean what is my opinion on maca, then it has helped me in the past increasing my sex drive a little bit (but noticeably). Afterwards I switched to a mix of maca and horny goat weed which was significantly stronger, so I’m not as sure about the maca right now. So from previous experience I’d say it helps a little if you’re looking to increase your sex drive and makes erections a little easier/harder.

If you meant where did I buy it, I find mine in webshops for sports nutrition or specialized stores, whichever is cheaper.

Hope that helps!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

I was planning to resume my routine today and re-watched and re-read all the different grips and motions of the basic jelq. Boy was I wrong about how to do it. I’ve been squeeze jelqing and kegeling the blood into my unit while jelqing, or jelqing too flaccid and without stopping when I got too close to the tip etc. I also found a mention of a vulnerable nerve hub/concentration in the dorsal part of the penis just below the head. Rubbing around there I felt a small spike of pain towards the tip of my penis which lingered a good 15 minutes. I think I’ve found the problem! I attribute it to jelqing too high up.

On the flip-side I’ve been getting frequent morning wood now, something I am (or rather, was, thank you PE) unfamiliar with in general. I can masturbate normally so I should be able to rest my penis without much discomfort. I’m thinking another week, considering the positive PIs (morning wood, full erections) I’m not too worried. I’ve been upping my kegel regime since I still need to satisfy my PE addiction and my erections have been feeling full, especially the head. Still measurement anxiety without the extra stimulation of porn though.

Finally I have a theory on where the word cock comes from. I sleep without curtains and my morning wood has woken me up AT DAWN three times in a row now, just like the rooster haha. Could I be on to something here?

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Hi 710Trader,
If you mean what is my opinion on maca, then it has helped me in the past increasing my sex drive a little bit (but noticeably). Afterwards I switched to a mix of maca and horny goat weed which was significantly stronger, so I’m not as sure about the maca right now. So from previous experience I’d say it helps a little if you’re looking to increase your sex drive and makes erections a little easier/harder.
If you meant where did I buy it, I find mine in webshops for sports nutrition or specialized stores, whichever is cheaper.
Hope that helps!

yes i meant how do you find it work.. I have not found it to be nearly as good as tribulus… i even think ginkgo has helped more…

thank you for your reply

I will try some horney goat weed when I get to girth work

Small update: the injuries sub forum mentioned that alternating hot and cold could stimulate nerve recovery. It’s far too soon to notice of course, but at least the soreness in the tip of my unit went away. I’ve also done the most gentle of jelqs (maybe 10) mostly to make sure I get my grips right this time and to maintain blood flow. Furthermore I’ve been doing kegels for hours, can sustain that now. Additional comments are, as always, welcome.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Keep it up. Don’t forget to use heat while engaged in PE. Tissue is more responsive to the stimulus of PE when warm.


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