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Lecithin Granules and increase load

When you have your lecithin, could you please report any difference in sperm volume? I am interested in this as well. Thanks. ;)

So you’ve been taking lecithin for some time? Did you notice any difference regarding sperm volume?

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Originally Posted by Lazy Wally
When you have your lecithin, could you please report any difference in sperm volume? I am interested in this as well. Thanks. ;)

So you’ve been taking lecithin for some time? Did you notice any difference regarding sperm volume?

I was prompted to try it via this thread. So far there has been a noticeable increase.

Take too much and it gives you the runs!!!

Thanks for the input, Yataghan50.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Ok for everone’s information I took two big tablespoons and got some diarrhea.

So be careful with how much you take;)

Same question as Springer240 - taking one level tablespoon morning and evening, how long before I should get results?

Should be noticing results in a few hours….I did at least.

Well, after taking four doses, one tablespoon every 12 hours, I “ran a test” about three hours after the last dose, and there was no detectable difference in volume. So either it has no effect for me, or I was somehow already consuming enough lecithin in my normal diet to produce whatever effect it has.

I did notice, however, some effects which appear to be allergic, including itchy eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose, and throat tickle. I wouldn’t have thought there would be all that much soy protein in lecithin, and I haven’t previously noticed any problem with soy, so it may just be coincindence.

Anyway, it was worth a try.

It took about a day for me to notice an improvement in volume. I have not had any strong negative reactions to the stuff. I seem to be a little more regular to the “john.” Semen seems to be a little more watery.

I like lecithin better for my camoflague colored stool and easy wipe-up then my volume increase. It increases ejaculate, and increased ejaculate improves my orgasm, I can’t verify this but it makes sense the more you ejaculate the better the orgasm or else it’s a placebo effect.

Also, I mix it with oatmeal and add milk. It is not very tasty, but the lecithin and oatmeal combine to produce a neutral taste and you are simply enjoying an odd and unejoyable texture but it’s easy to swallow.

Interesting and hilarious at the same time, the last few posts on here got me laughing so hard.

I picked some up today, I will prob take some with my yogurt later.

I have taken the pills before to help with some nerve damage I had. I stopped though once the nerve repaired itself, I also take a multivitamin,l-arginine(only when working out, if I got lazy and stopped working out(running,hockey season etc), I stop the Arginine too) , omega 3-6-9(capsule), and now these granules.

I won’t get to “run a test” until tomorrow but I’ll report any diference if I notice it.


My concern is that most all lecithin is derived from soy, unless you’re paying extra for egg-yolk lecithin.

So you are consuming large amounts of soy component. Soy is one of the most estrogenic foods in the world. You might be making yourself into a girly-girl. And I don’t think the body converts it into “extra cumload”. Once you have enough lecithin, the body seems to excrete the rest.

Originally Posted by antoniorosa
My concern is that most all lecithin is derived from soy, unless you’re paying extra for egg-yolk lecithin.

So you are consuming large amounts of soy component. Soy is one of the most estrogenic foods in the world. You might be making yourself into a girly-girl. And I don’t think the body converts it into “extra cumload”. Once you have enough lecithin, the body seems to excrete the rest.

The estrogen content is so low that you will never see any effect from it unless you eat 1 lb a day for 6 months. This has been discussed many times in hundreds of forums. And in case you don’t know, men need healthy estrogen levels too, just like women need healthy testosterone levels.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG


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