Thunder's Place

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Should I tell the Urologist about PE?

Should I tell the Urologist about PE?

I used to tie shoelaces around my penis just behind the glans and hang water bottles for 30 minutes. Yes, this was my homemade hanger.

I never knew much about Peyronie’s disease or other penis health conditions, but recently, I’ve become aware of an indentation that appears to wrap around the circumference of my penis. My midshaft erect girth and base girth are both 5.5 inches, but where the indentation is located, my girth measures 5 inches.

I’m hoping to visit my GP and inquire about obtaining a prescription for Verapamil Gel. If that doesn’t prove effective, I’d like to request a referral to a urologist, with the possibility of obtaining a prescription for Verapamil Gel from them.

I’m interested in using Verapamil Gel because id like to add it to my PE routine as a preventive measure against potential future plaque buildup. However, I’ve had past experiences where doctors seem to downplay my concerns by saying things like, "I can’t address this until you stop PE," or "Come back in a few months and we’ll see how it looks." It’s frustrating when healthcare professionals don’t seem to take your word seriously and rush through appointments to accommodate the next patient.

Has anyone else encountered a similar situation?

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Yes. See what he says and report back. Im interested.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
Yes. See what he says and report back. Im interested.

I visited my GP and discussed my condition. I chose not to disclose my concern about PE but instead shared a believable story of how I injured my penis. I told them the injury resulted in an indentation that wraps around the area behind the glans. I explained that the indentation was thinner than the rest of my penis. Additionally, I mentioned that my erections go away rapidly once stimulation ends, although I don’t experience difficulty in achieving erections. I also mentioned that my erections never reach 100% since the injury occurred.

The GP concluded that the issue was likely 99% psychological and suggested no immediate action. I brought up the possibility of Peyronie’s due to the similarity in symptoms, but even after this mention, they maintained their belief that it was primarily psychological, advising me to engage in more foreplay…….

I also inquired about verapamil gel, but they informed me that they couldn’t prescribe it since it was a compound gel. Their recommended course of action was for me to take a picture of the affected area and share it with them, then they would assess the situation.

Time to show off my PE gains.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

For what its worth, traction by way of hanging has significantly straightened my dick.

Now, it wasnt bad but I noticed a slight curve beginning.

Traction I feel is a very underutilized method to restore oxygenization and decrimp the fibers in a penis. My opinion of course, but accompanied with fulcrums, id say its a strategy rhat has merit.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
For what its worth, traction by way of hanging has significantly straightened my dick.

Now, it wasnt bad but I noticed a slight curve beginning.

Traction I feel is a very underutilized method to restore oxygenization and decrimp the fibers in a penis. My opinion of course, but accompanied with fulcrums, id say its a strategy that has merit.

Fulcrums? That’s to stretch out the top side of your penis? Mine when erect curves upwards and if I wanted to, I can curve it more upwards, but I cannot curve it down at all. In porn I see guys that seem rock hard and veiny but yet their dick seems to move as if its semi hard. It also seems to point down or I guess hang in whatever direction it lays. I’ve always assumed they’ve had some surgery because it doesn’t look right.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by
For what its worth, traction by way of hanging has significantly straightened my dick.

Now, it wasnt bad but I noticed a slight curve beginning.

Traction I feel is a very underutilized method to restore oxygenization and decrimp the fibers in a penis. My opinion of course, but accompanied with fulcrums, id say its a strategy rhat has merit.

Fulcrums remind me of erect bends in a way. I feel like erect bends or fulcrum hanging is something id do when I cant gain anymore length

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by NewYellowBanana
Fulcrums? That’s to stretch out the top side of your penis? Mine when erect curves upwards and if I wanted to, I can curve it more upwards, but I cannot curve it down at all. In porn I see guys that seem rock hard and veiny but yet their dick seems to move as if its semi hard. It also seems to point down or I guess hang in whatever direction it lays. I’ve always assumed they’ve had some surgery because it doesn’t look right.

Honesty, an upward curve is desirable to most women. Helps hit the g-spot and a-spot.

I had a pretty high erection angle as well as an upward curve before I started PE. I found that stretching in general reduced my curve significantly (I did not intend or want this), and stretching below horizontal specifically greatly lowered my erection angle (I did not want or intend this either).

