Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circumcision: What is your opinion?

Originally Posted by Fornixator
To the original poster and guys who were cut young and they regret it, I am sad for you and hope you get over it.

I appreciate your sympathy. I think that even if someone doesn’t agree with someone else’s viewpoint, they should still at least try to understand where they are coming from. Some of the people on this thread have completely dismissed the issue as unimportant which is irritating to me. My parents let a surgeon cut part of one of my most important organs off of my body without my consent. How is that not an issue that should be discussed?

Started: 13 Dec. 2018 - 6.25" BPEL x 5.5" MSEG

Current: 13 Mar. 2020 - 7.25” BPEL x 5.75" MSEG

Long-Term Goal: 8.25" BPEL x 6" MSEG

Originally Posted by Growth8213
Hi everyone,

I was circumcised shortly after I was born. I didn’t even figure out that I had been circumcised until I was about 10 (I thought I was just born that way). Around 13 or 14 I started becoming very sad and angry about it because I had no choice over it and I wished that I still had my foreskin. I still struggle with this every day. I personally believe that circumcising boys without their consent (when they are just babies) should be outlawed. I’m not against the procedure itself but I believe that the person receiving it should have consented to it. Even if there enough evidence to support circumcision (which there really isn’t, research only shows a slight drop in std’s), I still don’t think it should be done to a child who has no control. You’re taking away a part of someone’s body (one of their most important parts at that) without their permission, most of the time just because it is a tradition. If someone wants to be circumcised later in life I think that it is totally fine, but not as a child. What are your opinions on this?

I was also circumcised right after I was born, but because I had phimosis. I don’t feel bad for not having the foreskin and I’ve never had any sexual issues due to the circumcision. But I was always mocked a lot by other guys when I was younger, I don’t know exactly why. Maybe because circumcision is not very common in Brazil. To be honest, I think this was not good for my development. Though it was not extremely traumatizing, there were bad effects, due to some episodes, that I think have affected me.

No physical problems from the surgery. I’ve seen many guys complaining about deformation and stuff like that, but my dick’s shape is perfect. A mushroom head with no signs of something wrong.

If I had a son, I wouldn’t allow a circumcision unless it was for health issues, as in my case. I just don’t think it’s reasonable to submit someone to an unnecessary surgery.

Uncut he looks better!

Circumcision without medical indication is nonsense, I am glad that I still have my foreskin, it is great to masturbate with it. With the cleanliness I have no problems, because I wash the glans (glans) with retracted foreskin, twice a day and after use (masturbation, sex).

But the Frenulum Praeputii remove (frenulectomy) I can only recommend the benefits are:

1. The foreskin can be pulled further backwards, thus a larger stroke during masturbation is possible and the foreskin is more mobile.

2. The penis looks better, because the foreskin can be pulled back almost without creases.

3. The penis can be kept much better clean.

I completely removed the frenulum myself with three interventions. But every urologist does that too.

Masturbation is better than sex!

Originally Posted by Jagtstein
(frenulectomy) I can only recommend the benefits are:

1. The foreskin can be pulled further backwards, thus a larger stroke during masturbation is possible and the foreskin is more mobile.

2. The penis looks better, because the foreskin can be pulled back almost without creases.

3. The penis can be kept much better clean.

I completely removed the frenulum myself

Male genitals come in great variety just like female genitals. If your situation was improved by excising highly sensitive tissue I’m glad for you, but most men would surely be disappointed with such a result. In the event the skin doesn’t roll back far enough, a non-amputative slice to the frenulum (frenotomy) can give relief.

Originally Posted by Jagtstein
Uncut he looks better!
Circumcision without medical indication is nonsense, I am glad that I still have my foreskin, it is great to masturbate with it. With the cleanliness I have no problems, because I wash the glans (glans) with retracted foreskin, twice a day and after use (masturbation, sex).
But the Frenulum Praeputii remove (frenulectomy) I can only recommend the benefits are:
1. The foreskin can be pulled further backwards, thus a larger stroke during masturbation is possible and the foreskin is more mobile.
2. The penis looks better, because the foreskin can be pulled back almost without creases.
3. The penis can be kept much better clean.
I completely removed the frenulum myself with three interventions. But every urologist does that too.

There is a general idea that certain cultures adopted circumcision in order to stave off the spread of STIs prior to the prophylactic options available in modern times. In those times, having all males without a foreskin was the way to reduce the infectious disease spread, and the best way to get this done was during natal life, and to do it to all men. These days it is not necessary as there are other options. imo the only indication for circumcision in todays day and age are for conditions like phimosis, preputial adhesions, or inflammatory disease in the area, and even then as a final option after other therapy options have been exhausted. There is also a theory about the increase in the risk of contracting a UTI in the uncircumcised population.

