Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My dick has been numb and flaccid for 4 days

So you have not seen a doctor about this?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So you have not seen a doctor about this?

I have visited my house doctor and I don’t live in sweden no more(else I’d be thrown in to an urologist by now) but he just told me to rest and that it looked quite fine (it does, except for foreskin).
This was after I was an idiot and redamaged it so I thought my injury was healing very good(didn’t realize a lot of strange things I had), I still think it does kinda, but he said they were very booked and it’s true, I have called. Basicly said let it rest some and if it gets worse report back, I was/am fine with that, just want to heal long term.

I have not went to a real urologist cause when I decided I wanted to check myself(realized penis feels bad too(not just muscle)) the doctor screwed me up being on a vacation for 3 weeks and I can’t get checked/refered by state unless by him… I hope he’s back soon, his answering message makes me mad lol.

I could apperently pay a private company to refer me to the urologist in town but it will require a long travel and quite a cost. I mean I am healing now so it’s still okay, but my anxiety has kept me from checking myself too..

I have called and mailed around and I need this referal..

Next week I hope I can get it someway. I’m going through some other things too so it’s a lot to handle. I think you can see it on how I write, my head is spinning. I’m sorry about that.

What’s a lot to handle?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
What’s a lot to handle?

I moved from my mother and before that from a good life. She’s a narcissist and she’s been calling me, messing with my head about it. It’s a mess.
I had a short romance fail but not over this and I’ve been moving in/fixing things and now started working again.

I also have a very depressing past with a lot friendship ending, brother suicide, father dead, drug crime idiocity (I got 3 “dots” on my register), consequences of crime and I was raised in a very dysfunctional setting with a single mother that’s sick but masks it well on the outside. I left sweden not by choice and I left a lot of things behind. I was depressed before this happened..

But it’s stupid I haven’t got myself checked yet, I just have low self worth problems.

It could just be that those issues are what’s really, or mostly, what’s wrong with your penis. Did you ever consider that?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
It could just be that those issues are what’s really, or mostly, what’s wrong with your penis. Did you ever consider that?

Something is still wrong, the bc hurts. Gonna ask for some scan of sorts and hopefully my penis is just deformed in strange ways but functional. The BC is in bad shape but I feel really relaxed there today.

Those issues could definitly delay my healing time and I also could probably get longer erections if my head didn’t lose all libido as soon as some ache happens and I lose erection (slowly as in like 10 seconds maybe).

I won’t masturbate until I have zero ache/tensions for at least a week. I’m not there yet as I can’t even have long erections.

This is me speculating but from my week to week progress I think my BC pain will vanish in prehaps 1-2 months now, the ache is rare and the tensions release is quicker.
I ran a week ago and I got all red down there so I think it’s strained and now probably healed with a lot of knots left.(not really sure how it works)

Still quite hopeful I’ll heal okay but my penis will look strange if no improvement happens.

I’m a little scared my corpus spongosium dissapears a little before head but maybe it’s in my head.
My foreskin tip is cold and redder, otherwise no coldness.

I’m NOT there yet but if I’m crazy and my future scans(hopefully I can get scans) show no injuries, I might buy a bathmate just to “pressure” things back to be more uniform. But overall I’m done with PE I’m pretty sure. Still appreciate having you guys helping me.

I read some about using pumping to straighten out damage and it seems plausible but might be risky. If scans are fine the risks should be low though I think.
This is future plans though.

Last edited by Legitusz : 08-13-2016 at .

I have quite a few similar symptoms as you.

I have a small indentation on my corpus spongiosum, and my corpus spongiosum engorges a lot less just passed the indentation near my glans. My corpus spongiosum also stays soft during erection, and my glans doesn’t engorge properly. It is also hard to maintain an erection for more than a few minutes, and it’s very hard to get an erection while standing, and impossible to maintain it. I’ve also experienced a couple times when my erection wouldn’t go away, and it took a long time to get the erection to go down, it wasn’t normal because I wasn’t aroused at all.

My EQ is very unstable. Sometimes it’s decent, and then sometimes it’s terrible. I also have some PC muscle problems, I’ve been doing reverse kegels, it seems to help a little bit.

Try to avoid inducing erections and masturbating, I know it’s hard. Seems the more I avoid erections the better my EQ gets, and the faster the injuries heal.

I want to avoid erections but I get into this insane really terrible habit of giving myself an erection just to make sure I can get one, and then I get an erection again soon after to make sure that erection didn’t mess it up, and then I get an erection again to make sure that erection didn’t mess it up, and I do that until my EQ gets bad again from inducing too many erections. It’s fucking insanity. It also ends up reopening the internal bleeding I have in my penis that won’t heal and is sometimes painful after erections.

