Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

5 Years Of Extender Experience

Originally Posted by Baba_Booey
Measure your erect shaft length (not including the glans) and compare that with you shaft length while in the extender.

Thanks for your wisdom.

Originally Posted by marshall09
I have no idea on how much tension my extender gets. It has no springs just metal treads?\Do you think
ts more than 4 pounds since there is no springs.

I have the same problem. I am using the LeLuv Slider which sounds similar to the device you use. I am going to follow Baba_Booey’s advice and just stretch beyond my BPEL.

Big to bigger.

Baba Booey,

I measured and I am longer in the stretcher than bone pressed. I guess that means
I can grow bpel in the stretcher. I think Im gonna stay with the noose for a while.
My plan is 4 hours in the stetcher day time . I can wear it in public as long as
I take breaks. At night I will do high intensity for one hour.


start 5.5 bpel
now 6.0 bpel
goals 8 bpel


Originally Posted by Baba_Booey
Measure your erect shaft length (not including the glans) and compare that with you shaft length while in the extender. If your shaft length in the extender is less than your erect shaft length, you’ll likely only gain flaccid length. The reason why it’s good to measure just the shaft and not include the glans is because the extender attachment is behind the glans, and the traction is only affecting the shaft between your body the glans.

@marshall09 Measure this way to make sure that you are stretching above erect shaft length. If your extended shaft length is less than your erect shaft length with low tension, then it’s a waste of time unless you are only looking for only flaccid length or cementing. If what I’ve outlined feels comfortable for you, you’ll be able to move freely with high tension.

Great tip, makes sense

‘If your shaft length in the extender is less than your erect shaft length, you’ll likely only gain flaccid length.’.

Where did you get this rule?

I thought that I never went on PE forums for my first few years, but I forgot that FastSize had their own forum, which I did read. Eventually they got rid of it and linked customers to the big-penis forum.

It was on the original FS forum that I got this from. Guys would measure their length in the extender and compare it erect length, and it was the consensus that when guys stretched below their erect length, they didn’t gain erect length.

When first starting, you don’t need to stretch that far because it takes a very small amount of force to get the body to adapt. Over time, you adapt to the stress, and it would make sense if you reached a point where an extender cannot apply enough force to continue to gain. This is the time when people suggest decon breaks, which I’ve never done, but I probably should because I gain at a very slow pace.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Agree on the second part of your post B_B. But the first part, I think it is a fallacious idea. If your stretched penis becomes longer, your erect penis becomes longer too, all other things being equal. Just my 2 cents.

Well hopefully it works the theory sounds good anyway.


So you have to stretch past your erect length?? i thought one should feel a slight pull and i feel the pull

at less that my erect length, besides that wouldn’t be like entirely stretching? i thought the key was

to apply the force only to the shaft by adjusting traction not stretching it all out, so the only way to gain is to use it past your erection length and how much should i stretch past my erection length like one centimeter or less?

Some guys have a BPFSL that is less than BPEL. In that case, you can’t stretch longer than your BPEL until your tunica stretches out. But if you can stretch past EL and you’re familiar with the extender, it’s always worked for me to stretch past EL.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

And what shall i do if i have the exact length in erect length and flaccid stretched length????, even if
i measure flaccid and erect bone pressed its the same length what would you advice,

thanks in advance for answering doubts i have the extender for 3 months and I’m still lost in how using it!

Originally Posted by Sultan
Thanks for your wisdom.

I have the same problem. I am using the LeLuv Slider which sounds similar to the device you use. I am going to follow Baba_Booey’s advice and just stretch beyond my BPEL.

Extender all day, every day except when your getting some? LOL. What a committment.

Thanks for the nail idea; I’ll use that one for sure. I won’t pull my scrotum through the base, however. I prefer an even skin stretch all around.

Originally Posted by Didio
And what shall i do if i have the exact length in erect length and flaccid stretched length????, even if
i measure flaccid and erect bone pressed its the same length what would you advice

When I started I didn’t measure FSL, I just stretched as far as I could. It was probably a couple years before I measured FSL, and it was greater than EL. Any kind of length work (extender, hanging, manual stretching) should stretch the ligaments and tunica, which will give you a FSL that is longer than your EL.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Thanks for sharing your experience, which is truly more important than anything else we can usually come to conclusions about on here. So in your five years you gained 2 inches of erect length? Very worth it I would say.


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