Thunder's Place

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Blood From Penis

Blood From Penis

Possibly the most serious topic discussed on the forums is what happens when blood comes out of your penis. This is VERY serious and if there is ANY doubt what-so-ever, you need to go to a doctor immediately and have it looked at. There is a small chance that it could be something involving prostate cancer if you notice blood. What are your experiences?

Previous Threads

In general
can’t jelq anymore
blood discharge
Blood in my urine!!! Help!
Hubbard Drumsticks and bleeding

Blood from hanging
Occasional bleeding while hanging.

Last edited by hobby : 02-09-2003 at .

Thanks BL !!!

Hey BL,
Looks great. Hopefully we can start building on your excellent foundation here.

I need to add to this one though. You may scare the shit out of a bunch of guys here.

99% of the time that you see blood and think it is coming OUT of your penis through your urethra, it is actually blood that you have forced out of the skin near the frenulum (not frenum, I don’t know WTF that even is), sometimes you can see small cracks in the skin there or even feel a stinging sensation when you are cleaning up. Lay off the PE for a couple of days and apply some antibiotic like Neosporin to the area to help it heal. Oh yeah, take it a little easier when you finally do get back to your routine.

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I agree there, but I just wanted to stress that if you think something is wrong and blood is coming out of your penis, don’t hesitate to go to the doctor.


BoardLurker & Thunder,

Creating this forum was a wonderful idea,

Good Job, it looks great. I will come here and see if there’s anything I can help.


Btw frenum and frenulum refer to the same thing (the thin strip of flesh on the underside of the penis that connects the shaft to the head).

ù ì å í


Great work!

Just as an addition - kidney stones/disease can cause blood in the urine which may be mistaken for blood coming from the penis.

Excellent resource guys- long overdue!

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

To my knoledge blood coming out penis can also be caused from VERY hard hits to the balls.

I can rember two years back while my dad was out chasing ferral pigs (an australian thing) he fell over and got a hard hit to the balls, he is a very tough/stuborn man and didnt see the doctor, his balls were black and he was pissing out blood.


It’s also possible that easy bleeding is a simple vitamin deficiency. Somewhere early in the process ask yourself if your diet could be suspect and if you’re taking a multi. If you have deep aches when you squeeze off your urine or sharp pains through the tracks your ureters follow to your kidneys then consider kidney stones or a prostate problem. Everyone should get their prostate checked and a PSA test regularly anyway (over a certain age).

You should be able to try the vitamins and rest for a week or so before you have to launch into a panic about the prostate.

If you have kidney stones they will inform you of themselves unmistakably. Trust me you will know something else is wrong because of some interesting pains near your hips and kidneys. Woe be unto you if you ever pass a kidney stone. Those who have done both will assure you that passing a kidney stone makes birth pain feel like a day at the spa. I’ll just tell you that it was the worst thing I ever could have imagined. Like pissing molten razor blades. I don’t even like to think about it.

I got a few drops of blood coming out of my urethra today!!
I was off PE since the last 10 days, kinda lazy to get back to routine after returning from a tour. So I thought I’ll get back into the groove today, and damn!! Time for another BIG break:(

To hot wrap, I put my dick into a tumbler of hot water. I simultaneously stretch downwards into the tumbler of hot water (heat stretching). I pulled intensely and then immersed the dick (while stretched) into the tumbler. Just after a minute of 2 I noticed drops of blood in the water! It was coming out from inside the urethra. It stopped the minute I released the grip. There was no pain. I don’t see a blood clot at the end of the opening, so I’m guessing the wound must have been deep inside.

For guys who have experienced this, how long did you take off? I had a previous injusry in the frenulum (while bending). I initially took off 3 days and bleeding returned. So finally I had to take off a whole week and now it’s fine.

What freaks me is INTERNAL injuries. What if some artery or valve deep inside ruptured, and you don’t even see any blood? Today, I didn’t have any pain when I saw blood. So how can you guess??


If you have not already done so, contact your doctor. While this may be nothing at all, maybe a busted capallary, it could be a sign of something much more serious. Since there is no pain, that is a plus, or at least I think so.

I’m sure some of the other guys will offer suggestions as well, but I would consider taking another break till you know what it is.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I have never had blood coming out from inside the urethra, that would scare the poop out of me. Do not PE untill you know you are all better, then don’t PE for a while longer. Then when you are 100% certain that your willie is A OK…don’t PE for a while. You don’t want to break your dick.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Are you sure you don’t have some kind of an abrasion or small tear near the opening of your urethra? Either way, take some time off and see a doctor if it happens again.


Thanks for the suggestions guys. Well, there’s no trace of blood after that incident (no urine blood, etc). No pain. It’s probably an abrasion case (cause it happened while stretching). But to play safe I’ll take off alomost a week, or do something mild towards the end of the week. So right now, my willie is a free-willie :D

I happen to be a bleeder. Not all the time (only when I stretch)with force. But I know where the blood is coming from the very tip of my penis. If I knew the blood was coming from way inside my dick I would freak out. If I were peeing long streams of blood I would shit my pants. I have already took time off and it helped alot. But once I started to stretch with force it bled. I already know that it will heal. So let me achieve my goals then let it heal for good.

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

In my experience blood comes out of the urethra if the pressure on the CCU or Corpus Spongiosum is too great. (See A Quick Start Guide to PE) For this reason when I jelq now I tend to put most of the pressure on the sides and upper. When over-handing (palm facing down) I don’t let my finger and thumb overlap too much and when under-handing I line up the bend at the first knuckle of my fore-finger with the urethra so it’s got a little space to breathe during the stroke.

To be safe I suggest, in such cases, taking a week off hard-jelqing but in my experience if it’s not bad I can sometimes continue with the above routines with little disruption. It can help to focus on whichever half ISN’T where the bleeding is coming from to the end of your workout if you MUST finish it. Starting easy on the jelqs seems to help, as I’m sure do warm-ups. I also find this is more likely to happen when I’m at 50% erect and doing long strokes. I find there’s something to be said for working out the top and bottom half separately. When I’m about 80% it’s far less likely to happen unless I go HARD.

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