I guess the grass is always greener…

I would listen to the urologist. I think he has given you good advice.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

My take on fulcrums.and yes I only use the drumstick under my shaft, is it has dick wider and tenderizes the tunica to expand better. Ive always had a high angle and this has remained, even with hanging.

Fulcrums are a game changer in my opinion.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

I went to see the second GP. I told him about my PE methods and how I used to hang via a string around my glans. I mentioned that my glans turned black multiple times during that year when I did it for an hour a day. I even showed him a picture of the indentation. His response was, "It’s actually not so bad." I clarified that it’s only visible when I’m erect and not noticeable when flaccid. He wanted to have a look and feel, but I declined, knowing from past experiences that doctors rarely do more than a cursory examination. They usually just hold it and say, "Looks normal to me!"

I’m frustrated with GPs brushing me off. I’ve seen so many for the same issue, and they all seem to say the same thing. I told all of them that my erections haven’t been 100% for as long as I can remember. I became more direct and expressed my desire to see a urologist or a men’s sexual health clinic. He replied, "You don’t want to see a men’s sexual health clinic; they only prescribe things and make you pay. Urologists actually find problems." I didn’t appreciate his response because I’ve seen enough doctors who "find problems," but they’re always extremely dismissive, no matter what I say.

I even told him about the time when my genitals turned black from hanging weights off them with a string for an hour a day, 365 days a year. My erections have never been 100%, and previous doctors said the same thing, and it never improved. "I still believe it’s mental," he said. So, I questioned why I’ve been having trouble getting and staying hard with my girlfriend for two years, even though I’ve always been comfortable and experimental during sex without any awkwardness. These doctors, I tell you, they’re something else. Absolutely ridiculous.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

I’m almost tempted my paint my dick black and blue, just to ensure they actually listen. For those who encounter doctors like this, my advice is to be exceptionally direct. Let them know you’ve received similar responses from other doctors at different practices (even if you haven’t) and insist on a more thorough examination from a specialist. Even if your issue isn’t unusual or the doctor says "looks normal to me!" just keep pushing for further investigation. Unfortunately, even when it does become a genuinely unusual and persistent health problem, they’ll still brush it off as fine and ask you to return a year later.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Originally Posted by NewYellowBanana
I used to tie shoelaces around my penis just behind the glans and hang water bottles for 30 minutes. Yes, this was my homemade hanger.

I never knew much about Peyronie’s disease or other penis health conditions, but recently, I’ve become aware of an indentation that appears to wrap around the circumference of my penis. My midshaft erect girth and base girth are both 5.5 inches, but where the indentation is located, my girth measures 5 inches.

I’m hoping to visit my GP and inquire about obtaining a prescription for Verapamil Gel. If that doesn’t prove effective, I’d like to request a referral to a urologist, with the possibility of obtaining a prescription for Verapamil Gel from them.

I’m interested in using Verapamil Gel because id like to add it to my PE routine as a preventive measure against potential future plaque buildup. However, I’ve had past experiences where doctors seem to downplay my concerns by saying things like, "I can’t address this until you stop PE," or "Come back in a few months and we’ll see how it looks." It’s frustrating when healthcare professionals don’t seem to take your word seriously and rush through appointments to accommodate the next patient.

Has anyone else encountered a similar situation?

Don’t tell him bro . He will said that is dangerous and not worth it ( wich is a lie ) .
If it was for the urologist i would never had been on PE . They don’t know a shit about this

Obvioisly hanging with a noose for an hour is silly and unadvised.

Im no doctor, but I dont see how that area close to the glans would prevent hard erections. Maybe if you fucked up the base.

Look. Dicks are super weird things.

I clamp, jelq, hang, fuck and no matter what it really can feel and look (to me) somedays as if I am actively shrinking my penis. Fwiw.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
Obvioisly hanging with a noose for an hour is silly and unadvised.

Im no doctor, but I dont see how that area close to the glans would prevent hard erections. Maybe if you fucked up the base.

Look. Dicks are super weird things.

I clamp, jelq, hang, fuck and no matter what it really can feel and look (to me) somedays as if I am actively shrinking my penis. Fwiw.

Yes it was silly, if I had known any better I wouldn’t have done it.

But people make silly mistakes sometimes and don’t realise it for whatever reason. The brain is strange sometimes

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

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