Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Iodine Testicle Painting Protocol!

Originally Posted by marky777
Well this is the heart of the matter. There is definitely something wrong with me, because I went from sex-mad to not-interested in a matter of months. This coincided with severe lack of sunshine in the UK earlier this year. So it may be that I am D3 or iodine deficient, or it may be that my hormones are out of balance, and the iodine D3 and Zinc are giving my endocrine system a kick.

What I am also looking into is the unwanted conversion of testosterone into oestrogens. This can be blocked by herbs like nettle-root etc. I have just ordered some herbs to test.

what takes time and discipline is to try all these supplements one at a time, before combining them.

This I have done, and can report these effects.

D3 Increased sex drive a bit, better flaccid hang - feel ill if taken too often.
Zinc & Magnesium caps better flaccid hang, more pre-cum, bigger loads, better ejaculations - vivid dreams (but fun) thirsty at night (keep mug of water by the bed)
Iodine (orally 10 drops of Nascent over the day) slightly increased sex drive, love the taste when mixed in water.

When I take all three together (orally), sex drive and orgasms are much increased.
All three together, with iodine mostly painted on scrotum - absolute rocket fuel for my sex drive :)

I am not happy about the D3. I may have to try different brands, or just start drinking large amounts of cod-liver oil.

When you say bigger loads and better ejaculations do you mean:
A) an increase in sperm cell production resulting in a thicker and more viscous (less flowing) ejaculation that has a brighter white color and blows off in heavier gobs that launch in the air and just drop everywhere at random without spattering? .
Or do you mean:
B) that you are just firing a greater number of shots and shooting them with more energy (with greater force) for a longer distance and blasting out a clearer and less white colored thinner flowing liquid that splatters several large wet puddles that splooge al over the place?

Sorry to be so descriptive, but the reason I ask is that my ejaculations are now firing only a few very weak squirts of thin nearly clear liquid. The first squirt is a little cloudy a best depending on when I previously ejaculated. the subsequent squirts are clear with a low energy level that diminishes to a low force trickle. It makes no difference if I go for two weeks without ejaculating other than cloudy pee followed by blue balls within 20 min. after 1 week.

My very first ejaculation was the first type and they have been gradually changing to the other extreme and have become progressively weaker ever since.

Not that I need to right now (or perhaps never), I seriously have doubted my ability to impregnate a female for the past several years now and I have not told anybody about it yet because it’s very embarrassing.

I am hoping that this is what I need to reverse my problem so I can efficiently produce sperm cells so I can forcefully fire several heavy gobs of thick white cum that I confidently impress any girl with. Will iodine do this for me?

I have already been taking Zinc/Magnesium tablets for about a month now. Also.I have been taking D-3 for almost two weeks but I don’t think they agree with me at all.
I have not tried Iodine yet, but I really should give it a go by the sounds of it. What quantities is it sold by??

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
As I mentioned, one self-check is to swab a little iodine on your arm or belly before bed, and see if it’s there in the morning. If so, you have sufficient.

Ummm that’s actually an old wives tale Tom, absorption has nothing to do with your Iodine level, besides more evaporates than gets absorbed, try putting some on your arm and covering it in plastic wrap and you’ll see what I mean. :)

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Originally Posted by Behemoth

Ummm that’s actually an old wives tale Tom, absorption has nothing to do with your Iodine level, besides more evaporates than gets absorbed, try putting some on your arm and covering it in plastic wrap and you’ll see what I mean. :)

Have you done that?

Yes I have, it’s around about twenty percent of what you paint on will be absorbed depending on the climate of course, and Iodine is great to dissolve scar tissue, best done if it’s a fresh scar and you cover it in plastic, it keeps the Iodine in the vicinity longer without evaporation, the old wives tale came from painting the same area every time, saturated skin, not Iodine tolerance. :)

Of course if we start getting into Iodine levels and why so many people are Iodine deficient, then we have to open the fluoride in the water can of worms don’t we.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Interesting - I thought it was BS about it evaporating. I’ll try this.

But fluoride is for your health, not disposing of toxic industrial waste, just as nuclear power plants are for producing energy, not weapons-grade plutonium, right? (I’ll see you and raise you one can of worms.)

Originally Posted by 7inchesSoft
When you say bigger loads and better ejaculations do you mean:
A) an increase in sperm cell production resulting in a thicker and more viscous (less flowing) ejaculation that has a brighter white color and blows off in heavier gobs that launch in the air and just drop everywhere at random without spattering? .
Or do you mean:
B) that you are just firing a greater number of shots and shooting them with more energy (with greater force) for a longer distance and blasting out a clearer and less white colored thinner flowing liquid that splatters several large wet puddles that splooge al over the place?

