Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can You Guys believe this Drug?!?

Okay, I can go with the scurvy analogy without a hitch. But what about how when you take a pain-reliever and do a small sized hit of caffeine for it to work better/faster? That is what I meant by the added catalysts that wiki were claiming as a martini of various semi-natural ingredients to work it more.Think of it like an additive in the gasoline, so to say. Don’t you want to patch the hole with phara-grade stuff before putting money in your pocket with the whole first? Plus dietary changes take time, why not lend a helping hand by both up to a certain point.

Now for my next question and it is just elementary speculation. If the fish-oil is coming up and turning to tyrosine, which is then being broken into or rather split into mainly three major forms of epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and dopamine, plus other smaller misc. compounds, is the non-dopamine selection wasting energy resources and/ or polluting the body with future levels of compounds to go out of control later? What does the main ones do, as well as the minor ones to the body.

If the catecholamines are causing physiological responses could they damage the heart or brain? It says they don’t last long but if heart disease is a major killer for women and minorities especially would this do anything to worsen it? Would it do a diabetic dirty faster? Is it spiking cortisol levels anywhere, somehow?

I got that question after reading this tiny blurb:
Catecholamines are chemical compounds derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Some of them are biogenic amines.

Catecholamines are water soluble and are 50% bound to plasma proteins, so circulate in the bloodstream.

The most abundant catecholamines are epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and dopamine. They are produced mainly from the adrenal medulla and the postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenaline acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and as a hormone in the blood circulation. Noradrenaline is primarily a neurotransmitter of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system but is also present in the blood (mostly through "spillover" from the synapses of the sympathetic system).

High catecholamine levels in blood are associated with stress, which can be induced from psychological reaction or environmental stressors such as elevated sound levels or intense light. Catecholamines cause general physiological changes that prepare the body for physical activity (fight-or-flight response). Some typical effects are increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels. Some drugs, like tolcapone (a central COMT-inhibitor), raise the levels of all the catecholamines.

Catecholamines have the distinct structure of a benzene ring with two hydroxyl groups, an intermediate ethyl chain and a terminal amine group. They have a half-life of approximately a few minutes when circulating in the blood.

http://en.wikip … i/Catecholamine

Just asking….. cause I don’t know. Not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

What I believe the boss is going on about is, that the average Joe and Jane lifestyle is vastly different than those Inuits. The Environmental factors of climate, society, diet, living conditions, economics, consumerism, etc… may give skewed findings, or at least open the possibility of how it would relate to a more Western comparison.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Well my first day was interesting being it was only my first day. The first thing I noticed was the best flaccid day ever I was hanging close to 7 inches all day and my balls were hanging real low it was great. I also was very horny all day and started to get hard every time I touched my dick to even go to the bathroom. If I didn’t have my kids around all day I would have been spanking away or would have had to find company. Like I said though it was the first day and maybe just a fluke I’m going to take another .5mg tomorrow night.

Oh yeah and I have and do take fish oil and I think it’s very healthy I just don’t believe it will make me any hornier but that should be a fish oil thread not a Cabergolin thread.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Cabergoline treatment in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Nickel M, Moleda D, Loew T, Rother W, Gil FP.

[1] 1Clinic for Psychosomatic, Inntalklinik, Simbach/Inn, Germany [2] 2University Clinic for Psychiatry 1, PMU, Salzburg, Austria.

The effectiveness of cabergoline in 50 men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction was investigated in a 4-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study with validated psychological tests, and prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone serum levels. Cabergoline treatment was well-tolerated and resulted in normalization of hormone levels in most cases. In the cabergoline-treated group, significant interactions between prolactin and testosterone serum concentrations were observed. Erectile function improved significantly. Sexual desire, orgasmic function, and the patient’s and his partner’s sexual satisfaction were also enhanced. Cabergoline may be an effective and safe alternative agent for men with psychogenic ED.International Journal of Impotence Research advance online publication, 18 May 2006;

Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. Are you ready to begin?

Well the great flaccid only lasted one day and now I’m back to normal and so is my ball sack. I only took it once so maybe it has to get my system and build up a little. Let me tell you if I could walk around with a 7 inch flaccid all the time and my balls hanging heavy the way they were and feeling as horny as a 16 year old school boy with a Fredrick of Hollywood catalog it would be a really good thing. If this is the normal feeling than I would say that anybody with a very low sex drive or on anti depressants should try this stuff. I will keep you guys posted.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If it’s a dopamine drug I think you have to keep taking it every day to get the results, and the effect will decrease over time unless you increase the dosage.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
If it’s a dopamine drug I think you have to keep taking it every day to get the results, and the effect will decrease over time unless you increase the dosage.

