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The more than north supplement guide to creating massive cumshots

The more than north supplement guide to creating massive cumshots

The more than north guide to massive cumshots v 0.1

This guide is based on my experience and studies alone. I am not a doctor, follow the instructions below at your own risk. I have studied this for a couple of years now, and I feel I have some good advice. I was able to take myself from one shot and a couple of dribbles to 8-9 mega “more than north” size jets.

The first step in creating massive cumshots is a healthy body. A healthy body will have hormones in proper balance. I am under the impression that testosterone, and maybe growth hormone, dhea, androstenedione and I have read that even estrogen will increase the cumshot. I have taken some herbal hormone changing supplements and have experienced first hand that there is a link there. There may be a link with certain neurotransmiters, dopamine, serotonin etc, but I haven’t stepped into that field yet.

Maybe one day, we will know exactly what the key is, but until that time comes we will have to guess, I guess. If anyone finds out any more info, please pass it on to me. My goal is to make this a comprehensive guide with references and all that good stuff, but for now, I will just get the ball
rolling as I know some of you have been waiting for this info. I may update it if it gets a good enough response.

First I will start with some basic and easy to find supplements that are cheap and easy and may benefit overall healthiness. I have found that anything that increases your health will make itself manifest in the form of a massive cumshot. If you are deficient in something, it may not be present in the semen and it may be a cause for lack of volume.

Zinc - It plays a role in development of sex hormones. Maybe later I can get some literature on this, but it is pretty easy to find in a net search. It is really cheap and works well. I have found that 100mg gets a pretty good result. I have read that zinc interferes with copper absorbtion so take it with copper? Overall, I would give it a 5/5 star rating.

Flax Seed Oil - A source of essential fatty acids which make up prostaglandins and other hormones. I have had some great experience with this one. Together with zinc at night the first time I used it, I
shot a load and it felt like spiderman slinging his web. This is somewhat more expensive, but I give it a 5/5 star rating.

Lecithin - I am not exactly sure what is the active ingredient, but I have read that it is the phospho lipids, or phosphatidyl choline. I have read that the choline plays a part in the neurotransmiter aspect as it is a precusor to something, but I don’t know. I have also read that lecithin is good for the
liver, which may have something to do with cholesterol and hormone synthesis. I have no idea, I am not a doctor or biologist. If anyone knows why lecithin helps the cumshot, please post it. It is really cheap, and effective, I give it a 4.5/5 rating.

Water - It just seems like common sense that a well hydrated body would produce more liquids. I have tried drinking gallons of water, and all it really did was make me pee more. I must be ok on that end, but for someone who doesn’t drink a lot it might help. Once again, I think the key to massive cumshots is a balance of all the ingredients. Some people on this board may report that a certain supplement does nothing for them where others report miracles. These people just may be deficient in that aspect or have that basis covered.

Tribulus Terestris - My personal favorite. I remember the first time I took Tribulus I had a boner all day long. The orgasm was amazing and the volume was more that I have ever seen. Tribulus works by increasing LH levels which in turn will increase testosterone. I have also read that there is a certain chemical that may increase the conversion of testosterone to dht. I have read that dht is responsible for penis growth, prostate growth, seminal vessicles but I haven’t confirmed that. I am not sure if dht
will help cumshot volume, maybe there is a brave soul that will experiment. Tribulus is pretty cheap and it is my personal favorite. I have heard from people that tribestan is the best tribulus for increasing
massive loads. There is a study online somewhere that has some data on that. 5/5 rating

Maca - I haven’t experienced much effect with this. I may have just hit my limit, as I have added this supplement late in the game. There are studies online that show maca increases semen volume quite a bit, but no one knows why. It is a bit more expensive but you can find it cheap online if you look. I give it a 3.5/5 star.

