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Clamping 101 - The clamping guide

Thanks for these pictures, now I really know what’s clamping

I am just starting clamping.

I do it at work when ever I have a few minutes.

How many times per day would someone recommend doing it in a day.

It is with about 1 hour in between and only for 10 minutes.

is this worth doing or should I just stick with a regular 3 session in the morning??

I have more time during the days to do this so if it is good it will work great for me.

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

kdoc - So you’ve just started clamping? Shouldn’t you have got the facts you needed before you began such an advanced exercise? :-k

I trust you’re experienced in the basics of PE as it’s not a good idea to jump into clamping straight off.

Are you clamping with a cable clamp? If so I would recommend starting at 3 x 5 minutes, building up to 3 x 10 minutes after a few weeks. From there it’s up to you how long you spend but I would suggest not going for anything over 45-60 minutes in total per day. Stick with 3 sessions in the morning as you are doing for now.

I’m sure all this information is already in this thread but anything else you need can be found here: CLAMPING - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics


Yes I am using a cable clamp.

I have been clamping for about 2 weeks and starting slowly about every other day and moving up to once a day.

I usually go about 10 minutes per session.

I read on here “somewhere” that you can clamp anytime during the day when you get an erection and that sounded like it will fit into my schedule. The problem is I can’t find the thread or the post where I read it (Damn) or I would have posted there.

I will not overdue it but I do want to be somewhat aggressive to realize some gains

One problem I am having is getting the wrap correct. Sometimes it works great and others not so good. I have purchased a wrap from the vac extender guys to see if that helps.

Thanks for your help

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Hello all,

This actually my first post. I’m new to PE as far as routine goes. Only two weeks in. However, in the past my masturbation sessions were almost like long, mild jelqing sessions so my penis is used is somewhat used to manual conditioning.

I am trying my best to stick with the newbie routine, 2 days on, one day off. However, I leave kegels to my off days because after all those jelqs it’s hard for to me get the kind of erection I want.

From what I have gathered, the there are diminishing returns to PE. Currently I am 7.5 BPEL and 6.25 in girth (inches). My goal is 9 x 7. Is this realistic? Do I really have any scope for improvement?

I already feel bigger from 2 weeks of the newbie routine. I know it has been advised against this early, but I really feel I am ready to clamp. My plan is to clamp for 10 minutes for at least 1 session, to finish out my jelqing. How does that sound? Good luck to all!

Originally Posted by sfat
Hello all,

This actually my first post. I’m new to PE as far as routine goes. Only two weeks in. However, in the past my masturbation sessions were almost like long, mild jelqing sessions so my penis is used is somewhat used to manual conditioning.

I am trying my best to stick with the newbie routine, 2 days on, one day off. However, I leave kegels to my off days because after all those jelqs it’s hard for to me get the kind of erection I want.

From what I have gathered, the there are diminishing returns to PE. Currently I am 7.5 BPEL and 6.25 in girth (inches). My goal is 9 x 7. Is this realistic? Do I really have any scope for improvement?

I already feel bigger from 2 weeks of the newbie routine. I know it has been advised against this early, but I really feel I am ready to clamp. My plan is to clamp for 10 minutes for at least 1 session, to finish out my jelqing. How does that sound? Good luck to all!

Oh to be young again! Dude, I thought I had a dick made of iron before I got involved in The Art. Now I realize what ignorance and arrogance I had fallen to. Your post is practically the exact same as one of early ones. A couple posts later? Injured. Beware!!! You get injured clamping and you don’t even know it sometimes until you get done with your routine and then you’re like….”whaaas that feeling down there?

Take a pill. go slow. PE isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Hey I don’t know if any of you guys go over to MoS. But two people just seriously hurt themselves clamping. I was just looking into it and getting ready to start a routine but decided not to. One of the guys had 2 years experience I believe clamping and he was doing a short clamping session after hanging when his urethra broke or something to that effect where he had a thick red stream of blood coming out of his member so he had to go to the ER and have a tube inserted in his penis for a couple days before he could see a specialist. And another dude got some sort of blockage in his urethra and had to have something similar done. OUCH

As they said in Hill Street Blues…”be careful out there” another reference that only some will remember

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Tissue is tissue and if you gradually increase the hanging weight it will stretch but if you get to a thresh hold limit like 30 pounds or 45 pounds whatever it may be for you dick structure it will tare your shit up inside and if you clamp the damaged structure the blood path with flow throw the path of least resistance. More is not better. Try running to improve cardiovascular fitness. Along with stretching, clamping and jelqs. Also try doing ab workouts and a good diet. Taking glucosamine and cronditin might also work well to help heal ligaments.

Ok update my from side.

I have been clamping, keeping it somewhat consistent. Usually 2 on 1 off, combined with jelqs in between. Starting being able to edge lately. I think I am gaining, but I am refraining from measuring for a while. For the first time, my new GF said she couldn’t get her hand around it! I have taken 1 week break in between 3 week, I am trying to be safe slow and steady.

Thing is, I am getting too many gains near the base and not enough near the head. Trying to rethink a little.

I am going to buy a clamp online, but I noticed that there are three sizes of cable clamps, which size do I need?

Unless, of course, you can work your way up to large some how ;)

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Does it matter if you masturbate after you clamp?


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