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I have been diagnosed with Andropause by 789

I have been diagnosed with Andropause by 789

I hope put this in the right forum. If not, mods feel free to move it.

Okay over the past couple of months, I have noticed that I have been extremely tired almost all the time and without even doing anything strenuous. I could take a nap at ANY time of day. I thought it would pass but it hasn’t. I also have noticed that my hair growth was VERY slow. I used to need a hair cut in three weeks by the fourth week I looked like a bum. Now I go 8-9 weeks before that same dragged ass look. I tried to re-grow my mustache, which I cut off two years ago and after two weeks it looked like I had fuzzy hair on my upper lip. I used to be able to grow a very full thick long mustache in seven days start to finish. I also have put on about 30 lbs in the past 6 months yet I still work out everyday at 5:00 a.m. for 90 minutes. Even with working out I have lost all of my muscle tone. My arms, although large, have no cut to them. My chest definition is completely gone and I have fat/cellulite developing on the sides of my chest closest to my biceps. I am embarrassed to tell people that I work out that much because it doesn’t show at all. My diet consists of lean proteins, low glycemic carbs and plenty of vegetables and even some fruits. I drink alcohol in moderation and I generally drink no more than 10 beers on a weekend. Some of the other things I am noticing is that I am cranky and short tempered and withdrawn, which is not me at all. I am generally a happy-go-lucky person and people like me because I am friendly and outgoing. I am quite used to multi tasking, doing many different things at the same time but now it takes me half a day practically to get a letter drafted and out the door. I am more accustomed to being in a mental fog than having mental clarity right now. Oh and last but certainly not least my sex drive is virtually non- existent. I can perform but I have to think about wanting to have sex, it is not automatic. My notcturnal erections are also non-existent.

I decided to read up on the internet about possible causes of my symptoms and I scheduled a doctors appointment to see what doctor would come up with. All I knew is that I couldn’t live like this. I am arguing with my wife more and she is taking my lack of sex drive as an affront towards her. Why wouldn’t she, afterall, it is always about them isn’t it?

I got my blood test results on Friday May 6 and asked the doctors office for a follow up to go over the results. When I read the results I noticed that my cholesterol and triglycerides went up over the past three months. My liver #’s were higher. I had just got on cholesterol medications a few months ago and they were working but my insurance company wouldn’t pay for my drugs so I asked to be switched to a generic and it was determined that my dose wasn’t sufficient. My thyroid was in the “normal” range. My glucose was elevated quite a bit but not out of the high end of the range. I am not a big sweets eater at all, but don’t leave ANY M & M’s laying around. My PSA results were 0.521 on a scale of 0-4.0 for normal. But one glaring test result was my testosterone test. The scale runs from 230-1000 ng/dl and my result was 256. Pretty low in my opinion, but still in the normal range.

When I went in to the doctor this morning for the follow up she said everything looked fine except she didn’t like my sugar numbers, she thought they were too high on the normal scale. She wants me to cut back to two drinks a week and cut out processed carbs. I said I would rather quit drinking altogether than to just be teased with two drinks.

I said “what about my testosterone level?”. She said, “its still in the normal range.” I said “how much more low normal can you have?” I said I didn’t “want low normal I wanted OPTIMAL” and I proceeded to go over my shitty symptoms again. She finally diagnosed me with Andropause (reluctantly) and agreed to put me on a hormone patch. I assume she meant a testosterone patch I forgot to ask.

I want relief from my symptoms as quickly as possible. If any of you have experience in this area please let me know. I would sincerely appreciate the help.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


Sorry to hear that I have read about Andropause of course; however, most of what I know about it is covered in your post.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It seems as though the symptoms are very similar to those of low adrenals and low thyroid function. I honestly didnt even know that some of my symptoms were related until I read up on Andropause. One lesson learned— if I hadnt gone into the meeting with the doctor prepared to do an intellectual battle and I had a long standing relationship with her I wouldnt have gotten anywhere at all.

I thought because of the mental fog I have been in that maybe I had adult ADD and so I was taking an all natural thing to try to combat it but it wasnt working at all. I have always struggled with my weight but managed to have it under control and was in complete fighting shape when I took a picture for tps in the Thunders t-shirt thread. But to work out everyday and not lose a pound in months and in fact gain weight was very frustrating and discouraging to say the least. If it wasnt for the fact that I am so in tuned with my dick I wouldnt have even known or connected my lack of sex drive or nocturnal erections could be a symptom of a larger problem.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


I’m sorry bro I remember you telling me about the drop in your sex drive but you were thinking at that time that it could be the Propecia. I would be a little worried about using that patch for the rest of your life you may want to look into the formula I have been using in the “Fountain of youth” thread in supplements I swear I believe it has upped my T levels much higher and since you have your doctors ear maybe you can try it and than take a test to see if you improved on your own. Good luck my friend.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

789, what was your estrogen level? Free T? Just curious.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

I’m sorry bro I remember you telling me about the drop in your sex drive but you were thinking at that time that it could be the Propecia. I would be a little worried about using that patch for the rest of your life you may want to look into the formula I have been using in the “Fountain of youth” thread in supplements I swear I believe it has upped my T levels much higher and since you have your doctors ear maybe you can try it and than take a test to see if you improved on your own. Good luck my friend.