L-arginine - The first time I took arginine, I had a boner that was bigger than one I have ever had, and when I came, it actually made a sound like a super soaker squirt gun. I think with supplements the first time you take them they have a great effect then your body gets used to them. I know it increases NO levels which facilitate smooth muscle relaxation and erection but I am not sure how it increases the cum volume, but it does. My experience says that the best results from l-arginine come when you take it 1-2 hours before orgasm. I have taken it all day long for a couple of days and if I don’t take it right before I don’t see much gain. It is fairly cheap if you buy a bulk powder but it tastes worse than anything on the planet. I had the best results from capsules. 5/5 stars.

Vitex - may increase LH and decrease prolactin. I have had similar results with tribulus, though I feel tribulus is far more effective. 3.75/5

Avena Sativa - I think this may help a bit. It binds to SHBG possibly increasing free testosterone. I give it 3.25/5 rating.

Ginseng (panax) - I have read that others taking ginseng have experienced quite a bit of difference. I think it works somewhat well. There is a lot of literature on this stating it’s pro sexual effects. I
give it 3/5

Horny Goat weed - I don’t know how much it increases cumshots, but it makes me really horny which allways helps - 3/5

Cerniton flower pollen - The main ingredient in most commercial cum pills. I have had great results with this. I don’t know why but it works. Whenever I take it, I have so much in reserve that I leak cum when
I take a crap. It also seems to thin it out a bit. It is very expensive, especially if you take more than the recommended dose, which I recommend. 4.5/5

Yohimbe - I haven’t really experimented with this one that much so I can’t tell you any personal experiences. I have read mind blowing stories of this one though. It may be the missing ingredient for me. The key ingredient is yohimbine, if it doesn’t have that it’s useless. some cheap yohimbe doesn’t state the yohimbine content. I have only tried the cheap kind so I can’t comment. It is also potentially the most dangerous out of all the substances listed here. Read the warnings.

These are some other things that I take that I don’t feel are that effective. 1 or 2 stars.

Pygeum - I wasn’t sure if this did anything or not. It was part of my regimine when I was having really big cumshots, but I remember thinking it didn’t add anything.

Catuaba - no real comment.

Muira Puama - no real comment.

Schizandra - I have read that it may rejuvinate sexual fluids.

Ginko Biloba - may increase bloodflow, which might help.

Damiana - may increase bloodflow to genitals, so it might help a bit.

DIM - may lower estrogen which may increase testosterone.

Ashwaganda - the indian ginseng. I haven’t experienced much.

Dong quai - may increase effectiveness of testicular hormones.

Nettle root - may interfere with the conversion of testosterone to other hormones.

Vitamin E and Selenium - haven’t tried much but heard good things.

If these methods don’t help, more drastic measures may be taken. Well, being horny helps a whole lot too. But you can try these methods.

Edging - there is a ton of reference on this so I won’t waste your time. Being on the edge of orgasm for an extended amount of time may help with the volume.

Ice on balls - I have no idea with this one, but I have heard it works. I tried it once but couldn’t get the hang of it.

Ball pumping - This is my personal belief on how the mystery man did it. If you want to be forever cursed with the quest of increasing your cumshot, go on kazaa and download the sperm fountain videos. This is my goal. It far surpasses peter north or anyone else I have seen. There are plenty of resources on ball pumping, so I won’t go into them.

Well, there you have it. It is a bit late for me. I would have liked to spend more time on this project, but if I get a good response I can spend more time on it and update it.

I got something out of it. Thanks


Maybe watch your zinc intake. Anything over 50 mg/day may get you into zinc overload. Also, you need very little copper to counteract that leached by zinc. There are a whole bunch of good zinc supplements which also contain some copper so that you don’t have to supplement that separately.
I’ve found that as little as 25 mg zinc will satisfy the prostate’s needs and contribute to keeping ejaculate volume high.

Pygeum tends to increase pre-cum from the Cowper’s glands only and not s. vesicle or prostatic fluid. Don’t know the mechanism yet.



Good post Anon,

As for cerinitin, that stuff did absolutely nothing for me! I am glad it works for you. I agree with almost everything you reported and Tribestan will have anyone blasting. Guranteed. The drawback with tribestan is that your loads will thin out immensly. But you will blast alot. Keep up the good work Anon.


