Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Captn's Wench: PE Device


Now I can die happy :) (brilliant is stretching it, tho).

To here that from you means a lot. After all our pillow-fights (and those to come) it means even more on a personal level.

It’s Thunder’s Place and all it’s members that deserve any credit.

Thanks man.


I can’t wait to hear how it works for you. Let us know.

On the missing part of the thread: Thunder thinks Cap got four hands and eyes.



I considered posting online places where these materials can be bought, but haven’t had the chance to track them down. I imagine there are plenty of e-tailers who carry them. If you or anyone comes across any urls and it’s okay with Thunder maybe we can open that avenue.


Okay I went to get all my parts at Lowe’s and thought I would try to pick up all the parts there instead of having to go to Walmart also. Well I was looking for the 60” strap and I was wondering around with all my parts in the basket and this nice young lady asks if she can help me. I told her what I was looking for and she said and I quote ” I dont know where to find that but if you tell me what your trying to do with parts I may be able to help you out with an alternative”. BOIIINNNGGG !!!!! I almost peeed myself trying not to laugh.

Since PirateSteve lives in my same town I was looking for him at the store but didnt see anyone with a wooden leg shaped like a penis. I dont know maybe I got his description wrong.

Anyway can’t wait to add this to my routine of manual jelqing, Power Jelquing, Max Extender, Penimaster, Androgel and now the Wench.

Let you guys know


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Something to consider:
The nylon strap I use is a pretty universal object. Look around your home, dig through some closets, and I’m all but certain you’ll find some seldom used article that has one of these straps attached. Old carry on bags, fanny-packs, camera bags, and other things that require a strap. Even a nylon dog leash would work. Just try to keep it to 1” wide (wider would also work).
Co-opt the item and use it if you cannot find it being sold solo.

Ah, the ol’ “boner from the sexy hardware babe” syndrome. Was she wearing work-boots…mmm, do tell. ;)
Let us know how it goes.

Awesome Captn!!!

Now this is something even I could put together and I have trouble changing light bulbs. This is a great creation. I can’t wait to put this together. I know it’s new and all but has anyone hung heavier weights(15 lbs +) with this yet?

Great creation Captn!!!


'The force is with you young Skywalker.....but you are not a Jedi yet.' - Darth Vader 1980 TESB

Fantastic job, Cap. I think I speak for us all when I say, thank you for sharing all this with us.

Quick Question: what is the most weight that you have hung with this device?

Originally posted by Metal Ed

Quick Question: what is the most weight that you have hung with this device?

I have gone up to 15 lbs and was pretty confident I could go much higher - but I won’t know until someone with a stronger penis and ligs tries that.

Thanks —-Cap

I posted this in the parallel thread in Main Members Forum and thought it worth adding here:

The nylon strap I use is a pretty universal object. Look around your home, dig through some closets, and I’m all but certain you’ll find some seldom used article that has one of these straps attached. Old carry on bags, fanny-packs, camera bags, and other things that require a strap. Even a nylon dog leash would work. Just try to keep it to 1” wide (wider would also work).
Co-opt the item and use it if you cannot find it being sold solo.

Man i can’t find the grippers anywhere! I tried walmart but they only have the small circle grippers and the people at home depot have no idea what I’m talking about. Can someone suggest an alternative?

Sorry to hear that - but it might be an opportunity to try another product. I took note of the circle grippers when putting this together and thought that if the dimensions allowed for a 1”x 2” rectangle apprx. 1/4” thick - it wouldn’t be too hard to carve one up to fit.
The essential thing is that whatever you settle on for the “gripper rectangles” it meet the required dimensions and be of a rigid yet slightly pliable material. Having at least one side of the material be smooth will help the sticky backing of the Velcro achieve a permanent hold.
Ideally the area of the rectangle that contacts the wrapped penis will have a slightly textured surface-face.
If you are only able to find a material that has a slick surface-face, provided it is rubber or latex it will probably “grab” the wrap adequately. If it is very slick - as in a plastic surface-face I would imagine that applying a beaded pattern of silicone (tub/sink/aquarium) to most of the grippers surface-face would provide an effective grab.

Ideally you’ll find the “SoftTouch Grippers”. Good Luck

CaptnHook, what a great presentation. I was amazed at the extent of your work, both on the Wench and the presentation. Excellent photos and descriptions. Even info where you found the parts. I’d nominate you for the invention of the year award award if there was such a thing. Can’t wait to get the parts and make my own.


Nylon strap is available at Lowes too. I just bought “Light Duty Lashing Strap” there for around 5 bucks. That gets you twelve feet, which is a bit of overkill, but may mean one less shopping stop. I used a lighter to melt the ends so they don’t fray.

This isn’t the same brand as what’s a Lowes, but here’s some through mail order:

Mine’s a nice blue that looks good with black velcro. As everyone knows, aesthetics is key to penis enlargement.

I like the lighter idea. I thought of using glue on the ends but never got around to it. I just burned the ends of my straps. Worked nicely.

Ldog- Thanks let us know how it goes.

12 feet? You could have your neighbor do your stretching for you :)

Originally posted by CaptnHook
12 feet? You could have your neighbor do your stretching for you :)

I was thinking I could use the spare 11 feet to tie up the ol’ lady.

My wife, I mean.


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