I will definately look into that thread. And I too and concerned about taking something forever, but I need some relief from feeling like shit all the time and feeling like I am in a marijuana fog without the high. I will keep you guys updated for sure.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by hobby
789, what was your estrogen level? Free T? Just curious.

I dont know, but I have asked the doctors office to fax over the numbers and will let you know.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

This sounds like me. I’m 46 and been noticing the same stuff the last couple years. Especially things like getting tired later in the day (taking naps) and just no energy, like I “just don’t feel like doing anything.” The hair thing really hits home too; it’s been growing slower, and overall it’s just “thinner”… not in the sense of balding or “losing hair,” but it’s more like it’s just “getting wimpy”or something. It’s like each individual hair is getting thinner or weaker, if that makes sense. It seems less bulky or “less substantial.” I have noticed that it seems softer or thinner, like it’s turning back into “baby hair” (in a sense) instead of adult hair.

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

From what I was reading, during menopause women lose 90% of the hormones in two years and that is why they become psycho bitches. For men, during Andropause, the process can take 10 years and the process is just attributed to aging a lot of the time so no diagnosis is made toward anything else.

I want relief from the symptoms and hope that my body can somehow get back on track without a lifetime of drugs but who knows.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


I wish I had some advice to offer, but I don’t. But you certainly have my support! I’m glad you did battle with your doctor and got her to think a bit more about your symptoms. By all means, keep investigating, and, as they say, don’t leave any stone unturned. If I was experiencing those symptoms, I think I’d go to several physicians and specialists. As we all know, diagnoses and courses of treatment can differ, sometimes greatly. The ALCAR formula that Dino mentions would certainly be worth a try as well. Best of luck!

Originally Posted by electron
This sounds like me. I’m 46 and been noticing the same stuff the last couple years. Especially things like getting tired later in the day (taking naps) and just no energy, like I “just don’t feel like doing anything.” The hair thing really hits home too; it’s been growing slower, and overall it’s just “thinner”… not in the sense of balding or “losing hair,” but it’s more like it’s just “getting wimpy”or something. It’s like each individual hair is getting thinner or weaker, if that makes sense. It seems less bulky or “less substantial.” I have noticed that it seems softer or thinner, like it’s turning back into “baby hair” (in a sense) instead of adult hair.

I cant take the tired thing anymore. Saturday I was fixing my jetski and started about 1 and ended about 4:30 p.m. and did nothing strenuous just re-wired the speedometer and felt like I had run an all day race at full speed. We went out Saturday nite and I could have fallen asleep at 7:30 p.m.. Sunday I woke up tired from the day before and couldnt wait to take a nap in the afternoon and I did nothing all day, nothing. It’s two o’clock here right now and I gauran-fucking-tee-you that by 4:00 p.m. I wont be able to keep my eyes open.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

789, I would cut the alcohol completely until you get T therapy for this. check out, they have a section for bodybuilders over 36. They talk about hormone replacement theraphy and lots of guys you can talk to.

hope this helps!

Go Celtics!

I wonder what to do. Go to a MD? A sports doctor? Endocrinologist? I even wonder about a naturopath could do any good. I hate to run around to a bunch of different places and get little or no results, but maybe that is what I will have to do someday.

This stuff is all “new” to me. It makes sense, but glands are a complicated thing. I take it that you are better off “cycling” whatever hormone they give you? Would an endocrinologist do that, or just give you something that you take “regularly” (like daily or whatever) and it messes you up later on? Has anyone here gone the endocrinologist route?

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

789, has diabetes been ruled out?

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

I will save you the hassle of doctors and the Big Pharma drugs, lectures, and money spent. Your Testosterone is far too low. End of story. That diagnosis is free, and you don’t need drugs or any other medications or research for that.

I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but Testosterone is the greatest gift to the male that can be given. It is the master male hormone. The benefits are fucking endless. I also was recently in for T tests. I had a 540 total T level and my free T was in the high 200’s I believe. After cycling DHEA and Tongkat Ali, coupled with intense weight lifting for a few weeks, I noticed the following improvements.

1) Massive increase in strength in stamina. I’m down to 209 pounds, and I can take 100 pound dumbbells on each hand on my 4th set in with minor fatigue, and bench press them 10 times without stopping or breaking a sweat.

2) T levels have increased. I have not been in yet for hormone testing, but my hair is growing like mad, grey hairs count is down, facial hair is coming in more also. Chest and body hair are coming in, better tone in my face.

3) Pain Tolerance is off the charts. Before I would get minor aches and or fatigue after weights. The other day, I was playing football and crashed into a tree almost full force. I got up in 10 seconds without dizziness. Thank you Testosterone!

4) Mental Clarity. My programming setup time reduction, typing speed, and problem solving has increased also.

Hobby is on the right track. Check your free and total T levels. Get your total T levels in the 500’s at the minimum, and even higher than that. Free T levels should be in 300’s for starters. Jack this up as high as possible. Save your money on Big Pharma and such. They don’t appreciate nor fully understand what a blessing and a physical armor and lifeforce that Testosterone is.

Last edited by Sex&Guns : 05-09-2005 at .
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