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testosterone injections

testosterone injections

I just started using test injections 3 months ago for libido and I cant beleive that I have gained almost a 1/2 inch in the same time , when I have been at stand still length wise for the past 2 years. I had also just got done with a 1 year break back in April and nothing was happening until just recently I measured and almost couldnt beleive it. I thought maybe my wife cut off my ruler or something else was going on. I am doing heavy stretching and long jelq sessions. I dont know if the test has anything to do with it or something else.


Nothing to it.

A lot of men who end up on hormone therapy start producing a little extra gains. I take a 5mg dose of topical Androgel everyday (had a pituitary tumor, so I make no mojo of my own), and although I’ve been learning about PE for a year or so, I haven’t done much of anything with any consistency except fowfers when I sleep.

And yet, I have almost an extra inch or so - length and girth - to show for it. Gotta love the artificial mojo.


5.5" BPEL and 4.25" EG - August, 2004 6.0" BPEL and 5.0" EG - October, 2005 \Pe"nis\ (p[=e]"n[I^]s), n. [L.] (Anat.) - Along with the soul, one of only two things a man keeps after a divorce.

Last edited by doctorlecter : 10-17-2005 at . Reason: Dumb joke.

How old are you 1quest ?

Young age of 45!

I just saw a documentary yesterday(from CNN…?) saying that test and derivates of test injections dont have the horrible side effects that everybody says they have, if they are tooked under professional medical supervision (blood tests etc) and at a age that the body is already matured. And it`s true. There are no actual studies that show the link between steroids injections and bad side effects as cancer(that beeing said in the doc). The only real danger it`s if they are used at a younger age, kids, or if they are used without supervision. There is a thread here from somebody who used steroids since the age of 14 (thats just plain stupid) until now at 20 . And he stopped the injections now, and he`s wondering why his dick doesnt work right anymore…

I have been on Androgel several times with nothing like this happening. I started using the test to boost my low normal levels, and maybe counter the effects of the Ultram. If it is making my dick longer thats just a added perc. Just wondering if thats possible.


I’m on 1 ml depotest/month and the libido and energy levels are great…I also thought that I was gaining a little after three months but I cant rule out that it was from having stronger erections than when I previously measured. What sucks is that my sac is perma-shrunk. Its literally uncomfortable at every waking moment and actually interferes with sex becuause its soo unnatural feeling. Anyone else know what I’m talking about or what to do about it?

Originally Posted by Throttle_14
I’m on 1 ml depotest/month and the libido and energy levels are great…I also thought that I was gaining a little after three months but I cant rule out that it was from having stronger erections than when I previously measured. What sucks is that my sac is perma-shrunk. Its literally uncomfortable at every waking moment and actually interferes with sex becuause its soo unnatural feeling. Anyone else know what I’m talking about or what to do about it?

You mean your balls are shrinked, right? That is because your balls dont fabric test cause you are suplying it from outside. What you should take is something that will make your balls fabric test. Talk to your doc. It`s a very stupid thing to take these things(test, Gh…whatever) without medical supervision.

Originally Posted by Throttle_14

I’m on 1 ml depotest/month and the libido and energy levels are great…I also thought that I was gaining a little after three months but I cant rule out that it was from having stronger erections than when I previously measured. What sucks is that my sac is perma-shrunk. Its literally uncomfortable at every waking moment and actually interferes with sex becuause its soo unnatural feeling. Anyone else know what I’m talking about or what to do about it?

HCG is the only thing I know of that with bring testical size back while your still shooting Test.

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