Thunder's Place

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What makes a woman swallow?

This guy has rape fantasies for sure.

Lol no the point is just that if you just do it, girls go with the flow. Girls can sense creepiness a mile a way. A guy who needs to “figure out a way to ask for it” obviously thinks there’s something wrong with it in the first place. When you make a “thing” out of it, any woman will get creeped out and shy away. 95% of women want a man to take charge in bed, that’s a statistical fact, so does that mean all those women have rape fantasies ? Please : P

Not to mention, everything I said is true and how I feel. I didn’t dream up a story to trick anyone. If you don’t feel more intimate or closer to a woman when you cum inside her, there’s something wrong with you: P It is the OP is the one looking for a way to “make” a woman swallow, go flame him. But the truth is, if a woman spits, that’s a kind of rejection of you on a personal level, if she swallows, it’s generally a sign of deeper affection. And then sometimes sex is just sex, down and dirty and in that case who cares as long as everyone is having fun? I thought this forum made a big deal about being non-judgemental and accepting, I must say I’m disappointed at the speed of the witch hunting demonstrated here : P Are you saying there is something wrong with people with rape fantasies? Is there a list of sexual orientations which are or not allowed here posted somewhere? I’ll make sure I cross check my posts next time for anything that might have any potential to get your panties in a bunch next time.

Last edited by jacknimble : 08-17-2015 at .

Originally Posted by jacknimble
Not to mention, everything I said is true and how I feel. I didn’t dream up a story to trick anyone. If you don’t feel more intimate or closer to a woman when you cum inside her, there’s something wrong with you: P It is the OP is the one looking for a way to “make” a woman swallow, go flame him. But the truth is, if a woman spits, that’s a kind of rejection of you on a personal level, if she swallows, it’s generally a sign of deeper affection. And then sometimes sex is just sex, down and dirty and in that case who cares as long as everyone is having fun? I thought this forum made a big deal about being non-judgemental and accepting, I must say I’m disappointed at the speed of the witch hunting demonstrated here : P Are you saying there is something wrong with people with rape fantasies? Is there a list of sexual orientations which are or not allowed here posted somewhere? I’ll make sure I cross check my posts next time for anything that might have any potential to get your panties in a bunch next time.

You shared how you feel and I shared how I felt about reading it. We are quite accepting of many things here. That however doesn’t mean we won’t call it as we see it and share our opinion. Feel free to post away, just know if something registers as off or spot on you’ll likely get a response.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I realize this is a 10-year old thread, but it was there on top, and I saw it.. So..

Being a female, I’m not about to read through all the commentary regarding this. I’m just going to give my input, as a sexually-comfortable female.

#1. Porn-sex is far from realistic. The industry films what is exciting and will bring in bucks for them. Not realistic, gratifying sexual encounters with a loving partner. I don’t quite understand WHY men are turned on by the idea of using their dick as a meat-club, smacking or hurting the woman with it, or cumming all over her face. It’s never turned ME on, getting smacked with a dick, and cum in general makes a huge mess.. Either let it go in a proper “receptacle” (vagina, mouth, rectum), or if you have to pull out, let it go someplace I can easily wipe it off.

#2 Please remember that many women have been victims of abuse in some way or another. If your woman has an aversion to a sexual act, it may have been used against her in the past. A friend of mine was molested at a very young age by an older neighbor boy, and as a result, HATED oral sex (both performing and receiving) because that’s what was done to her. I, myself, have been a victim of abuse.. However, it was during my adult life, by a spouse, and I maintained a healthy outlook on sexual activity and educate myself on things, so I was not adversely affected by it to an extent that would cause a problem with later relationships. My partner forced me to perform oral sex, to swallow, to submit to anal sex despite him not knowing how to do it properly (I still suffer severe nerve pain from that, 16 years later), and I was forced to allow him to shower/bathe with me. To this day, I am very cautious about intimate co-showering because of that.

Try talking with your woman and understanding weather or not she has suffered some mistreatment in the past.

#3. Different people have different preferences in taste and textures. I’m a southern girl, and I grew up eating okra and figs. I love the stuff. Some people hate it, they can’t handle the fuzzy exterior and slimy interior. Semen has a very similar thick, slimy texture, and salty, coppery taste. Some women may not like that. I don’t mind the general taste/texture, but I’m kinda gross.

