Thunder's Place

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Diagnosed with mild Venous Leak

Originally Posted by Worriedguy
To summarize all the potential permanent solutions I’m reading so far on my issue are:

1. Low risk exercising (pelvic floor muscle exercises including going to physical therapy, Kegel/Reverse Kegel)

2. High risk exercising (Jelqing, Clamping and stretches, etc)

3. Butchers broom, HorseChestnut, L-arganine & other supplements

4. Trimix & injections

5. DMSO + Iodine

6. Drugs (Cialis, Viagra, etc) - with use over a long period of time

7. Implants

The only solutions here that I feel comfortable with to start are 1, 3, 5 and 6. Even 5, I’m not too sure the side effects of DMSO. Lots of what I read up on are not scientifically proven/approved by the FDA, and its hard to know whether doing it will cause further injury/risking even further damage. This is why lots of these solutions are hard to jump into without understanding it fully and/or feeling very safe about it and treading slowly. Is there anything that I’m missing here? Do you guys think I should space out each alternative (e.g I first ONLY do 1 for 1-2 months, then I ONLY do 3 for 1-2 months, etc)? That way I can isolate and know what works and doesn’t? I hope to find a “cure” for my issue and hope you guys can really put me on the right path.

I read mixing 50% DMSO and 50% Aloe vera is good for dissolving scar tissue in sensitive places. Or you can put more DMSO and less Aloe vera for a stronger effect, or less DMSO and more Aloe vera for less strong/less irritating effect. Probably a good Idea to start at a low dose of DMSO to make sure your body doesn’t react to it negatively before you try higher doses of it. I’m not really sure what mixing it with Iodine does to make it dissolve scar tissue better.

I’m not sure how the dmso would help for your EQ problems to be honest, also to my knowledge getting iodine in the body belongs to unknown territory as far as thyroid health is concerned.

It’s funny but you did not add any mental aspect to your list.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
I’m not sure how the dmso would help for your EQ problems to be honest, also to my knowledge getting iodine in the body belongs to unknown territory as far as thyroid health is concerned.
It’s funny but you did not add any mental aspect to your list.

I actually am seeing a sex therapist currently (already for about two months), and it’s highly likely that mental is around 10%. Of course, anxiety comes with the territory, who won’t be upset about this situation? But I believe I’m able to disconnect myself from all the negative thoughts and put myself in the “right mood” without feeling anxious etc during sex.

You see, when I first used to jelq, my penis would immediately become erect after I stroked it a few times in a jelqing motion. I had this problem several times when I first jelqed and the rest of the times I tried jelqing it never became erect the same way. I wasn’t anxious at all about it, didn’t even know jelqing could potentially cause EQ loss/issues. It just happened when I tried to masturbate after performing these exercises. Furthermore, it wouldn’t ever be as easy to get an erection, especially maintain one after the exercises. I had no reason to think otherwise, therefore the mental aspect of this is really invalid. Again, when I’m super “turned on”, the reason why I can have full erections and stay hard throughout sex is because more in-flow will supplement the out-flow. However, when I have “normal sex” without being super turned on, it’s hard to maintain a full erection since there is normal in-flow, but excessive out-flow of blood.

The problem is the blood doesn’t trap properly, and I really think Iguana’s theory on the tunica/smooth muscle plays a huge role here. When jelqing, I may have increase the size of the tunica, causing a gap between the smooth muscle and tunica. I need to somehow increase the smooth muscle, without enlarging the tunica to get it back to normal. Does anyone have any low risk exercises that I can work on which affects only the smooth muscle that can increase size to be able to pinch/close the veins from leaking? I’m open to all ideas.


I began my daily supplement regime today:

- L-arganine (3,000MG daily)
- Horse Chestnut (500MG daily)
- Butchers Broom (1880MG daily)

In conjunction to this, I’ll be going to the gym everyday starting today:

30 min cardio
30 min weights

Mixed in with some pelvic floor muscle exercises. I’m also looking into physical therapy focused on sexual mens health in NYC. I found a few places, but will look to see if they accept my insurance. Can anyone recommend any good physical therapy places in NYC for venous leak?

Thanks guys

I invite you to reread post 45 as well as the content of the links.

As capernicus said you are in a the right mindset to tackle this, please keep us updated on your progress.

Originally Posted by Walter5169

I’m not sure how the dmso would help for your EQ problems to be honest, also to my knowledge getting iodine in the body belongs to unknown territory as far as thyroid health is concerned.

