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What can I do for good flacid through out the day?


What can I do for good flacid through out the day?

I used to have a good flaccid hang during most days. Since PE over 10 years ago it was even better just because of my increased flaccid size. The problem now is I have terrible flaccid during the days. Part of the problem might be meds I’m on. I have low T so I am on injections every two weeks. I have a under active thyroid and on meds for it. I take 30 mg of Methadone a day for back pain. I drink nothing but about 8 to 10 glasses of water during the day, but I only urinate maybe twice at the most, and it isn’t very much. Also don’t get what I call comfy wood through out the day, or semi erections, which I used to do, and is what I contributes to a nice flaccid hang. I’m also 52 years old. Maybe it is just a combination of all, or some things. I can remember having nice flaccid before though in the past when I was on Methadone. I’m not sure about the thyroid meds, and Testosterone though. And it seems I should pee a lot more with all the water I am drinking. Any ideas?

I started with PE around april. I’ve stopped to address another issue. My routine was 1 stretch each way, pumping (4) 5 minute ‘sets’, then maybe some jelqing. I increased my flaccid hang by about 1/2” and I was noticeably thicker as well.

If you don’t pump, you may want to give it a try. I hope this helps you.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Probably the meds. Try a very gentle jelqing routine (50-70 low pressure reps) and occasional fowfers. Gentle jelqing is even better for flaccid hang and good erections than a ‘proper’ PE routine in my opinion.

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Originally Posted by firegoat

Probably the meds. Try a very gentle jelqing routine (50-70 low pressure reps) and occasional fowfers. Gentle jelqing is even better for flaccid hang and good erections than a ‘proper’ PE routine in my opinion.

I might give that a try since I really haven’t been doing any kind of PE for a while. I purchased a pump about 6 months ago to see if that might help. It hasn’t done much other then temporary gains that go away pretty quick. Even at lower levels.

I have my prostate checked every year. I know that is not causing the poor flaccid size. Out of the meds I am taking I know the klonipin doesn’t cause it. I wouldn’t think the thyroid meds wouldn’t either because it is a natural hormone in our system. But what about the testosterone injections every 2 weeks? I have heard it can cause shrinking of the testes. I don’t know if that is in normal levels of test, or in cases of guys using larger does for weight training. I’m not sure about the methadone. I used to take vicodin which is a opiate like methadone and it never caused any problems.

Another thing I want to address is the fact when you have a good fluffy flaccid size you are also feeling good physically. For me anyway it is true. Like in the case of being relaxed and having what I refer to as comfy wood. you just feel relaxed and it isn’t so much of a arousal feeling but can become one with ease. Other times having a good flaccid hang I would feel slightly aroused, almost a semi hard on. Another good physical feeling, like as being horny.

I believe a common denominator for me is the lack of feeling good physically, and emotionally. I suffer from some mild to moderate depression since my wife’s affair. So that could be a player since feeling good needs to be present for this to happen. Also antidepressants are out of the question because of even more undesirable side effects. Maybe part of it has to do with aging as well. I am 52 years old.

I am really at a loss on what to do or try. Maybe this is to be expected at my age. I’m just not going to be walking around all day with a semi or nice flaccid and feeling good. I know when I first started PE I felt good most of the time and had good semi or flaccid. Some of the stuff I take I can’t just quit. Some of it I could dwindle my self down on, like the methadone and see if it helps. As far as the feeling good part I don’t know what to do. I wake with morning wood during a good week about every morning. But times like now I have been on a 3 week spell of no morning wood, and not feeling real good, not sure about nocturnal erections.

Another thing I have hep c. I have had it for about 25 years so if it does cause problems with this it doesn’t all the time. Because of the good times in the past. I don’t take anything for it, and don’t need to. It isn’t giving me any immediate health problems.

Do you guys get what I am saying? Is this the way it works for you? If anyone has any ideas let me know what you think.

Originally Posted by 1 quest
I have my prostate checked every year. I know that is not causing the poor flaccid size. Out of the meds I am taking I know the klonipin doesn’t cause it. I wouldn’t think the thyroid meds wouldn’t either because it is a natural hormone in our system. But what about the testosterone injections every 2 weeks? I have heard it can cause shrinking of the testes. I don’t know if that is in normal levels of test, or in cases of guys using larger does for weight training. I’m not sure about the methadone. I used to take vicodin which is a opiate like methadone and it never caused any problems.

Another thing I want to address is the fact when you have a good fluffy flaccid size you are also feeling good physically. For me anyway it is true. Like in the case of being relaxed and having what I refer to as comfy wood. you just feel relaxed and it isn’t so much of a arousal feeling but can become one with ease. Other times having a good flaccid hang I would feel slightly aroused, almost a semi hard on. Another good physical feeling, like as being horny.

