Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lecithin and Pygeum Results

Yeah, for me it deffinitly did. It’s much easier to juice it than try to eat a whole stalk of celery.

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Hey Ganesh10in, where did you get the recipe from?

I found it in a PE manual I downloaded a few years ago. They also recommended taking twice daily zinc supplements, in addition.

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Thanks Ganiesh10in. I will have to give it a try!

Lemme know what results you guys have from it, if you give it a try!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Originally Posted by Ganesh10in
I take Maca daily, and love the effect on my energy levels. I tried a Pygeum tincture for a while, that I bought from Home - Elk Mountain Herbs - and it did the trick. Only, I realized, a few weeks into taking it, that actually having a lot of precum, wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be.

On a similar note, for about a month - I would twice daily make a smoothie from:

8 fresh celery stalks (juiced)
1 clove garlic (juiced)
2 Tbs. Ginger Root (juiced)
1 cup raw whole milk
Approx. 30 pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup lecithin
1/4 cup wheat germ

This actually doubled my cum load. However, I realized that it wasn’t (for me) really worth the effort to make it fresh twice daily - or the expense: going through two heads of organic celery everyday is not cheap. I loved that I felt my energy level stay up after ejaculation, and had much less of a refractory period - and the increased "show" was fun - but it is a lot of effort for somewhat unimportant results, in my humble opinion.

Thanks for sharing this recipe. I’m going to give it a try. Seems healthy anyway.

How long did it take for this to "kick in" for you? Do you still consume this on occasion?

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

No I don’t take it still - too expensive in the end, for me. I noticed a big change starting about 1-2 weeks in. It takes 30 days for your sperm to fully mature (granted, that is a small percentage of your output), but I would give yourself a full month to see results.

For me, before I stopped, my load was easily doubled - instead of 10 spurts, I had about 18 big ones. I had heard online that producing more cum meant stronger orgasms, but I personally found that to be untrue. There was no heightened pleasure from cumming more - it was just more cum. Granted, it was pretty unbelievable to watch. Every time, I thought “OMFG, there’s no possible way this is happening - this is like a cartoon.” Maybe at some point in the future, if there’s someone I am trying to impress, I would go for it again. Right now, it’s not worth the time of having to juice celery/garlic/ginger fresh everyday - it’s a big job!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Originally Posted by Ganesh10in
For me, before I stopped, my load was easily doubled - instead of 10 spurts, I had about 18 big ones.

Uh, were you mistaking your cum for piss? Because 18 big spurts is probably slightly beyond impossible. I’m a big cummer, sometimes massive, but 18 spurts would take like a minute and that doesn’t seem physically possible.

Wow - riled up, UFGator - I’m sorry, I meant no offense.

What I meant was this - Normally I have 4-5 big spurts, and then maybe another 5-6 little ones. Pretty normal?

When I was on this regimen - I would have 8 or so BIG gushes, and then another 10-12 little ones - like, it just kept coming out; wave after wave. Now, the feeling of the orgasm would only last for the first few, but it was kinda comical, because it felt like I had a leaky hose that just wouldn’t turn off.

Oh, and, yeah - this would take a good 40 seconds, easy. Almost a minute.

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Thanks, Gladiator1, for bringing this up: You can totally substitute almond/hemp milk instead of the whole milk, in case you don’t consume dairy. Happy gushing!!!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

So why didn’t you thinking having a lot of precum was a fun as you thought it would be? I’ve really enjoyed having more. The only downside is I tend to leak when I’m excited during the day and I have to make sure it doesn’t show.

I guess I wanted it to be a magical experience, and for me it wasn’t. Back then, I produced pretty much zero precum - and taking pygeum allowed me to finally have some. I never really started gushing from the moment I got aroused - like you do, gettingthick - and if I did, I definitely would have thought it was awesome! But going from none, to having only some - it wasn’t worth the energy it took for me.

An interesting anecdote, lately, without any sort of chemical impetus, I have been having little mini-orgasms, where I’ll spew 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. precum. This has never happened to me before, and I haven’t taken pygeum in many months. It might be my body just adapting, or maybe it’s the Ayurvedic herbs I am taking, Bala and Ashwangada. Either way, I’m enjoying it and wishing there was more of it - maybe it’s reason enough to go back on the pygeum; I still have my bottle of it around somewhere.

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

I’m thinking of going back on a cum increasing routine - I’ll let you guys know my results, when I do. :)

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

So you consumed 1 cup of lecithin every day?

Start: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 158mm/143mm/109mm (6.2"/5.6"/4.3") (end Sep '10)

Now: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 160mm/150mm/112mm (6.3"/5.9"/4.4") (end Oct '10)

GOAL: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 190mm/190mm/130mm (7.5"/7.5"/5.1")

This combination is amazing works great


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