Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Log to a giant penis

Log to a giant penis

I have been reading about jelqing and other exercises for a larger unit for about 2 months now. I started a month and a half ago and had great gains of half an inch! But I lost it due to overtraining. I let my unit heal back up to normal and I had lost the length. But I am starting this log to record my gain. When I had gained last month I noticed it was from a less is more type of routine. I would do a 5-10 minute warm up (I now know it should be way longer) and then about 80 jelqs. I would then stretch in each direction for only 30 seconds each. After the stretches, I would warm down. I am starting this routine again hoping to gain.

Here are my measurements:

-BPEL: 6.4 In

-EG: 5 In

I hope to gain enough to be proud to show it off in front of my girlfriend. I understand this might be slightly bigger than average but I want to have a “woah” remark on it.

Today I started!

- I Began with a hot shower to warm up about 10 minutes.

- I did 60 jelqs

-I did 20 v-jelqs.

- I then did 3 of 5 second slow squash jelqs. I do not know much about them but I do want more girth! Any tips?

-I stretched in each direction for 30 seconds

-I then did a warm down while still in the shower.

It honestly felt good to be back, it was like my soldier was wanting it!! I rate today a 8.5 out of 10. But please comment with any ideas or tips for a Less is More kind of routine.

Why don’t you stretch first? Stretches are supposed to be done while flaccid, doing that way your penis is at least a little more engorged than usual.

Anyways it’s my opinion but maybe you shouldn’t change something that is working.

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG


I will try it!!

I honestly do like small stretches before it and in the middle and after. After the workout are the ones I do longer

But thanks for the feedback

Day 2

-I warmed up in the shower for about 8 minutes

-I did 2 of 20 second helicopter shakes

- I stretched in each direction for about a minute

-I then jelqed 80 times

- I tried Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) and I just feel like it would affect length gains. I have heard/read that it doesn’t but the motion just seems like it would. I did 3 of 5 second reps

-I stretched for 15 seconds in each direction

- I warmed down with some hot water

I would rate today a 7 because I just wasn’t feeling it as much as yesterday. But I do always look forward to it. Also, last night my EQ seemed higher than usual. I would say around a 9. I love it

Please give any ideas!

Day 3

Rest day. I really hate resting because jelqing is actually fun lol. But I will be following a 2 on 1 off routine and will add rest days if needed. I will provide a measurement 1 month in. Good Luck to everyone!

Keep it up! Remember consistency is key, always keep regular routine and gain will follow.


I will!

Thanks for the feedback

It really helps with motivation

Day 4

- Warmed up for 10 minutes with really hot shower water

- 2 of 20 second helicopter shakes ( this got unexpected water to fly in my face)

- Stretched in each direction for 1 minutes

-100 jelqs (my unit didn’t get to the ‘sweet spot’ as fast for jelqing like usual)

-Stretched in each direction for not for a long time

-Warm down with some more hot shower water

Today was an 8, because I enjoyed the jelqing today. I felt thicker than usual too, so that is a plus! Hit me with some tips and any ideas. You will be greatly appreciated.

“Jelqing until I got a pringles can showing through my pants”

Day 5

- Warmed up for 8 minutes in shower

-2 of 30 second helicopter shakes

- Stretched in each direction for 1 minute

- Did 120 jelqs

-20 v jelqs

-Small stretches

-Warm down for about 8 minutes

Today felt okay, I’m just waiting for my gains to come back :(

I rate it a 7.5 because I had finished the jelqing part before I wanted to.

“Jelqing until I got a pringles can showing through my pants”

Day 6

Rest day! But I feel like my unit needs it

I have eczema that spread to that area so it’s a little irritated and I’m hoping that is fixed by tomorrow

Also I have a big gash on my hand and got stitches :( so hopefully it doesn’t get in the way either

Day 7

-I tried warming up with a rice sock and wasn’t pleased. 8 min shower

-80 jelqs

-20 v jelqs

- One rep of a 3 second slow squash jelq

-Warm down for 6 minutes

It was hard but I mainly used one hand for the jelqs but I did overhand also.

And I’m thinking about buying a hydromax x30 pump? Can people help me out with some personal reviews on a bathmate?

Day 8

-I warmed up for 8 minutes with hot shower

-Stretched just forward for a little bit

-50 jelqs and 50 overhead jelqs

-Warm down for 10 minutes

Lately my days have been shitty because my hand is stitched up. But I will be buying the hydromax x30!! When my taxes come back I will purchase it

Just stay consistent and watch out for your P.I’s. You’ll get there in time.

"Penis Enlargement (PE) is a Personal Endeavor for Personal Enhancement to Progressive Excellence which takes Commitment, Consciousness, Comprehension, Competency, and Consistency to Succeed"


Day 9

I cheated. I jelqed.

But hey that night my soldier was UP AND BIG!

So I measured and got 6.75 😇

-8 minute warm up in shower

-40 jelqs(BC I knew I was passing my usual routine and didn’t want to go too hard)

-Warm down of 8 minutes

I did this twice in one day

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