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Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

You really permanently messed it up? What were you doing? I just did normal stretches but my thumb was on that nerve bundle.

I did some “extreme” (read: using a stupidly high amount of force) stretching one day while my head was all fucked up.

Yes at this point I’ve come to accept that most of the sensitivity in my shaft isn’t coming back. I still have some sensitivity (not really sensitive but still feel good) in my glans and can still come. I just don’t get erections during the day and skin to skin contact with the ladies doesn’t do anything for me anymore unless we are really getting hot and heavy.

I’m fucked up. I hope you’re not. If you just did normal stretches then I would guess that you are not in the same boat as me. Just give it a break until it comes back (even if it’s a month to a year break).

Rest up, exercise and eat well. Only advice I can give you as far as recovery goes.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

Thanks, I pulled hard but just a couple times, wasn’t like a huge session of stretching.

UserName - you may still get slowly better. Eating really wholesome food is a good idea. Some foods contain things that aid nerve repair. The reason body to body contact is not getting you hard may well be due to the “unreleased shock” of what happened to you. Jeeeeez I would have been jumping out of my skin on that fateful day. You have my warm wishes for a full and total recovery.

I think shocking the nerves may help them heal/wake up. By dipping your dick in cold and then warm-hot water. It’s a general idea for nerve injuries.

Thanks for the support marky777. It was a very shocking and confusing time. Well hell it’s 2 years later and I’m still confused and still quite shocked. I try to eat healthy everyday (well up until recently that is) in hopes that someday I’ll wake up and BAM I’m back online.

I’ll probably try what you’re talking about refresh9 but I’m not counting on it to work.

Best of luck to you refresh9.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

Thanks, and good luck to you as well. Fatty acids will help, as well as some SAM-e. Maybe alpha-lipoic acid. I’ve spoken with many different doctors on nerve damage, and they all say it should heal as long as it wasn’t lacerated, which obviously didn’t happen. Are you sure you’re not just percieving not to feel anything, or is it really not the same. It does take a while, from a few weeks to many months.

UserName -

I believe you can obtain total rehabilitation - I know a way to increase your sensitivity are you interested?

Refresh9 man it’s been 2 years. Didn’t you read my posts? And yes, I’m positive that I’ve lost a lot of sensation. I’m not here to prove anything to anyone. I’m just warning. Take my advice and my story for what they are worth.

Marky777 I’m very interested in increasing my sensitivity. Any information and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

UserName86, check out this thread if you haven’t already: Sensitivity and PE

Originally Posted by marky777

UserName -

I believe you can obtain total rehabilitation - I know a way to increase your sensitivity are you interested?

I’m sure many are. If you have an idea, spill it. So far, this sounds like the first stage of an advertising scheme.

I’m very interested :cutlass:

Pussy Pounder

No hobby, this is not an advert, I just did not want to waste my time typing into thin air.

Basically, I discovered it as a side effect to something else.
I am 41 years old.
I started doing semen retention - I have now worked up to cumming only once per month. (I am not recommending this by the way).
I get plenty of sex, plus quite a lot of edging etc.

I noticed that after about 12 days - my cock got really really sensitive - it was a real struggle not to cum too soon during sex. If you are younger than me, 7 days may well be enough. In fact, the shorter the delay the better. For an 18 year old - 2 or 3 days might be plenty. So this is probably NOT going to make life easier if you suffer from premature ejaculation.

If anyone wants to try this, they should do it for a few cycles - say 3 then go back to normal, and asses the situation. Some people think it might not be healthy for the prostate- especially if semen is retained for long periods.

If anyone tries this, it would be interesting to know the ages, and if they have a sexual partner, and frequency of sexual activity. Every variable affects the sensitivity.

The secret to making this work is NOT to go celibate for x days, or stop jerking. You must be having sex and or masturbating as per normal. It’s the desperation to cum that causes the increase in sensitivity - as far as I can tell.

Last edited by marky777 : 04-09-2008 at .

Also, I would not advise doing this exercise straight after an injury - let it heal first, no need to put additional strain on the system.

Whether it works or not for actually increasing physical sensitivity marky, it would certainly help someone differentiate physical and psychological reductions in ‘perceived’ sensitivity.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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