Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The two inch club

You did bad stretch!! You have to focus your bpfsl only!

Hey Rizlo, we believe in freedom of thinking, here. ;)

Last edited by marinera : 04-03-2009 at .

Originally Posted by djrobins
On that note I’m right where dino9x7 was in 08/2002… He says he started Bib hanging which brought out an extra .750” in length gains in half a year.

I just got my Bib and today did my first light set. I’m hoping I can have a similar new growth that Dino9x7 did at this point in time for between .500-1.00” in under one year.

Hopefully you will get some good hanging gains, If you never worked your ligs at all you should get some newbie easy hanging gains before it gets tough. Remember with hanging more is much better. See you at the club when you get here:) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by marinera
Hey Rizlo, we believe in freedom of thinking, here. ;)

Ok , I agree! But I have to explain: when I do stretchs ( manual) If my BPFSL don’t increase I dont stop! BPFSL is not BPEL (sûre) and everybody have seen fluctuation of their BPFSL.

It just a application of the TGC theory, focus your bpfsl and just don’t are about your BPEL.

Anbody want to push on the button start of his routine and try what I said?

That way you are risking to get an injury, Rizlo. If you check my favorites, I think you could find many intersting things to read.


you thought about this thread ” Possible reason for PE induced growth “? It’s exactly what I was looking!



In the first 6 months I have gained 1 x 1. 6L x 5G now. Still a long way from my goal.

Those are huge gains, Dilbert, congrats.

Originally Posted by Dilbert65
In the first 6 months I have gained 1 x 1. 6L x 5G now. Still a long way from my goal.

Those are impressive gains be very happy:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I started and stoped a few times from my attempts to rush things and injuries. Now I stick with the basic beginner routine, only change was 4-5 second jelqs instead of 2-3 seconds. Low and slow and I finally seen my results stick. For me 1 day on 2 days off works best for me.

Hey Dino - I’m still waiting for the day that I hit the 2” club. Its only .5” more for me to go.

I’ll feel like part of the club then, but even moreso if I can get another inch of gains.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Hey Dino - I’m still waiting for the day that I hit the 2” club. Its only .5” more for me to go.

I’ll feel like part of the club then, but even moreso if I can get another inch of gains.

Hope you get their fast bro, but be patient sometimes .5 can take a real long time.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I got the Bib to go after Lig based gains. That thing is a bear in affixing and getting it setup right, at least now. Its new for me.

Static Stretcher takes about 1 minute to get it on, where I’m taking like over 5 minutes for the Bib.

Originally Posted by djrobins
I got the Bib to go after Lig based gains. That thing is a bear in affixing and getting it setup right, at least now. Its new for me.

Static Stretcher takes about 1 minute to get it on, where I’m taking like over 5 minutes for the Bib.

I was hanging almost out of the box with the bib, but some people seem to have more trouble. Once you get it set right it should be extremely easy to take on and off but the wrap is another story, the wrap was the hardest thing.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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