Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Female curiosity

Female curiosity

I’m here for one reason—there are men here who know a lot about sexual function and PC muscle exercise. Don’t care about size, as long as the guy is more than three inches. But I teach women the corresponding exercise—how to tighten up down there—which is lots easier for us to do and also improves orgasmic ability.

Are there many women in the forum?

I am very interested in performance improvements and PC muscle strengthening exercises for men.

Hope this is the appropriate place to post this.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Yes there are several women on this board and they know about the excercises I’m sure :) That said, do you have a way of gauging how much tighter you are becoming with the excercises? Care to share?

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Welcome to Thunders zaneblue, wow perhaps i can give up pe, if you teach me how to make my girl tighter.

Welcome zaneblue to Thunders.

Cub1961 :)

Starting: 6.25" BPEL x 5" EG on or before Aug. 04/93.

Aug. 04/05. 7.25" BPEL x 5.5" EG. -- Lastest: 7.625" BPEL x 5.625" EG on Aug. 07/06.

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6" EG or untill the little lady says ouch.

From the female kegel angle, you might be interested in this thread as well: When Time Is a Serious Issue Specifically, CrazyLady’s experience with her KegelMaster 2000, from post #15 on down.

And welcome :)

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Oh I don’t know, I’m a specialist. I’ve tested pretty much all the PC muscle exercise devices out there for women. Kegels on their own are not very effective at all.

Thank you Thunder for that link. Very informative! Also interested in threads on dopamine and male sexual function

To give an idea of what I do, you can see here:

Generally women gauge progress by how much they can "bench press" :D How high they can go on a resistance device.

It just amazes me how hard you men work here to get a better fit—scars, blood, thrombosis, good God, when it’s so easy for us. Twenty minutes two or three times a week, and it’s so crucial for vaginal orgasmic ability anyhow. I can now have a vaginal orgasm from ten seconds of flexing the muscles with nothing inside.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Oh yes, I owned a Kegelmaster 2000. Works pretty well although hard to clean and pinchy. I like the Gyneflex better.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
To give an idea of what I do, you can see here:

Generally women gauge progress by how much they can "bench press" :D How high they can go on a resistance device.

It just amazes me how hard you men work here to get a better fit—scars, blood, thrombosis, good God, when it’s so easy for us. Twenty minutes two or three times a week, and it’s so crucial for vaginal orgasmic ability anyhow. I can now have a vaginal orgasm from ten seconds of flexing the muscles with nothing inside.

Hmmm :-k bookmarked and emailed to wife. :) Thank you.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Is there ever a good time to give one of these devices as presents? :) The Kegel Master 2000 has a “As seen on TV” label, I sure would have liked to see that infomercial!, playboy/softcore channels only?

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Well obviously the topic can be a bit touchy. But I figure for you guys who are already spending so much time and effort on a tighter fit—you’ve paid your dues, you can bring it up.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Zane my dear,

Should you ever make it down here to NYC, I am prepared to buy you not one but two drinks as a gesture of gratitude from myself in particular, TPers in general [if I may be so bold to speak on their behalf] and all menfolk in spirit.

May I ask what drove you to “tighten up to the fit”?

[Hell, I’m offering you a third drink just for that phrase]

Can you ‘expand’ on your 10 second orgasm flex capacity? How long did you take you to achieve this? Is the quality similar to that from intercourse?

Do tell, do tell.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

What drove me to tighten up the fit was giving vaginal birth to two ten-pound babies. You could have driven a truck up me at that point. I started off with vaginal cone weights, heard about them on Oprah. They are extremely expensive, don’t have much of a range and don’t work very well, but I was motivated and made it up to the fifth weight. I had already been on my diet which had greatly increased my libido, but I found with my new muscle strength that I had a spontaneous orgasm (after driving high-speed half an hour alone in the car late at night fantasizing heavily). I’m the sort of woman who enjoys spontaneous orgasms, and I realized it must have been due to the muscle tone (combined with the diet). So I started really working out. I generally have a couple dozen vaginal orgasms a day, now that they are so much faster with the better tone.

I can have them with nothing inside, but they are a bazillion times better with a cock inside.

I am working very hard to get the word out (was mentioned in Forbes, picture on Oprah, interviewed by Elle Magazine, conducting university research study, etc.)

Less than half of all women can have a vaginal orgasm, no matter what the size of their partner. It’s just a physiological thing. Sometimes just developing the PC muscles will do it, but that’s not very common. Going on my diet helps—but I don’t want to derail the thread into talk about the diet. If you are interested, here it is:

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Mrs. x just got the regular Gyneflex ordered as a present for my 1 yr PE anniversary!

Thanks zaneblue :) .

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

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