One more thing, Yohimbe combined with Arginine creates the mother loads of all loads. I have blasted the greatest loads of my life with this combination. But, the side effects are insane. My heart races, I get that shortness of breath feeling and Im incredibly edgy. All due to the yohimbe. I use to take a product called vigorplex through GNC/RiteAid. The loads were great, the side effects were not.

Hey Alex, if you don’t mind could you tell us how many shots the Yohimbe Arginine combo made you produce? I always seem to tap out at about 10-11.

Hmm I already take l-arginine, flax oil, lots of water, whey powder… why aren’t I Peter North dammit!!

(More like Peter Dribbler!)

Awesome post. Thanks for the info.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Bunbuster—your logo of Yulia Nova (I know her well…) makes me want to try a cumshot right NOW! Damn… . Let me know immediately if you see her in *anything* beyond her usual ultra softcore stuff where she just lays around. If you want to know how to get me to shoot big loads, wowo.

ahem….what was this about? oh cumshots. Anyway, thanx anon for this much awaited info.

I have begun my own quest with an experiment with arginine and pygeum, and have been underwhelmed. I measure before and after loads with a syringe, and the difference has been a few 1/10th of a cc, hardly worth the effort, so the quest continues. Needless to say, I will modify my ingredients to include some of the stuff you mentioned.

agree with avocet about zinc—dont over do it.. remember zinc is a heavy metal and like all heavy metals your can get toxic with it. EZ does it.



--- Southpaw

ps—speaking of fountain cum shots, if i am thinking about the same videos you are…is that even biologially possible? Is that a fake dick with a hose or something? I mean i don’t think I can pee with a full bladder what he supposedly ejaculates, I mean *really* now. I am man enough to admit when I am overmatched, but thats crazy.



--- Southpaw


Did you see any increase in pre-cum output from the pygeum?




not really, and I looked for it due to you giving me the heads up on it. But remember, my experiment with arginine/pygeum yielded a net increase of 0.2-0.3 cc which arguably does not even exceed experimental observer error to begin with, so I at this point consider it a failure.. But you have to understand, most of science is built on failure. 99% of all experiments fail. To be a scientist like myself, one must learn patience.


--- Southpaw

Originally posted by Southpaw
Bunbuster—your logo of Yulia Nova (I know her well…) makes me want to try a cumshot right NOW! Damn… . Let me know immediately if you see her in *anything* beyond her usual ultra softcore stuff where she just lays around. If you want to know how to get me to shoot big loads, wowo.

Yes, I believe that Yulia’s breasts are the secret ingredient to shooting a massive load. I’m serious. How could you dribble with that in front of you? ;)

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Originally posted by anon1122
Hey Alex, if you don't mind could you tell us how many shots the Yohimbe Arginine combo made you produce? I always seem to tap out at about 10-11.


When I can handle the yohimbe, the loads are insane. With that combo, I usually pop 8-9 large watery squirts. I usually know when its going to be huge too. I get this tingle and I just want to pop a load. But anyways, other times that yohimbe is horrible. Where I’m so edgy that I cannot get horny at all.


Southpaw, if you are thinking of the videos where the guy has unusually large nuts, then I think that those are not fake. I have been ball pumping recently and I think that it is the key to at least having nuts as large as that guy, and maybe even busting that insane load. I think what happens is that the ejaculatory organs get engorged with fluids due to the pumping. I have pumped before and have started to feel fluid buildup. I think after a couple more months pumping I just might get there.

wannabeseven, I forgot to mention kegels. I used to to 1000 a day and different variations on them. I used to do hold them as long as I could, and also try to kegel as fast as I could. I did that routine for about a month and have never had to do it again. Another thing to do is only ejaculate 1-2 times a week.

Alex, congrats on the big squirts. North doesn’t get more than 8-9 so you must be up there. What kind of yohimbe did you use, the vigorplex?

Bun, yulia is truly amazing.

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