Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

QL's Log

QL's Log

2017 Stats, Week 25

01-07 BPEL 5.500 EG 4.375 FL 2.750
02-04 BPEL 5.688 EG 4.438 FL 2.812
03-04 BPEL 6.125 EG 4.500 FL 3.125
04-01 BPEL 6.250 EG 4.500 FL 3.250
05-06 BPEL 6.313 EG 4.563 FL 3.500
06-03 BPEL 6.438 EG 4.625 FL 3.688
07-01 BPEL 6.500 EG 4.625 FL 3.688

Changed to a more concise log format (history/histrionics reside here: Quantum Leap takes a Quantum Leap (QL’s Log)).

My modest but steady gains continue (although petering out on girth) and I’m solidly into the routine of PE now - it’s an old friend I pine for during decon weeks although I finally get that no, my dick’s not going to shrink back to its beginning size just because I’m leaving it alone for a week. Gotta admit, I love measuring week which has became an unreasonably, freakishly high-point of my month that I can share with no one but TP.

Ironically, also gotta admit that the day-in, day-out of this old friend gets old & I actually look forward to quitting active PE since I’m partially to my current goal (although I’m betting the girth gain will be tough - the hand says it’s increasing although the tape says, not so much). Haven’t been as consistent with jelqing as with stretches so I’m hoping for a return to prior girth gains by matching my original intensity & consistency with jelqing. That or the pump cometh!

Currently doing manual stretches 5 times a day and I don’t enjoy hanging out in our busy, foul smelling & loud restroom stalls (referring to the amazing & persistent flatulence) - dear God, it would appear all my co-workers eat as badly as I do! The gains make it worth it but wondering if HR would consider quiet rooms for PE (since they accommodate every other wallflower request that comes down the pike).

Still having EQ problems and actually more in the areas of keeping junior hard throughout sex and/or not being able to cum. Not much is more frustrating than having an enhanced power tool that can’t deliver half-way through the job. My feeling is it has more to do with weight gain courtesy of a horrible diet & whacking off to porn, more so than overdoing PE - trying to turn the rudder of the ship of self to a better course.



Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

EQ Repair = 2 month decon

At the end of this week (which is the end of the current 6-week cycle I was on), I’m heading into an extended decon break of at least 2 months to address my EQ Conundrum based on the advice of some veteran PE’ers.

I’ll still make monthly updates as I’m curious to see what happens during this period (does my unit grow or shrink in protest) and think I’ll start including weight loss stats as well since I’m going to focus on fitness goals in lieu of PE.

Also trying to reduce and/or kick the porn/fap habit during this time to, in parallel, help repair my EQ issues (again at the advice of mentors on TP). Hopefully walking & doing some lifting will help fill the endorphin/dopamine void that not doing PE leaves. Preparing to bite the metaphorical bullet!



Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

Good luck to you! Wish you the best in your efforts!

Thanks lilhelp - one day at a time!

As I start this decon thing, in addition to tracking weight loss (hopefully), I think I’ll track progress with a couple more goals for the sake of accountability. Work in progress:

Days in decon mode: T minus 3
Days without porn/fap: 1
Days walking 10k steps: 3
Weight loss since beginning walking: 0 lbs

Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

Just a little bit of basic advice. Unless you’re training extremely, extremely hard (I don’t know your workout regimen), weight loss is in large part a function of diet (70-90 percent imo). Walking won’t burn that many calories.


That’s accurate but you gotta start somewhere : ). In my experience it’s best to take small steps changing habits.

I need to eat healthier myself. Physical fitness is definitely highly dependant on a healthy diet though. Gotta put good fuel in the tank.

Originally Posted by DonnieDraper
Just a little bit of basic advice. Unless you’re training extremely, extremely hard (I don’t know your workout regimen), weight loss is in large part a function of diet (70-90 percent imo). Walking won’t burn that many calories.