#4. Different people TASTE different. My first partner tasted awful. He had a terrible diet, ate lots of pickled jalapeno peppers, and he smokes the cheapest cigarettes available and smoked them like a train. Kissing him was like kissing an ashtray, and his semen was so .I don’t know WHAT was wrong with it, but it literally took the skin off the inside of my mouth, as if I had eaten hot peppers. His taste was bitter and rank. My second partner had a much better diet and a much more pleasant flavor. He was also very responsive and vocal about my performance on him, which helped encourage me, so I thoroughly enjoyed performing oral sex on him and didn’t mind swallowing. I’ve been with 4 other men, one was about the same as #2, the other 3 were either too large to perform oral sex on, or do not enjoy it (which confuses me, but oh well)

If you are really concerned about women performing on you.. Try tasting yourself. After masturbating, take some on your finger and see what it tastes like. It’s not going to kill you or make you gay, and nobody is going to know but you. Is it something YOU would want in your mouth and swallowing? Think of how you prefer your woman to taste. If her juices are dank or bitter or funky, you’re less likely to eat her out, so don’t expect her to put something in her mouth that tastes foul. I have never been interested in a lesbian encounter, but I am comfortable enough with my own body to be able to keep myself clean without the aid of store-bought “cleansers”, and before I am intimate with my man, I do a self-check to make sure things taste all right. The only issue I have ever had (while this does not apply to you men), was when I was using a spermicidal contraceptive, he told me I tasted starchy, like potatoes, but he had gone down after I had inserted the stuff, so that is probably what he was tasting. It’s been years since I’ve used condoms, but I do recall there being a funky flavor after the condom was removed, if he did not wash his penis. The flavor of latex is not too pleasant by itself, but the spermicidal stuff they put in condoms is also pretty foul-tasting, and it tends to linger.

Check what you put IN to your body. If you are loading yourself with toxins.. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, highly-processed foods.. Then what comes OUT of your body isn’t going to be very pleasant. Your semen will taste bad and you will have stronger body odor and stinky sweat. I am in no way a vegan advocate, but eating more fruits and vegetables and less meats (especially processed meats!) will improve your overall scent and taste. Drink more spring water, eat more fresh fruit. Pineapple is especially effective at improving both men’s and women’s personal flavor.

All else fails, just accept the fact that maybe she doesn’t want to swallow your load. Be grateful she lets you cum in her mouth to begin with, or even accepts your dick in her mouth. I LIKE sucking dick, not all women feel that way.

Nice first post frankentrina.

I’ve come across women who LOVE cum, as well as those who hate it/ act disgusted by it.

Personally I find it a bit much when they freak out when cum’s about.

I’ve even eaten my own once just to see how “bad” it was: it wasn’t even that bad. My opinion is the quicker you swallow the quicker the taste/texture is gone.

Just tell them you made it specially for them.

Realise I’ve given zero useful advice…

Excellent post by frankentrina. She is on point in every respect. My wife loves both blowing me and swallowing, I am very fortunate. As long as there is no foul taste, and as long as there are no psychological impediments I.e. Trauma or abuse as frankentrina mentioned, then I would think that if she enjoys oral sex performed on her and does not want the guy to come up spitting like he was trying to clear his mouth of some vile substance like gasoline, then she should reciprocate similarly and swallow.

I think this would only be fair. If the semen does not taste foul, it detracts hugely from the blow job to have the lady spit it out. I would find it insulting and a huge turnoff.

Cum is clean

It always strikes me that people don’t realize that unless a man has a severe transmittable disease (which one should test for anyways),
cum is clean and sterile.

Our bodies prepare it to be an essential ingredience to create life.
So how can it be dirty or disgusting when it provides the “other” essential building block for life?
We all evolved from it.

So while it might look and smell a bit odd, depending on what your eating/drinking habits are,
it is most likely the purest essence a body will produce and secrete.
It is rich in nutrients like amino acids and vitamins, and there is some evidence that it even has a mild anti-depressive side-effect.


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