Thunder's Place

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'Bright light may boost testosterone in men'

Maybe bright light does increase luteinizing hormone and testosterone to a small extent. I’ve also heard that cold showers help. The thing is that your body is pre-programmed to create a certain amount of testosterone. There may be ways to keep it at it’s maximum potential, but none of these natural methods will really boost your testosterone to the point that it is something like taking shots. I bet that the placebo effect of these things (bright light, cold showers, diet, supplements etc. ) Is much higher than the actual physiological effects of any elevated levels of testosterone

Originally Posted by Penonips
Maybe bright light does increase luteinizing hormone and testosterone to a small extent. I’ve also heard that cold showers help. The thing is that your body is pre-programmed to create a certain amount of testosterone. There may be ways to keep it at it’s maximum potential, but none of these natural methods will really boost your testosterone to the point that it is something like taking shots. I bet that the placebo effect of these things (bright light, cold showers, diet, supplements etc. ) Is much higher than the actual physiological effects of any elevated levels of testosterone

Why would there be a placebo effect of bright light to testosterone? That doesn’t make sense.

Start: 6.6bp x 4.875eg, 2006: 7.2bp x 5.00eg (5.5 base), 2009: 7.6bp x 5.25eg (6.0 base)

28876 28885

It’s been known for more than 10 years that tanning the stomach area increases the sex hormones.

Although related, it’s not the same thing, but a whole lot easier, and for men, may lower their risks for

prostate cancer. Tanning—-not burning.

Originally Posted by bbc
It’s been known for more than 10 years that tanning the stomach area increases the sex hormones.
Although related, it’s not the same thing, but a whole lot easier, and for men, may lower their risks for
prostate cancer. Tanning—-not burning.

Link to study.

Start: 6.6bp x 4.875eg, 2006: 7.2bp x 5.00eg (5.5 base), 2009: 7.6bp x 5.25eg (6.0 base)

28876 28885


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