Thunder's Place

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Article: The 4 Best Supplements to Increase Libido


It’s a shame that while there are lots of supplements proven to increase erection strength, the number that can boost sex drive is surprisingly low. Maca has a good track record, apart from that I’ve not seen anything with strong _scientific_ evidence of raising libido. Recreational drugs aside of course.

The only supplements that increase libido( sexual desire) are Yohimbe(maybe Yohimbine but not for me) and Tongkat Ali. The Tongkat Ali brand I have used only works for about 3 days max for me.It costs to much so I don’t use it anymore.Supplements that effect dopamine like Mucuna Pruriens and Tyrosine may improve libido if the product works.

The other supplements mentioned in this thread do nothing for libido for most people.The may improve erections but,not from my experience.Although some may actually work for erections if you have certain medical problems or using certain drugs that cause dysfunction.

Originally Posted by panthers
The other supplements mentioned in this thread do nothing for libido for most people.

Maca does have a scientific basis for its libido-boosting properties: Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men and several other studied linked off on the side. And Horny Goat Weed is a testosterone mimetic, it’s possible it boosts sex drive as well as erections that way.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Tongkat ali and mucuna pruriens both work well to increase libido.

I have a friend that is a regular user of maca and he says it works. He buys bulk and uses tablespoon size doses. Not sure the actual amount a day. I have tried the capsules and nothing! It may very well be to not using enough that I felt no change?

Originally Posted by panthers
I have a friend that is a regular user of maca and he says it works. He buys bulk and uses tablespoon size doses. Not sure the actual amount a day. I have tried the capsules and nothing! It may very well be to not using enough that I felt no change?

From the studies I looked at, Maca is something that works over long term, you wouldn’t feel anything within a day, it takes a few weeks.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

I don’t know that L-Arginine increases the libido itself, but it does make for power powerful erections. My visible veins bulge more noticeably with

the addition of L-Arginine.


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