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Does stretching help relieve soreness?

Does stretching help relieve soreness?

I have noticed that for me it does. I usually stretch after I jelq, sometimes I do it in the evening before bed after I jelq in the morning. When my dick is sore from jelqing or edging I notice that stretching relieves some of that ache when you squeeze it or jerk it, anybody else notice this?

If you experience soreness. It may mean that you are using too much force in your routine.

Try reducing the pressure when jelqing and see if that helps. Because If you are using more force than your skin can cope with, then you wil eventually start getting red spots. Bumps Black spots and bad EQ.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Wait aren’t you supposed to feel sore after a workout or am I missing something?

Not necessarily, but it also matters the PE experience. If you have done some months of consistent PE, a light soreness at the end of the workout could be a god sign - your penis can manage a good amount of stress, now.

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