Your not suppose to take it every day but you do have to keep taking it, they recommend .5mg twice a week

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’d take a drug vacation for a couple weeks every few months just to be on the safe side. And notice over time if the effects decrease. My two cents.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Jeez.. I just had another bizarre and vivid dream.. been having them every single night since being on this stuff.

Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. Are you ready to begin?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
I’d take a drug vacation for a couple weeks every few months just to be on the safe side. And notice over time if the effects decrease. My two cents.

I always cycle all supplements to play it safe I will do the same with this

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Now that you have more experience

You guys that now have some extended experience with this drug, would you PLEASE some give up-to-date answers to these questions? (I want to see if your initial impressions may have changed with added experience.)
Please, please humor an old guy and give an explanation to each question…not just a yes/no.

(1) Does it increse libido….make you horny more often?
(2) Does it influense penile sensitivity…..more feeling or less…. during stimulation?
(3) Does it affect the quality of your erections? Morning wood? Spontaneous boners?
(4) Does it affect the intensity or nature of orgasms?
(5) Does it actually affect refractory period?
(6) Do you recommend it to others?
(6) Did you need a prescription AND where did you order/purchase it?
(7) What about side effects?

I would really appreciate thoughtful answers. I’m considering it. Also, I have a problem with delayed ejaculation and wonder if this may help. Thanks guys, MXL

Originally Posted by MagnumXL
You guys that now have some extended experience with this drug, would you PLEASE some give up-to-date answers to these questions? (I want to see if your initial impressions may have changed with added experience.)
Please, please humor an old guy and give an explanation to each question…not just a yes/no.

(1) Does it increse libido….make you horny more often?
(2) Does it influense penile sensitivity…..more feeling or less…. during stimulation?
(3) Does it affect the quality of your erections? Morning wood? Spontaneous boners?
(4) Does it affect the intensity or nature of orgasms?
(5) Does it actually affect refractory period?
(6) Do you recommend it to others?
(6) Did you need a prescription AND where did you order/purchase it?
(7) What about side effects?

I would really appreciate thoughtful answers. I’m considering it. Also, I have a problem with delayed ejaculation and wonder if this may help. Thanks guys, MXL

I have only been on it for about 1.5 weeks, but I’ve tried many supplements and all sorts of mood altering substances, so I know what is what generally speaking.

1) Yes, one is definitely more horny, more often. Scientific studies also add credence to the veracity of this effect.

2) I don’t think so. The feeling seems to be about the same.

3) DEFINITELY more erections. Getting boners all the time. Sometimes inappropriately. Good for my PE routine of pumping/clamping

4) There is a subjective change in the feeling of orgasm. Amount of pleasure is similar so far, but the feeling is different

5) Not enough to make me want to orgasm twice.

6) Yes, certainly.

6) Got it from Cabaser 4mg. $115 w/shipping for a tiny little bottle, which happens to be a 1 year supply.

7) Only thing I’ve noticed is a "spacey" feeling that lasts for about 4-5 hours after taking each dose.

I’m assuming that the majority of these effects are due mostly to the D2 receptor agonism. The prolactin reducing effects apparently take longer to manifest themselves, so I’ll be reporting any changes.

I’m also hoping the anti-prolactin effects will also increase my basal testosterone levels, which will hopefully result in a better fat distribution (ie, less abdominal fat).

It doesn’t make it such that you’re randy all the time, it just raises the average.. so there is still the normal cyclicity to it. For example, it’s 4 am now and sex is the last thing on my mind.. although, it’s almost time for my next dose ;)

I am also taking androstenedione, which may be influencing things, but I did notice a definite change when I started on the dostinex. If anyone is interested in 6-oxo/androstenedione here’s a writeup about it (and also where I bought it from ) http://www.bulk … products_id=378

Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. Are you ready to begin?


Thanks for your answers. I really appreciate your willingness to compile all this together for me. MCG, are you American military or Japanese? I stayed on the American base there for a while. Is everyone uptight over the N. Korean tests? PS. Do you need a prescription at that website you listed? You moved me a step closer to trying it. Thanks again, man. Hope some others do the same for me. MXL


You don’t need a prescription I used the same site. I have gotten mixed results the first time I took it I got very horny and my balls hung low and I had a great flaccid I also seemed to be in a very content happy mood.
The 2nd time I have taken it I don’t really feel anything so I’m in the testing stage. I think I should have taken 1mg to start instead of the .5

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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