Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I went to see my urologist regarding my thrombosed vein


Dude, just from hear that, I got scared, better go with the doc again.

Good luck.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

HELL NO! Don’t poke it! If it were that easy, the doc would have done it. CALM DOWN!

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Jesus man, leave the vein alone!

Remember that veins carry blood out of the penis. Arteries are for “inflow,” and as far as I know, you really can’t thrombose a penile artery, so you have nothing to worry about with respect to erections.

I too went to a urologist for some “guitar string” thrombosed veins a while ago. He said they were harmless and to ignore them unless there is pain. Even if they never soften — and mine never did (might be scar tissue) — new veins will grow and blood flow will be re-routed accordingly.

Just leave your dick alone for a while and hope that it resolves. At worst, you’ll be stuck with a hard vein (or, I suppose, if there were recurring pain, a surgical removal).

Almost 14 years later, I wonder what happened to OP’s vein.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by lifestyle
Almost 14 years later, I wonder what happened to OP’s vein.

Me as well.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by lifestyle
Almost 14 years later, I wonder what happened to OP’s vein.

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
Me as well.

I know both of your posts were a couple of months ago, but I was interested in the thread and possible outcome too, so I looked up Mike’s post history and found this followup thread: Cable Clampers please read!! My urologist diagnosed me with Sclerosing Lymphangitis.

Looks like he eventually went to another Urologist and got a proper diagnosis of Sclerosing Lymphangitis. He says later in the thread that it eventually resolved itself after about a year. It appears from my reading that it is usually caused by some trauma to the penis (likely clamping in this case) which causes a lymph vessel to become blocked (likely by a clot) causing it to become engorged with lymph since it cannot drain from the penis. It is usually painless but can sometimes be accompanied by mild pain particularly at the site of the clot. They usually resolve on their own within days to months, sometimes leaving no trace but sometimes leaving behind a long-term or permanent firm cord which is usually only detectable by palpation. It appears that gently massaging the enlarged vessel may help it clear, sometimes. It is apparently regarded by doctors as a benign condition and no action is usually taken unless it is causing a problem (I.e. Pain) aside from recommending abstaining from sex until resolution.

It seems that if you experience this, you are likely to be susceptible to a recurrence in the future. Whether this is an indication you were always more prone to it, or the injury causes you to become prone to it isn’t clear from my reading. There was some speculation that circumcision might increase susceptibility due to damage to the lymphatic structure during the procedure but by no means are uncircumcised men exempt from developing the condition. In any event, if you notice this after a session, it’s probably a good idea to try to gently massage the lymph out of the vessel and avoid repeating the sort of trauma that immediately proceeded it, because it will likely continue to return. Eventually, it might not want to go away. Finding a different exercise to do would be prudent.

In the reading I did, it was stated that this was a very rarely reported condition, but several of the paper’s authors stated that they believed it was under-reported because it often resolves on its own before people with the condition become concerned enough to see their physician. I suspect it is far more common than is thought.

Some further reading:

Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis- literature review and report of 2 cases From 2014, with color pictures of the condition.
Benign transient lymphangiectasis (sclerosing lymphangitis) of the penis - PMC Interestingly, a lot of the medical papers I found were from the seventies, and it appears the condition was just becoming "recognized" and described at that time, although there were certainly descriptions of the condition dating back decades. They were also still toying with the idea there might be some infective agent at work, which has since been debunked.
https://www.ncb … les/PMC1048386/ Another paper from the seventies.
Sclerosing Lymphangitis treatment? - Urology - MedHelp <—More current information from "laymen" an online medical help forum.
https://sti.bmj .com/content/se … /6/409.full.pdf <— PDF

I desperately need some help here. Can a thrombosed vein that’s been slightly aggravated cause such intense pain that it can feel like a bad case of blue balls? I’ve woke up with a bad back, abs all cramped up and my penis and balls are aching. I thought my injury had healed so last night I tried 15 mins jelqing and 5 mins clamping. It started to slightly ache afterwards, and the pain stayed with me until I went to sleep, but after a night of erections I’ve woke up in a lot of pain. I’m on the way to the gym, hopefully that will help.

It did help, I may have slightly aggravated my penis injury, but that wasn’t the cause of my pain. I think my lower back just cramped up. Dead lifts and front squats soon put me right. Sorry for the posts, I was panicking and there’s no way I’d go to the doctors unless I’m sure it’s my penis/testicles that’s the issue.

