Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

Strange this convo came up. Just yesterday I responded to another thread where I couldn’t see myself talking about something like this with anyone outside these boards.

My cousin showed up today at my house and talked me into eating some pizza. I’ve been dieting a little and weightlifting for about the past 4 or 5 months, so been watching the food; so was hesitant about the pizza. Anyway, I don’t know if I accidently left open this browser page and went to do something else or what. After we ate the pizza and came back here to the computer again he was downloading some music or something. Next thing I know there is this ad that pops up at the bottom of the downloading program and it is some penis enlargement pill ad. I guess I had sit over in the seat for a min and he asked me to click on the ad. Well it goes to the page and he asks something about what it is, I tell him something like Viagra. Then he brings up the subject about wishing there was some pill that could make his willie bigger. I then broke down and told him that there were a couple of boards I had visited and most folks thought the pills were bs.

As a min or 2 crept by I considered telling him about PE, but first I would like to see some noticable gains myself. I’m a newb, so want to get some time under my belt so I can tell him what worked for me and what didn’t(plus there is still that bit of pesimism in the back of my mind saying, this is to good to be true). If all goes well, I will most likely bring the subject back up with him though. I really would like to help the poor guy, cause I remembered him saying something about it when him and his girlfriend broke up; how he was worried about her telling her friends(he is only like 17 or 18 years old, so still dealing with the highschool bs).

I for one lurked for a long time on PE forum and was first mortified about telling a bunch of guys about what I felt… I came onto the PE scene dealing with all the insecurities a guy with a premature ejaculation problem who just found out his wife had an affair could have.. I remember emailing RB when I wanted to take the step posting pictures… It’s an odd thing but I realized that the more I talked about my problem the better I felt about it and the more control I seemed to have over my situation..

I really thought I was only slightly over average when I started posting and was shocked to find out I was well over average… Since joining Thunder’s I’ve told my Dad and several other people I know about this place and for all I know some of them are members here now.. I’ve about lost all of my fear about talking about my dick… It’s no big deal to me anymore… A girl at work asked me this;

“So, is your sword 8 or 9 inches”?

I answered somewhere inbetween the two! I hear what your saying Avocet, loud and clear! If someone would have told me several years ago that I would someday be able to pull myself up on a Google search and be somewhat considered the champion of beating premature ejaculation I would have laughed at them… This place is the best…


8.5 BPEL
7.75 Girth (post workout)

Whatever girth I have at that time…

This is just rephrasing some of what has already been said, but:
The thing that strikes me most about the subject of penis size is that it exists in a kind of societal Nowhereland.
On one hand, it’s considered trivial enough to be dismissed by most doctors and counsellors with a brisk and paternalistic, ” It’s not important. Don’t worry about it. Just get on with living. ”
On the other, the issue is important enough to destroy some men’s social and sexual confidence completely. It can be a source of unbelievable vanity, or a cause of shame and considerable distress.

What seems to increase this kind of anxiety is the ‘unadmitted’ aspect of it ( the importance of penis size ) : men are desperate to find out what women ‘really’ think; we scour polls, read articles, eavesdrop on conversations. We have a massive fear that we are only really able to discuss surreptiously. Not the healthiest of situations.

I’ve had two conversations about penis size in my entire life, and I can quote them verbatim. The first was with a female ( just a ) friend in school, the other was with a guy, my best mate.

Friend: So is size important to you?
Me : What are you asking me for? You’re the girl.
Friend: < Thinking > Nope. As long as it works. It’s fine. Yep.
Me: …

Friend: So she looked at it and said, it’s quite big isn’t it.
Me: …
Friend: Six inches is pretty big, isn’t it?
Me: Dude, I so don’t want to know about your sex life.


Weird talking about my dick? Not me. Did you say DICK!!! - OMG, I’m not hearing this!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

It wasnt bad enough that I eventually felt comfortable WRITING to you guys about what I was going through but now I will pick up the phone and talk to my two therapists, PirateSteve and CaptnHook anytime I want about my issues. At least writing I had some anonymity but I fear someday that the Pirate and Cappy will know that my real name is not 789. What will I do then?


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I have no idea why anybody would not want to post. Thunders is such a great place and there is so much more there than PE. I feel very comfortable asking questions about anything here. Even though I have taken the focus off of my dick and shifted it to girl problems I still like it here.

Originally Posted by 789
It wasnt bad enough that I eventually felt comfortable WRITING to you guys about what I was going through but now I will pick up the phone and talk to my two therapists, PirateSteve and CaptnHook anytime I want about my issues. At least writing I had some anonymity but I fear someday that the Pirate and Cappy will know that my real name is not 789. What will I do then?


I guess you’ll deal with that. Do you think, knowing them as you do already, that they will turn you in to some authority as a perv, or what?

How do you talk together without using real names?

“Hello? This is 789? You can call me ‘7.’” (?)



Well the Pirate has seen my name on my credit card. So I am hoping that he falls for the old “I stole this credit card from John Kerry” routine. What do you think?

And as far as the perv thing is concerned— I would like to assure you all that I am truly the LEAST fucked up of the three of us. I dont even think they would dispute that.

John (I mean 789)

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Cool response, John, um, or whomever.



Originally Posted by 789
I dont even think they would dispute that.

John (I mean 789)

Oh, I think they would!

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

I think it’s great to talk about your dick and your progress here at Thunder’s Place. I had lost hope of ever getting a rock hard erection without using Viagra. Here I am singing PE’s praises as I wake up each morning with Willy well beyond half mast. Long live PE!!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Good lord… this post is old!

Question: Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

Answer: Up until I found this site, yes. Very uncomfortable. But now? Damn I wish I found this site so many years ago. Gah.

Gonna go flog myself now…

Trying to live my life, the only way I know how, day to day, the best I can. I have issues.

I was totally exhilarated, and remain so getting on for 4 years later that there are sites like this where we CAN talk about our dicks.

But I’ve been obsessed by dicks since I jumped into the world. Just ask my father.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

speaking of dicks

I think the most sexual free or inhibited country is Holland. They allow almost any action you could ever wish to see. The Dutch are the most Liberalized people in Europe. They talk about the size of dicks and the wetness of some broads pussy, without flinching.

Every country should be as open as the Netherlands

Have you been watching a lot of dutch porn? (Do you like to watch? :D )

The Dutch people I’ve spoken too have been far from the liberated free people you describe.


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