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Traction Device After Peyronie Treatment

Traction Device After Peyronie Treatment

I’ve done some research into this subject. The three steps of starting out with just the pills, then the injections and lastly the actual surgery. TBH I got recommended a doctor with good hands by my primary care’s nurse practitioner. The mission is to get snipped and then discuss the Peyronie.

Will they want to start on the pills or can I convince them to jump for the proven injections? Out of all cases my isn’t “extreme” (literally making a J shape) but the bonus of the surgery seems that they can add a little extra material if I’m not mistaken.

Regardless every option requires a traction device. That you must use the traction device for a good while after the surgery to help promote a straight penis. What’s funny is that the traction device seems like a PE tool.

Anyone have experience with this? Should I go ahead and get the needless ligament on top of the shaft cut off too while I’m at it? Mixed reviews of it assisting with a 0.25” length increase.

In all cases not only will the straightening help with my full potential length but the post treatment exercises for both the snipping of the ligaments and/or injections is or surgery are basically PE exercises.

I ain’t no donkey and could care less about being a Clydesdale horse. But as a person with a perfectionist disease, my brain plays tricks on me and makes me feel insecure.

But back to the subject. Has anyone ever used a traction device? If so does it mimic PE were ironically it also assists in girth and length?

My appointment is the 15th. I’m definitely getting cut and won’t settle for pills. It’s either Peyronie injections or surgery. Where I don’t make the literal J shape penis. I honk all I’ll be able to convince are the injections. Which seem proven to work along side post surgery exercises.

Three cheers for the only mens health forum that shouldn’t be talked about! Lol

My personal opinion (for what it’s worth) is always avoid cutting before trying all else. I know even the injections can have risks, but far less than cutting where nerves may be concerned. But, I also don’t know your condition. I had a fairly minor curve that has somewhat corrected just over the last year and a half or so of consistent PE. And, yes, an extender has been a part of my protocol, among other more extreme chemical measures (PRP, exosomes, and Trimix now and then to induce extreme erections). I spoke with my Doc about the injection that basically dissolves the scar tissue, and he explained the process and potential complications. My slight remaining curve seems far less of a problem.

Regardless, there are many here who have used extenders of pretty much every type there is (see the extender section that pops up). There is also that Restorex device made specifically for Peyronies treatment (do not know if it is recommended post survey).

Whatever you decide, good luck!

Yeah extenders and ADS and contraptions like that is how I’m going to stretch. I can jelq and kegel all day long. I’m debating about buying water proof headphones to listen to some heavy metal while I do my PE. The most bare minimal result I want is my original stats. Strangely I’m still near 7” BPEL but the damn curve brings it to an acceptable 5.5”. I know it’s more mental then it is physical.

But yeah ADS and extenders. I feel lame stretching out the tissue but jelqing to some heavy metal will allow me to easily blast out a couple 100 in no time. Kegel. Just kegel all day. With the heavy metal it’ll be like going to the gym for me. It’ll take the boredom out of PE in the shower. Besides you kind of do some stretching when you do the jelq right.

I remember I did about 2-3 months (can’t remember) of PE when I was a young buck going to the gym. I just one day I looked down and saw my balls blast out from left to right and my flaccid penis was dense. Then another time getting out the shower I looked in the mirror and was like “holy shit”. Don’t get me wrong wasn’t no 12” Pringles can. But uhh. Let’s just say enough lol

How did your appt go? Good results?

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