Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The power of a big dick

It’s the Power Exchange club in San Fransisco. Just another run of the mill sex club, with a bit of a BDSM flavor.

“Her “master” would slap her, spit in her mouth, and allow her to be slapped, spit on, groped, sucked, and fucked, by dozens of men. While he abused and degraded her.”

Sounds like your typical night at deer camp.


Originally Posted by Russell4

I also have lived in apartment complexes for a number of years and I can really tell the difference between a girl who is getting the real thing and one who isn’t. I think we have found the holy grail~ the reason all of us have come here to roost! More info. please ~what is the CDS? What is the perfect length to tilt a uterus and send the woman of your dreams to Mars! More info…, please, please, please….Good Luck Dudes….

I lived in an apartment complex and also could hear neighbors have sex. I’ll never forget this one woman who would would go crazy while her boyfriend was fucking her and she would be grunting and ughhing very loudly. She would hollar about how big his dick was. He had a bad alcohol problem and they eventually broke up. A few weeks later she starts dating a new guy and I could clearly hear that he wasn’t big because she was silent while the bed would be bumping. This is when it really sank home with me just how important size could be to women, even though it’s not important to all women. Men who have been in qroup orgies with other couples say that size does make a difference in how noisy women are. My apartment experience says it makes a difference and now I have read your post that experenced apartment living hearing couples. There was a one guy and girlfriend,that was a nurse, that looked like he had quite a bulge in his pants. When I would hear them having sex she would just groan loudly over and over. No other sounds but loud groaning. I always guessed he was probably thick but not extra long. Another couple the woman wouldn’t groan but just go ow, ow at certain times during the sex. I guessed that he was just long enough to tap the cervix some but not thick. Other couples just the bed bumping. What was your experience of couples around you?

If you can get in the CDS you can sometimes get the chick to make almost non human sounds. I was with this chick who would snort I didn’t like the noise but she would just have one orgasm after another so the snort was a good thing.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Is there a particular angle or position best for hitting the CDS?

Originally Posted by wangchun
Is there a particular angle or position best for hitting the CDS?

The first position that worked for me was the chick on the top, it’s still the best for me.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino9x7, Your post was very inspiring and will help many a guy to continue the PE required to achieve their goals. My only regret is that I wish this whole concept of PE had come along about 50 yeras ago when I was 30 years old. Now at 82 I don’t think I can benefit much from PE……

I only have a 7 incher, but I have always dreamed of having 9 inches - to really deeply penetrate and give my female friends all the great stimulation

they love - caressing their CDS and fornix and gently touching their cervix!

I’m still active sexually - have intercourse twice a week and jack it off the other days - ooze out a pretty good load of semen so I cannot bitch.

Best wishes, Frank at


“If you can get in the CDS you can sometimes get the chick to make almost non human sounds. I was with this chick who would snort I didn’t like the noise but she would just have one orgasm after another so the snort was a good thing.”


what can I say! You are a feakin god!


as I write this the “girl of the month” is upstairs yodeling like a monkey. I’m tortured by this on a regular basis as my upstairs neighbor and workout buddy is hung like a pony!

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"


Wow my friend your an inspiration to me that you are still thinking about your dick and making it bigger. And the fact that your still active gives me great hope for the future.


I would love to be the God of the CDS spot, maybe at one time one existed and has been forgotten maybe if we all pray to him he will return. Although at that point he may want some kind of human sacrifice so maybe we better hold off on the praying. Just finished the the book American Gods it was excellent reading.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Riddick 81,

You’re proof of the pudding! If you don’t use it, you lose it.
The latest medical study refutes the old claim that prostate cancer is more common in men who ejaculate often. Now they say it’s the reverse, which to me, makes a hell of a lot more sense.

My internist told me years ago that frequent sex is a sure way to prevent prostate cancer. I still believe him and have taken him at his word.

I remember my grandfather telling me about his father, almost 100 years old, taking a piss out in the woods. He had an erection like steel, (according to my grandfather).
Whatever the source of the erection, I found that amazing.

It’s never too late for PE.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Actually that was Russell4 that said you were a God , but I also think highly of you :) . Speaking of books, I have a book I’ve been reading off and on for several years called “The History of God”. It shows how God(s) and religion have been transformed over the centuries.Of course only the current beliefs are the correct ones and of course whichever religion and Messiah is the chosen one in the country a person is brought up to believe in is going to be the correct one. I think I’ll hush now because I certainly don’t want to open that can of worms. Interesting reading though.

Thanks bro I feel the same about you. You might have a good subject for brain food if you can stand the heat:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve been in religious debate before and it gets too hot for me. People get madder quicker about that then anything.

Russell4, I’ve stayed in some hotels and motels and have occasionally overheard plenty in those places . One time in a hotel I was woken from sleep in the middle of night when a woman sounded like she was being killed. It sounded like her face was pushed up against the wall and she was ughhing extremely loud. She was gasping like someone in intense pain and hardly able to get her breath. She finally screamed she was coming and grunted intensely. It sure made it tough for me, with her sounds in my mind, to go back to sleep after they had finished. Another time at a hotel as I was walking down the hall toward my room , I heard a guy in the hallway tell a female, before they entered their room next to mine, that he was going to make her come. He didn’t say it loud but it was loud enough for my ears to pick up. They hadn’t been in there 5 minutes when the wall started banging the hardest I’ve ever heard. He lasted a good while too. But I never heard anything from her. Hard pounding but not long strokes as the banging was always rapid.

I hate hotels. It seems like somebody is getting laid in every room but mine.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.


Now the dude has a new one up there. Shes not as loud but she seems to be just as happy. Those low gutteral moans at the beginning seem to be common. I’m sure you big dudes know what I mean…

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"


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