Thunder's Place

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Porn Detox Countdown

I’m 7 days without porn ! I’ m at work right now doing my nightshift. I’ m all alone with my laptop and can do w/e I want to. FUCK I HAVE THIS URGEEE TO WATCH PORNN. But no ! I know that I’m gonna fuck the shit out of my girlfriend on saturday ! And it’s gonna worth my 120% erected penis HUAAA Natalie brace yourself ! :D

Haven’t watched porn for 13 days with no sight of stopping. Never looking back. Fapped once 5 days ago, so that count started over.

Day 10 and some weird stuff has happened. I hope it is only due to withdrawal symptoms. I got a splitting headache last night and then woke up dizzy in the early am. I thought it might be serious, but after looking somethings up it may just be anxiety from not getting my fix. I’ve experienced anxiety and nervousness before during a reboot, but never woke up dizzy. Once I settled down I was able to get back to sleep. Sex has been great with my wife, but now I want to look at a new set of breasts. I’m just so used to the variety that porn offers I get bored easily. Trying really hard not search for topless women. I know if I do it will send me over the edge. This is the third longest time I’ve gone without porn or fapping. The last one lasted two weeks and before that it was three months. Three months was in basic training surrounded by dudes, so that was easy lol. Right now it is tough because I’m in college and my course of study deals with exercise. So, I am practically surrounded by hot girls in workout cloths all day. Curse you yoga pants!

Back to day 1.


I’m feeling the same way about sex I want something new, probably just the reboot and the years of looking at an endless variety of beautiful women.

I’ve had a few slips, but definitely looking at porn less than ever.

I haven’t been playing along here, but for the record I am into my 4th month with no porn. I don’t count looking at gains/progress threads here or at PEGym being straight ! I will add that I feel a great deal better day to day about life, relationships and pretty much anything else that comes along. Spending less time pulling to get off and more pulling for gains. In the time I have been off porn I spend it reading PE notes. Like quiting smoking, or drinking changing habits is difficult. Often it is suggested that we should sit in a different spot and change daily routine some how. This is made even more difficult when most of us need to sit in front of our PC. Stay strong and look the other way and delete those buddy emails marked XXX before opening.

This is going to be a dumb question but is watching too much porn bad for you? I ask because for 6 months I have been depressed and resorted to porn as a stress reliever. Don’t judge me guys but I’ve been masturbating like 5+ times a day. I know that this is a problem. What would stopping do for me?


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