I believe a common denominator for me is the lack of feeling good physically, and emotionally. I suffer from some mild to moderate depression since my wife’s affair. So that could be a player since feeling good needs to be present for this to happen. Also antidepressants are out of the question because of even more undesirable side effects. Maybe part of it has to do with aging as well. I am 52 years old.

I am really at a loss on what to do or try. Maybe this is to be expected at my age. I’m just not going to be walking around all day with a semi or nice flaccid and feeling good. I know when I first started PE I felt good most of the time and had good semi or flaccid. Some of the stuff I take I can’t just quit. Some of it I could dwindle my self down on, like the methadone and see if it helps. As far as the feeling good part I don’t know what to do. I wake with morning wood during a good week about every morning. But times like now I have been on a 3 week spell of no morning wood, and not feeling real good, not sure about nocturnal erections.

Another thing I have hep c. I have had it for about 25 years so if it does cause problems with this it doesn’t all the time. Because of the good times in the past. I don’t take anything for it, and don’t need to. It isn’t giving me any immediate health problems.

Do you guys get what I am saying? Is this the way it works for you? If anyone has any ideas let me know what you think.

Man, you are right about the “feeling good” part. It’s like when you are completely comfortable with your mind and your body, and even if someone stripped you bare in front of a large crowd of strangers, you’d feel fine in your own skin. A nice fluffy flaciid that has no problem getting erect.

Getting cheated on brings on a cycle of negative thoughts which will cause mental and physical ED. Perhaps working with someone who knows how to talk you through your mental struggle is in order. Perhaps many of us PE’ers need to talk to a similar person for restored faith in what we have in between our legs.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Man, you are right about the “feeling good” part. It’s like when you are completely comfortable with your mind and your body, and even if someone stripped you bare in front of a large crowd of strangers, you’d feel fine in your own skin. A nice fluffy flaciid that has no problem getting erect.

Getting cheated on brings on a cycle of negative thoughts which will cause mental and physical ED. Perhaps working with someone who knows how to talk you through your mental struggle is in order. Perhaps many of us PE’ers need to talk to a similar person for restored faith in what we have in between our legs.

You hit the nail on the head. To bad we can’t feel like that 24/7. It is such a good feeling in more ways then we are talking about. It’s like complete physical bliss. I have been looking into the PT-141 treatment and might give it a shot. I think my wife might even be interested in trying it.
As far as my wife cheating goes, we have worked a very strong recovery plan, and she has done almost everything that is required. So I don’t believe it is the main reason for what I am experiencing, but I’m sure it is a contributor.

Originally Posted by 1 quest
You hit the nail on the head. To bad we can’t feel like that 24/7. It is such a good feeling in more ways then we are talking about. It’s like complete physical bliss. I have been looking into the PT-141 treatment and might give it a shot. I think my wife might even be interested in trying it.
As far as my wife cheating goes, we have worked a very strong recovery plan, and she has done almost everything that is required. So I don’t believe it is the main reason for what I am experiencing, but I’m sure it is a contributor.

What about taking your wife and having the sexual act everywhere that you feel a lack of confidence in self. The restaurant, the car, work, outside, etc, etc. To change your memories to good ones?

Originally Posted by djrobins

What about taking your wife and having the sexual act everywhere that you feel a lack of confidence in self. The restaurant, the car, work, outside, etc, etc. To change your memories to good ones?

I think we have a misunderstanding of what I am talking about. I am talking about feeling good through out the day and having a nice flaccid size. That relaxed feeling of like you could be ready to go at any time. Of course I’m asking for the impossible by wanting it all the time. Obviously when your stressed, exerting your self with hard labor or exercise, ect it isn’t going to happen. But it is the other times like when I was younger and feeling better.

First, injections for testosterone every two weeks is way too spaced out. I do a smaller dose, twice a week. Just tell your doctor you want to do them yourself. If that’s not an option, get on the androgel, it’s done morning and night. Having stable hormone levels (test and thyroid being high enough) will effect this. The methadone is probably not helping at all. I would address the back issue (if even possible, my heart goes out to you).

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

First, injections for testosterone every two weeks is way too spaced out. I do a smaller dose, twice a week. Just tell your doctor you want to do them yourself. If that’s not an option, get on the androgel, it’s done morning and night. Having stable hormone levels (test and thyroid being high enough) will effect this. The methadone is probably not helping at all. I would address the back issue (if even possible, my heart goes out to you).

I just got my lab work in the mail today and my T is at 1009. Doctor had a note telling me to switch my injections to once every three weeks, instead of every two weeks. This may explain the way I have been feeling with mood swings and how I have been saying I just don’t feel good sometimes. Actual the last couple of days I have felt pretty good.

Oh, and I do give my own injections at home, or at least my wife gives them to me in the rear end. My dose is 1 ML.

sta-kool & ironaddict69

If you don’t mind me asking how old are you guys, and are you taking it for low T or other, and what dose?

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