Originally Posted by NoNamesLeft
I know both of your posts were a couple of months ago, but I was interested in the thread and possible outcome too, so I looked up Mike’s post history and found this followup thread: Cable Clampers please read!! My urologist diagnosed me with Sclerosing Lymphangitis.

Looks like he eventually went to another Urologist and got a proper diagnosis of Sclerosing Lymphangitis. He says later in the thread that it eventually resolved itself after about a year. It appears from my reading that it is usually caused by some trauma to the penis (likely clamping in this case) which causes a lymph vessel to become blocked (likely by a clot) causing it to become engorged with lymph since it cannot drain from the penis. It is usually painless but can sometimes be accompanied by mild pain particularly at the site of the clot. They usually resolve on their own within days to months, sometimes leaving no trace but sometimes leaving behind a long-term or permanent firm cord which is usually only detectable by palpation. It appears that gently massaging the enlarged vessel may help it clear, sometimes. It is apparently regarded by doctors as a benign condition and no action is usually taken unless it is causing a problem (I.e. Pain) aside from recommending abstaining from sex until resolution.

It seems that if you experience this, you are likely to be susceptible to a recurrence in the future. Whether this is an indication you were always more prone to it, or the injury causes you to become prone to it isn’t clear from my reading. There was some speculation that circumcision might increase susceptibility due to damage to the lymphatic structure during the procedure but by no means are uncircumcised men exempt from developing the condition. In any event, if you notice this after a session, it’s probably a good idea to try to gently massage the lymph out of the vessel and avoid repeating the sort of trauma that immediately proceeded it, because it will likely continue to return. Eventually, it might not want to go away. Finding a different exercise to do would be prudent.

In the reading I did, it was stated that this was a very rarely reported condition, but several of the paper’s authors stated that they believed it was under-reported because it often resolves on its own before people with the condition become concerned enough to see their physician. I suspect it is far more common than is thought.

Some further reading:

Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis- literature review and report of 2 cases From 2014, with color pictures of the condition.
Benign transient lymphangiectasis (sclerosing lymphangitis) of the penis - PMC Interestingly, a lot of the medical papers I found were from the seventies, and it appears the condition was just becoming "recognized" and described at that time, although there were certainly descriptions of the condition dating back decades. They were also still toying with the idea there might be some infective agent at work, which has since been debunked.
https://www.ncb … les/PMC1048386/ Another paper from the seventies.
Sclerosing Lymphangitis treatment? - Urology - MedHelp <—More current information from "laymen" an online medical help forum.
https://sti.bmj .com/content/se … /6/409.full.pdf <— PDF

This is some great information. Thanks for taking the time to post. I’ve read about inflamed lymph vessels on Thunder’s before, but I was not aware of Sclerosing Lymphangitis. I wonder if the vast majority of "thrombosed veins" people describe are actually damaged lymph vessels - or more accurately, Sclerosing Lymphangitis.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

I hate to revive this even more, thought I should start my own thread but figure after reading on this I’ll just ask here. Does a thrombosed vein start out seemingly blowing up like a balloon? I ask because this past Friday I think I did my 2nd day in a row session too close to the night before (maybe even a few other variables) and in my first minute or 2 of jelqs (after warm up/stretching per newb routine) my shaft’s left side shot out a bulge like a balloon and I immediately stopped/freaked out. (At the same time wished I could take advantage of the odd size increase, I try to laugh through anything) It went back to normal but has been appearing bruised ever since. No pain so I’ve been slowly just stretching until I feel like I know what’s going on. Any help or guidance on what I should be searching for is appreciated.

My life is a WIP.

If you appear bruised then you shouldn’t be doing anything and give it a chance to heal.

Hey mike2002

Hello, mike2002. Are there any updates on your condition?? My vein is swollen and distended and I have been to the doctor already. The doctor is giving me 6 months to observe my condition. I would appreciate it if you updated us on your condition. Please.

Originally Posted by lilbobeep

Hello, mike2002. Are there any updates on your condition?? My vein is swollen and distended and I have been to the doctor already. The doctor is giving me 6 months to observe my condition. I would appreciate it if you updated us on your condition. Please.

If you read through this thread you will see the link to his thread where he updates his condition.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I Appreciate It

Thank you!


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