On a different note, in the country i live in circumcision isn’t common. I had a nasty experience when I was a young teenager where my girlfriend at the time told her mates that I have a ‘weird looking dick’ (tbh, she wasn’t wrong - but not because of my foreskin) and one of those friends she told ended up telling me and that ruined my self esteem. Turns out that girl had just never seen a foreskin before (the only dick she had seen before that was in porn). If you search for ‘uncut’ on some porn sites you may be able to find some videos of (American) women who give their opinions on the matter. It seems most of them also find it to look ‘weird’, probably the same women who would also scream bloody murder about female genital mutilation, but are all on board when dudes are getting theirs cut.

A couple of years ago I was thinking of getting cut, thankful now that I didn’t!

‘Save the Foreskin’ - https://www.ncb … 1676363/?page=1
increased in HIV-1 susceptible cell populations in male foreskin - https://www.sci … 002944010642472
‘Circumcision reduces heterosexual HIV-1 acquisition in men by at least 60%’ - The biology of how circumcision reduces HIV susceptibility: broader implications for the prevention field | AIDS Research and Therapy | Full Text

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Originally Posted by c3ifador

Why would you want a excess of skin that holds pee and dick cheese around your glans, thereby creating an accumulation of bacteria, moisture and stink all that can cause (if not properly cleaned) diseases in the penis one of those is penis cancer. Even though I properly clean my dick, every time I am going to fuck a woman I clean it in the sink before so the woman do not feel the taste of piss.

The bacteria that accumulate in your mouth are probably more harmful than those that accumulate in the foreskin… I’ll still continue to clean both twice a day though! However, I don’t recommend flossing the foreskin

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
No one is proposing outlawing circumcision.

Circumcision of a minor without a valid medical reason has never been legal in the USA.

It’s always been an explicitly illegal practice, which is why most surgeons have always refused to perform it on a child without a medical reason.

The only reason SWAT teams don’t drop down on hospitals performing the surgeries is because of how medical malpractice is prosecuted in the USA, through the court system.

Until law enforcement receives an arrest warrant or there is a violation of a cease and desist order, a doctor can continue to cut off whatever they want in an operating theater.

I was told the average settlement for circumcision of a minor without consent is between 150k and 2 million USD and it is usually not necessary to take the case to court since the physicians doing this to children are aware it is medical malpractice. The doctor does not need to be currently practicing medicine or have the funds if they operated with malpractice insurance. If the doctor is deceased you can still sue their estate, the hospital, and whatever firm was stupid enough to insure them in the first place. This shouldn’t be taken as legal advice, I’m just casually discussing what I understand about it.

If you parents opted for the surgery to take place due to advice or false medical information from an organization or individual, they could possibly held responsible for damages in court also.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
Circumcision of a minor without a valid medical reason has never been legal in the USA.

It’s always been an explicitly illegal practice, which is why most surgeons have always refused to perform it on a child without a medical reason.

The only reason SWAT teams don’t drop down on hospitals performing the surgeries is because of how medical malpractice is prosecuted in the USA, through the court system.

Until law enforcement receives an arrest warrant or there is a violation of a cease and desist order, a doctor can continue to cut off whatever they want in an operating theater.

I was told the average settlement for circumcision of a minor without consent is between 150k and 2 million USD and it is usually not necessary to take the case to court since the physicians doing this to children are aware it is medical malpractice. The doctor does not need to be currently practicing medicine or have the funds if they operated with malpractice insurance. If the doctor is deceased you can still sue their estate, the hospital, and whatever firm was stupid enough to insure them in the first place. This shouldn’t be taken as legal advice, I’m just casually discussing what I understand about it.

If you parents opted for the surgery to take place due to advice or false medical information from an organization or individual, they could possibly held responsible for damages in court also.

When I read things like that I am truly glad I was not born the USA. How utterly ridiculous.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Disclaimer: Post / reply is for entertainment purposes only. Zero liability past, present and future.

Circumcised and have no memory of it. It functions just fine. No regrets. No resentment. No bitterness toward anyone. No inconvenience.

Originally Posted by Amerikanisch
This may make you feel better about having been “cut”;
Does Circumcision Reduce Men’s Sexual Sensitivity? | Psychology Today Canada

Better? No.

They cite that "The two best reports met the gold standard of research, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials, both in southern Africa, where circumcision has become an extremely cost-effective approach to controlling AIDS."

Except that neither study measured anything. They were just surveys, done on men for whom circumcision was an important cultural coming-of-age ritual. All the self-selected men CHOSE to get circumcised for free (half had not yet been cut). Hardly the unbiased random placebo-controlled trial the article claims (placebo-controlled would mean the men they cut didn’t know they had been cut. No study of circumcision and sex will ever be placebo-controlled or double-blinded).