It’s funny but you did not add any mental aspect to your list.

The idea behind DMSO helping with EQ is that there could be scar tissue that is preventing the penis tissue from engorging properly in an area so it doesn’t press against the vein enough to close it so the vein leaks blood out of the penis, and DMSO is supposed to help dissolve scar tissue.

I already began noticing slight improvements in my EQ with the supplements and Kegel exercises I’ve been doing. It’s only been a few days so I’m very hopeful. I’ve read some horror stories on doing too many kegel’s can cause further injury, so I want to make sure I’m not going to be counter-productive here. I can kegel (quick squeezes) throughout the entire day flaccid, but I want to make sure I’m not going to cause any further issues. Is it okay if I randomly squeeze the PC muscle throughout the entire day or is it too much? I occasionally hold the squeeze for about 30s-60s but the short squeezes I can do for a very long period of time. Any advice here from you guys would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Worriedguy

I already began noticing slight improvements in my EQ with the supplements and Kegel exercises I’ve been doing. It’s only been a few days so I’m very hopeful. I’ve read some horror stories on doing too many kegel’s can cause further injury, so I want to make sure I’m not going to be counter-productive here. I can kegel (quick squeezes) throughout the entire day flaccid, but I want to make sure I’m not going to cause any further issues. Is it okay if I randomly squeeze the PC muscle throughout the entire day or is it too much? I occasionally hold the squeeze for about 30s-60s but the short squeezes I can do for a very long period of time. Any advice here from you guys would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Make sure you do reverse kegels too. It’d probably be a good idea to do the same amount of reverse kegels as your normal kegels, if not more. Don’t strain too hard while kegeling either.

I would do way less of them and do them 3 times a week to get started (e.g. monday wednesday friday).

Should I be proactive and do other exercises along with it? Jelqing, clamping, etc? I don’t care about gains, I just want to get back to normal EQ

Originally Posted by Worriedguy

Should I be proactive and do other exercises along with it? Jelqing, clamping, etc? I don’t care about gains, I just want to get back to normal EQ

Just stick with pelvic floor exercise for a while and see how that does. If that doesn’t work then maybe try DMSO and Iodine. If that doesn’t work maybe try a gentle 20-40% erection level jelqing routine or some other low risk penis exercise or Viagra or something. Surgery is a last resort. Exhaust all of your other options first one at a time. Try the least risky options first.

Hey man, I haven’t read the whole thread yet but I can relate to you . I have the same issue . I Jelqed once almost a year ago and got injured . Lost most feeling in my dick and harder to get erections , but can still get them and fuck. Thank god. Sometimes my head doesn’t fill up either . Kinda looks weird .. Anyway , I don’t let it get to me . I’ve accepted it . I mean , if you can still have sex, I don’t see the problem . Good luck man. We’re going to be fine :)

In addition to my current regime, I began taking the following supplements:

Ashwagandha: 2,000 MG
Maca 360 Root Powder: 750 MG

Any input on these supplements? Already taking Butchers broom, Horse Chestnut, and L-Arganine.

Whydididothis2: Don’t give up. I’m not going to stop fighting until I’m satisfied with sex. I’m against implants and drugs, so I will do everything in my will power to heal this through natural remedies. Has anyone on this forum been diagnosed with mild venous leak who healed themselves? If so, I’m desperate to learn what you did to heal/cure this issue.

Oh shit man. I just read the whole thread . I didn’t know you lost you erections during sex . I can keep an erection as long as it’s being simulated. However , within 10 seconds or so, it will start to die down :( I still manage though . Don’t give up man, don’t let your life revolve around this injury . Please . I know it’s easier said than done , but you got a life to live . I guess we both were just more prone to injury than others . Like I said, only Jelqed once got mild Ed and lost most sensation in my penis. Only 19 too, but oh well . Life goes on . Good luck man.

Originally Posted by Worriedguy
In addition to my current regime, I began taking the following supplements:

Ashwagandha: 2,000 MG
Maca 360 Root Powder: 750 MG

Any input on these supplements? Already taking Butchers broom, Horse Chestnut, and L-Arganine.

Whydididothis2: Don’t give up. I’m not going to stop fighting until I’m satisfied with sex. I’m against implants and drugs, so I will do everything in my will power to heal this through natural remedies. Has anyone on this forum been diagnosed with mild venous leak who healed themselves? If so, I’m desperate to learn what you did to heal/cure this issue.

Maca is good.

L arginine is good but do not take it if you ever had herpes. It will make it appear again.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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