Originally Posted by ChuckaChicken
I want to avoid erections but I get into this insane really terrible habit of giving myself an erection just to make sure I can get one, and then I get an erection again soon after to make sure that erection didn’t mess it up, and then I get an erection again to make sure that erection didn’t mess it up, and I do that until my EQ gets bad again from inducing too many erections. It’s fucking insanity. It also ends up reopening the internal bleeding I have in my penis that won’t heal and is sometimes painful after erections.

Sounds like classic OCD.

Could you maybe show some pictures and far how long have you had problems.

I’m still in the mindset that my BC is strained and my corpus injury is minor(for a major injury). My indention is very small and more down the shaft so I hope it can become stable.

Also can you describe your pain there? I have only “muscle” pain I think but not 100% sure, maybe have felt a “tight” feeling there but could be under it.

Also have you experienced weird angles?

Originally Posted by Legitusz

Also can you describe your pain there? I have only “muscle” pain I think but not 100% sure, maybe have felt a “tight” feeling there but could be under it.

Also have you experienced weird angles?

I think most of my problems are vein related in my pelvic area, and the messed up veins are what is causing my PC muscle problems. I don’t have any pain in my pelvis but I do have tightness, reverse kegels help with the tightness. I only have pain sometimes in one spot on my glans that has internal bleeding.

I’m not sure if the indentation is a big deal or not, I don’t really think it is. It’s been around half a year since I injured myself, and it seems like I’ve made very little healing progress.

I think we have different problems with just a few similar symptoms. Yours could heal faster than mine.

I hope yours heal, I wish you the best of luck.

Glad to hear you think you’ll be okay too.
I can’t really judge my injury since I still have some ache in bc, I might be stuck too it’s pretty annoying cause whenever I get erections it gets tiring but overall there is improvement quite slowly.

Originally Posted by ChuckaChicken
It’s been around half a year since I injured myself, and it seems like I’ve made very little healing progress.
Yours could heal faster than mine.

You have probably read more about this than me. Do the corpus spongosium heal? Does it only heal if it’s a slight injury or what’s the deal.

From what I’ve read it seems scary and I think I’ll kill myself in a year if it’s not much improvement, was already in these thoughts so whatever.

I have a huge fear my corpus is cut but it makes little sense since it fills up after the indention.It’s severly messed up anyhow and it dissapears before head too, don’t think it did before.

My strange thing by my head when it feels like a “string” just under my head but only if I feel through foreskin is scary too. It could be a horizontal tear or just a pile of skin/flesh.

I don’t think I’ll get a good penis back but maybe it will heal. I hate myself and think I’ll kill my mother for letting me snowball down this hard in life just before I kill myself. She’s a narcissist so whatever. And no, a mother isn’t always someone to love.

I’m pretty depressed today but I think in a month or so it should be a little better.. Adios..

Originally Posted by Legitusz
You have probably read more about this than me. Do the corpus spongosium heal? Does it only heal if it’s a slight injury or what’s the deal.

From what I’ve read it seems scary and I think I’ll kill myself in a year if it’s not much improvement, was already in these thoughts so whatever.

I have a huge fear my corpus is cut but it makes little sense since it fills up after the indention.It’s severly messed up anyhow and it dissapears before head too, don’t think it did before.

My strange thing by my head when it feels like a “string” just under my head but only if I feel through foreskin is scary too. It could be a horizontal tear or just a pile of skin/flesh.

I don’t think I’ll get a good penis back but maybe it will heal. I hate myself and think I’ll kill my mother for letting me snowball down this hard in life just before I kill myself. She’s a narcissist so whatever. And no, a mother isn’t always someone to love.

I’m pretty depressed today but I think in a month or so it should be a little better.. Adios..

The string thing you feel under your head through the foreskin is called the frenulum, it’s completely normal, it’s an elastic thing that helps pull the foreskin over the head of the penis.
I’m thinking the indentation could be caused by scar tissue, and there is apparently a way to dissolve scar tissue in the penis using DMSO and iodine. I’m going to try the DMSO and iodine in the future, and you should definitely try it too.
Try everything you can before you kill yourself, there are many ways to go about this that could fix it. And don’t kill your mom, even if she’s a shitty mom, that’s stupid.

I am sorry, but it wont heal by itself. You can read post after post here or in pegym. there is just noone that came back and said it was healt by itself. There just isnt. I know i will get attacked with that here, but search for yourself

What about injuries?

here in that threat i posted a few links and they have pretty much your sympots. or Just google these injuries. I am sorry.


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