Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


c'mon people,

only nineteen votes so far?

Yeah, don’t hang around. Thunder’s offered to do all the organisation work (unless I read wrong).

<commitment extraction mode>

But you will organise it won’t you?

Hmm, organisational abilities, you say. Maybe like the kind of abilities that would be need to run a forum?

Understanding of the travel business. Not sure thats really too essential, everyone would be making their own way after all.

Probably would need someone who can drive a large vehicle, unless we all hire cars.

Does anyone spring to mind with those qualifications?

Hey, a convention may be a good idea. Of course, with my small gains, I may get stuck at the kiddie table!! LOL

I may kick off a convention idea be seeing DW in Vegas this December. I hope that trip comes together for me… this could be fun as hell. Hey, you only live once folks… let’s enjoy the ride!!


Where would this be? No place cold, please.

We have travel-savvy members and mods.

I heard Thunder’s springing for NY strip steaks every night - or was that tube steak? Strip, I think. Anyway, there’ll be plenty of food and, it appears, if this rolls, much national and international press.

Imagine the confusion of luggage: Bib hangers, stretchers, pumps, lubes. I’m not sure that even the most experienced Convention City is ready for this.



Party City?

My guess is that New Orleans and San Fransisco could handle our group. Vegas probably could, too. Otherwise, it might have to be on another continent. Sidney, Australia would be pretty cool.

Hey Avocet, how about Hawaii?? :clap:


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!


If you all don’t plan on staying at my house, I’m all for it. I’m not anymore into drawing straws for bathroom space.

However, we have a good number of aussie members as well as from Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Need to think of everybody’s travel requirements, if we get serious about this.



That was funny!

Avocet8, I got a good laugh over the housing and bathroom issue! LOL. :chuckle:

I see what you mean about the international nature of our membership, though. There are lots of really great places in this old world to have it. We just need to consider a bunch of issues like travel safety and the stability of certain regions.

Perhaps we need a separate thread on suggestions for location? Then we could do a poll to pick the spot. I’m already eyeing a bag I want for packing my PE gear in. As long as it’s a warm climate, we won’t need much else besides swim trunks and sandals, right?! Hehe.



I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!


Everybody come to Vegas baby

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

I can already hear the 911 call…

“We need police down here quick, there are a bunch of guys exposing themselves to each other, some of them even have weird S&M devices hanging from their members. Think I’m going to be sick!”

“Ma’am, calm down, swat is on the way”

Great idea SHOW & TELL. i’ll bring a stats print out along.

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