I have not bothered to look at it in that detail. All I know is that normally, I might only produce one drop of pre-cum in a session, whereas with zinc & mag it is more of a gentle dribble. Ver gentle, but better than nothing. The ejaculation is maybe twice as much, and probably goes on for longer - ie more contractions, and feels wonderful.

Originally Posted by 7inchesSoft
I have already been taking Zinc/Magnesium tablets for about a month now. Also.I have been taking D-3 for almost two weeks but I don’t think they agree with me at all.
I have not tried Iodine yet, but I really should give it a go by the sounds of it. What quantities is it sold by??

Please explain the side effects of D3 - sounds similar to mine. I am now only taking two caps a week - Mondays and Thursdays
I am using (own brand) for Zinc/Magnesium and D3

The D3 eventually makes me feel crap like I am coming down with a cold. I am wondering about trying a different brand. But I will see what the 2 caps a week regime does first. (Was taking every day).

I'm fed up of having a signature!

I’ve been taking Nature’s Best D3 1000iu - supposed to be 1 a day, but I take 2 because my GP tested by D3 levels as ‘almost a vampire’. I feel much better on them; no negative reactions at all. I like Nature’s Best supplements if I’m not forking out for Solgar.

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All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

What kind of Iodine should I be using on my balls??

Is it something I find in a drugstore or a bodybuilding supplement store?

I don’t know anything about this but I am anxious to try this as soon as possible!!!

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

All I’ve got here in Uruguay is tincture of iodine so far. Haven’t looked much into it. Sort of takes the pressure off, after the endless choices of the consumer paradise of Amurka, to not have to ask “what should I?” but instead ask “what CAN I?”

I just purchased Lugo’s Iodine and Magnesium oil on Amazon with ZMA supps I’m going to integrate with my morning stack that includes Vitamin D3 5000iu. I’ll report back with results.

Originally Posted by marky777
I have not bothered to look at it in that detail. All I know is that normally, I might only produce one drop of pre-cum in a session, whereas with zinc & mag it is more of a gentle dribble. Ver gentle, but better than nothing. The ejaculation is maybe twice as much, and probably goes on for longer - ie more contractions, and feels wonderful.

Please explain the side effects of D3 - sounds similar to mine. I am now only taking two caps a week - Mondays and Thursdays
I am using (own brand) for Zinc/Magnesium and D3

The D3 eventually makes me feel crap like I am coming down with a cold. I am wondering about trying a different brand. But I will see what the 2 caps a week regime does first. (Was taking every day).

I don’t need to increase my production of pre- cum at all! My head is always oozing and dripping pre-cum. I often have a wet spot soaking through my pants several times throughout the day. The only time it doesn’t leak is when I need to pee.
But I don’t care if this makes me produce more of it I can increase my sperm production as well.
I don’t very much like having super powerful ejaculations when there is no sperm available to cum out because it makes my balls hurt a lot and it seems to last for quite some time before finally fading away, sometimes continuing into the following day.

I was not getting a headache but more of a steady state high intensity charge in my brain that seemed intensified by light and sound and slight dizziness. With the two combined, I’d rather not drive a vehicle if I didn’t absolutely have to.

So the iodine I found is potassium iodine tincture and it took most of the day to find it ..out of stock or not stocked at all. I must have tried 10 place before finding it.
How should it be applied? and how much should I use?

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

Originally Posted by 7inchesSoft
I was not getting a headache but more of a steady state high intensity charge in my brain that seemed intensified by light and sound and slight dizziness. With the two combined, I’d rather not drive a vehicle if I didn’t absolutely have to.

Sounds similar to my brand of D3. They have quite an honest user feedback system, and no-one else seems to suffer! I am going to try inter-cycling with cod-liver oil. I have read that Cod-liver has a very high vitamin A content, so it is important not to go overboard. Still, it’s fun to experiment on myself… :D

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by Behemoth
I haven’t tried that Tom, but I have been washing my junk with Betadine solution for over twenty years.

Originally Posted by marinera
Has to be clean by now.

Hahaha! now that was fucking funny.

I couldn’t find the price of the kit. I would give it a shot. Did anybody see the price?

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I couldn’t find the price of the kit. I would give it a shot. Did anybody see the price?

It’s a hundred bucks!
Iodine E-Book, Printed and included in your package

1: Natural Factors Liquid Kelp with 800 mcg Iodine

2: Life Flo Health Pure Magnesium Oil

3: Source Naturals Selenium, 200 mcg

4: Optimox Corporation ATP Cofactors

5: American Health Ester-C, 500 mg

6: Now Foods, Vitamin D-3 & K-2

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!


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