And in one of the studies, the men left intact actually reported HIGHER satisfaction, but because both the cut and the intact reported satisfaction was above 99% the study authors reported that circumcision caused no statistically significant degradation. Understand that these authors have an interest in perpetuating circumcision as a cure for AIDS because that is what they make their living doing. The 99% satisfaction report means only that they crafted a survey that was not at all discerning of anything relevant (sexual satisfaction surveys typically yield satisfaction figures in the range 50% - 75%). AND the men that were cut had only been cut for a short time, but we know the degradation that comes from lacking a foreskin is progressive through the years. Shortly after being cut a man will be extra ticklish during straight intercourse because the corona scrapes at the vaginal walls, so this new novel sexual sensation might seem like a fair trade-off for the loss of the foreskin, until the glans dulls and numbs with years of exposure.

My guess is that the studies were designed and reported to mask the downsides of circumcision to ensure the grant money for cutting all of Africa keeps flowing.

To: C3

If the vagina is sufficiently lubricated, I don’t feel much of anything other than a slippery sensation. I am not especially thin so maybe I just excite the ladies too much 😉.

That feeling of “tightness” that is so prized by guys is something that I have only experienced by way of rear entry, which has been very rare indeed.

Originally Posted by TLCTugger
Male genitals come in great variety just like female genitals. If your situation was improved by excising highly sensitive tissue I’m glad for you, but most men would surely be disappointed with such a result. In the event the skin doesn’t roll back far enough, a non-amputative slice to the frenulum (frenotomy) can give relief.

I had a frenulum breve that made wearing condoms very uncomfortable, and the urologist I saw offered a “frenuloplasty”, but I opted out for “frenulum tying” after I heard about it on tp.
It seemed much simpler and less invasive than the frenuloplasty that involved severing the frenulum, making a slit in the skin of the shaft behind it, and stitching the frenulum farther down.
Basically, you pierce the frenulum a couple of millimeters behind with a surgical needle and thread, and then tie the thread in a tight knot, which cuts off circulation. After a few of days, the tissue separates, and the frenulum is 2x the distance you tied off longer.

I don’t regret doing it because I really enjoy how free my foreskin is to move back and forth, and it has made cleaning even easier because there are no longer creases in the foreskin on either side of the frenulum when the foreskin is pulled back.

But, I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a slight loss of sensitivity/sensation on the underside of my glans where the frenulum used to be.

The actual frenulum which has now atrophied to a small flap coming out of the foreskin (barely noticeable unless you’re looking for it) is still sensitive, but is is in a new location farther down the shaft when the foreskin is in a retracted position.

I am very glad I had the frenulum breve corrected, but if I was doing it over, I might have tried harder to stretch the frenulum to correct the breve, rather than surgical means of correction which inevitably sever nerves. Or at least gave it a more serious try, because try I did. For years. I actually corrected phismosis and foreskin adhesion around the coronal ridge myself as a kid by stretching and basically playing with my foreskin.

As far as the OP, despite dealing with phismosis, adhesions, and a frenulum breve, I would never trade my foreskin for a lack thereof, unless there was a very pressing medical need. I love the sensations in it.
My favorite thing *ever* and I apologize I don’t want to seem like I’m gloating to people who aren’t able to have this experience because of choices others have made for them; is the feeling of my foreskin clearing the coronal ridge of the glans. Combined with the temperature difference the glans experiences simultaneously when exposed, it is heaven. The thought of not being able to experience that makes me profoundly sad.
On the other hand, I also enjoy the feeling of my exposed glans gliding back and forth inside a vagina, and I can simply achieve that by holding my foreskin back at the base of my penis with one hand.
As far as cleanliness, my wife has told me from the first time she gave me head that I’m the cleanest smelling and tasting guy she has ever been with, and this is here in the US. I was her first uncut guy.

Find a good ph neutral gentle body wash, pull back your foreskin in the shower, lather, since, repeat a second time (where the gentle part comes in).

When you urinate, get a tissue or a bit of toilet paper, and always pull the foreskin all the way back before you urinate, and dab the last couple of droplets with the tissue before you pull your foreskin forward.
I also keep waterwipes around at home for even better cleaning after urination.

You’ll be cleaner and better smelling than most circumcised guys.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by tbone350
I am going to get circumcised in April. The only reason, I am going to get circumcised is for the cosmetic reason because in my "personal opinion" the penis appearance and hygiene is very important.

Dr Cornell is especialize in cosmetic circumcision.

Before and After Circumcision Surgery Images - Circumcision Center

Attn.: When I am in the erect estate my penis looks circumcised cause the foreskin easily moves back. However, I want my penis to look 100% circumcised when the penis is flaccid. You guys will know the outcome in April… :-)


(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9


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