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Cialis Vs Viagra


Cialis Vs Viagra

I put this in MSH rather than supps as this forum is where guys will probably go for research if they also have ED. Hopefully my experiences with both drugs will be useful to someone, if you have also used both then please add your own comparisons.


V didn’t work to get me fully erect (except once, which must have been a fluke), but did keep me steady at about 75%. It took about 45 minutes to ‘kick in’, even if the kick was rather weak. My refractory period was non-existant, and after ejaculation I could stay at 75% (for what it’s worth) with no loss of libido, so I assume the effect would be similar if I were at 100%.

V may have some use for me during girth workouts. As seanjacobs has noted the soreness from intense exercises can work against your erection level. It could also have some merit for lasting longer when my ED is cured, during marathon sessions or whatever sordid activity in which I decide to partake.

I used doses up to 100mg, all having the same effect (100mg worked no better or worse than 50mg) above 25mg, which did fuck all. I noticed no side effects aside from ‘throbbing teeth’, which is rather hard to explain. My teeth/gums feel like they are throbbing, very weird, but stops after about half an hour.

All the effects were the same whether I was alone or with a partner, and lasted about 4 hours as expected.


Cialis DID work, yay. I got fully hard with visual and physical stimulation about 45 minutes after taking 20mg. However if the stimulation stopped, the erection would subside to the usual 75% within about 10 seconds. When it continued I could get back up. There was no effect on the refractory period. I did get the teeth throbbing with C, but it didn’t begin until about an hour after taking it, whereas with V it began much quicker (15 mins maybe).

I will update this thread when I know how long the effects last for (and anything else I notice - it supposedly increases flaccid hang), if it lasts 36 hours as advertised this will be ideal for my situation.

I was pleased but not totally satisfied with the effects of C, and will experiment with 30mg sometime which will hopefully help with sustaining the erection.


Even 25 mgs of V gets me %100. It seems to last for over 4 hours too.

I have not yet tried Cialis. I’ll have to do a search.


Tooth throbbing. Never heard of that one.

While you are experimenting with the Cialis, try to get a pulse on how long it remains effective for you. Older guys get a much longer run than younger guys because our metabolisms are a little slower.

The “half-life” of Cialis, btw, is around 17 hrs. This means that after 17 hrs, half the dosage you took is still effective. Compared with Viagra’s 4 hr half-life, that is a very significant difference and will probably determine how often you take it.



If I read you correctly SS4, V eliminated your refractory period whereas Cialis had no effect on your refractory period.

I’m no doctor and this might be dangerous, but what if you took a small dose of cialis for its long term action and 100%erection benefits and then took a “booster” dose of V before you engaged in intercourse.

Ideally you might be able to reach a combination that gave you: long term effects + 100% erection + no refractory period + no teeth throb.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...


>While you are experimenting with the Cialis, try to get a pulse on how long it remains effective for you. Older guys get a much longer run than younger guys because our metabolisms are a little slower. <

Yeah I’m checking every few hours, looking good so far after 5hrs 20mins. I’m very pleased about this.


>If I read you correctly SS4, V eliminated your refractory period whereas Cialis had no effect on your refractory period. <

Correct, about 10mins later or so I was up again. 10mins is about normal right?

>I’m no doctor and this might be dangerous, but what if you took a small dose of cialis for its long term action and 100%erection benefits and then took a “booster” dose of V before you engaged in intercourse. <

I thought that too, imagine being able to fuck for like, 5 hours, have orgasm after orgasm and stay hard. It would be like being a chick (except the hard part), or iamaru. I would rather not have teeth throbbing, but it’s not painful or annoying, just…there. So I can live with that.


My experience with Viagra was that no dose less than 100mg did any good, and that dose gave me a functional (75% or so) but not raging erection. It take anywhere from 15 th 30 minutes to kick in.

Refractory period pretty much disappeared for me too, meaning that, especially with stimulation, I could keep my mini-boner going all night, well past the 4 hour window. Even if I fell asleep, some effect was still evident for awhile after awakening in the morning.

Keep in mind that in almost every instance I had been either drinking or lighting up (or both), and in all cases was extremely tired (late night) by the time I took it, so that surely affected the results somehow.

OK, it is 9:52, which is 21 hours and 42 minutes after taking 20mg, and the shit still works! This is really great.

It took quite a bit of coaxing, but I was able to get fully hard. Avocet mentions the half life is 17 hours, so there is a little less than 10mg in my system right now. The difference is noticable, but since I can still eventually get to full erection level, this could be economically useful information. Thanks Av! No teeth throbbing today either, so I assume a 10mg dose will not give this odd side effect. At around 6:30 PM I will have roughly 7.5mg left, I’ll check again then for the hell of it.


Glad the C’s still working. It is pretty amazing stuff for guys with ED.

A major difference between Viagra and Cialis is that C does not pack the same initial punch. Nearly everyone who uses Cialis (and on whom it works) reports that more physical or mental stimulation is required to get things going but that the resulting erection is a keeper so long as there is stimulation occurring. Its effect feels much more like the natural erection process. Once the full dose has kicked in though you may find that you get more of those out-of-the-blue daytime erections as in algebra class when you were a kid.

On both V and C the negative side effects (headache, flushing) nearly always disappear with continued use so my guess is that teeth throbbing will go away, too. One negative side effect that C has which V does not is a common initial body ache, often in the thigh with the first two or three uses. That also stops occurring.



I tried both as recreational drugs and Viagra will make me hump anything in the room for about 4 hours after the 45 minutes to take effect unless I chew it than it works faster. Cialis on the hand if taken at night will work all night and into the morning both will give me great flaccid hangs, The Viagra makes be hornier with Viagra I feel like a f-ing animal that has to get release. With Cialis it just keeps me a nice horny state and ready to go up in a second for a long period of time. I also did try both at the same time I took 25mg of viagra and a 20 of cialis and what a party I had my girl at the time had a sore pussy for days.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Can anyone recommend a good source for Cialis? I hear about sites that rip off people, and would sure like to avoid that hassle. I hesitate doing a search on the web, ‘cause that’s sure to trigger even more email spam than I get now. I’m in California, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for the help,


The site I used is gone, I would also like to find another pill site

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

My question about “V” or “C” is: have the makers done any more work on the cardio issues? I seem to remember that there were several deaths and other cardiac issues when “V” hit the market … how about “C”?

I am interested inthem both, and might try to get my MD to pop for a trial pack … hmmmmmmm - avocet - this might just be an answer -

"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


I’ve had a script for V for sometime, now. My urologist recommended I change to C. I think it works much better, seems to stay in my system forever, and I don’t get the puffy eyes and all the head stuff I seem to get on V. The cost is about the same, but you use less, so it is cheaper. My ins pays for 12 a month for a $20.00 co-pay, and the same for V. Because the V is more intense for a shorter duration, I use it for PE and the C for sex.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally posted by wan2Bbig
My question about “V” or “C” is: have the makers done any more work on the cardio issues? I seem to remember that there were several deaths and other cardiac issues when “V” hit the market … how about “C”?

I am interested inthem both, and might try to get my MD to pop for a trial pack … hmmmmmmm - avocet - this might just be an answer -

Pfizer which makes V now has a long history of use and claims that V is safe from a cardiac point of view assuming the user has been checked out by his doctor. Neither C nor V can be used along with “nitrate” drugs that are taken for certain heart conditions or with the still-popular “poppers”, (amyl nitrate), as the combo can be fatal.

Doctors all over America are offering free 6 packs of both drugs. Talk with your doc about it, Alex.



I tried Cialis just for fun. No effect at all. Didn’t work for my another guy I know, either. I’ve heard Viagra works for everyone, so I’ll try it next.

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