I just may bump in and make a quick clarification about the efficiency of walking: generally, low-impact activity is best for reducuig weight as it works in the lipo-anaerobic cycle when done at reasonable low speed. Your remark about the importance of good nutrition is absolutely correct, I think too it’s about 70%. Walking is just an important additional training.

Training hard with walking therefore does not mean walking fast, but walking for a long time period. The full switch to the lipo cycle hits in after 40-50mins, the it’s direct fat burning. So the mist efficient training is to have long walks.

But counting steps and walking sufficiently each day allows you to get used to a more pedestrian lifestyle. And that is, generally speaking, good for health, and PE specific good for EQ as the general blood circulation gets better.

That’s the reason why I recommended walking as first step for loosing some weight to QL.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Thanks gents for all the great input. Just hoping I can get the walking / diet / work-out regimen down as effectively as I did for the PE I’ve been doing the past 6+ months. And of course sleep is kind of important too for multiple reasons. Good night all!


Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

Just began a 2-month deconditioning break to address an EQ issue. I’m admittedly paranoid about losing recent gains but if I had to choose, stellar EQ is way more important (to me) than having a larger unit - hopefully I get myself to the place I can have both.

Days in deconditioning mode: 2
Days without porn/fap: 6
Days walking 10k steps: 4
Pounds lost (since beginning walking): 1

Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

If you can do the keto diet the weight just falls off. There are many other health benefits as well. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months with no exercise. I did it for cardiovascular health.

Originally Posted by The 3rd Rail
If you can do the keto diet the weight just falls off. There are many other health benefits as well. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months with no exercise. I did it for cardiovascular health.

Thanks for the tip. The issue for me is always, do I have the mental energy to sustain a program long-term whether it’s eating, PE-ing or whatever. That said, I’ll certainly check out the keto diet – need all the help I can get!

Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

Had some absolutely amazing, delectable pussy last night which is significant for a couple reasons. The first being obvious because well, pussy is pussy.

Secondarily, even though a lot goes into making love to a woman, many of us are at TP because we believe at least in part, that an increase in dick size would enhance pleasure for our partners. Definitely getting more feedback in this area with the net that she’s feeling more of me and enjoying herself more now that my EQ is improving and the gains are becoming more functional when I’m inside her.

Additionally, I’d been waiting for a release going on a week and earlier this week after enduring a night of short-lived sex where I could not cum to save my life, she follows up the next evening by dispensing an unrequested and memorable cock-tease.

We had just turned in and turned out the lights when I feel her shift and she lays her head on my abs and spreads her hair out over my chest. As I start rubbing her back, she begins to occasionally stroke my swelling manhood as she massages my thighs, legs and taint - you want time to stop because it’s just heavenly.

With her enjoying conversation & our closeness and with the anticipation starting to kill me, she moves her head closer to my crotch so that the side of her face is now nestled in my pubes and her breath is now hitting my bobbing cock which acknowledges the stimulation by thumping her in the face now & then, anointing her with precum which she protests with her usual “Eewww, why do you have to make that stuff anyway?”.

Anyway, oh so close to a blow job (which I haven’t had in over 10 years - shit, haven’t had her face this close to my crotch in 10 years)! Could this be the night my adventurous, crazy, 20 year-old gf reemerges? Nope - in the darkness, her hand wrapped around my swollen rod(!), sighing contentedly, she drifts off to sleep in exhaustion before anything else happens. No attempt to restart the session succeeds which is unbelievably frustrating.

With my most recent pattern being to retreat to porn/fap at anything past 3 days of no orgasm, or rejection in the bedroom, despite my aching balls, I was able to hold out one more day in part because of making my commitment public on TP but also due to concern about my improving but continuing EQ problem.

Fortunately, patience paid off last night and after she lubes me up and welcomes me aboard, I was able to last a solid 10 minutes(!) with zero sign of losing a great erection while she verbally gives cues that everything feels so good AND voila, extended, sloppy, mind-blowing climax.

Although it’s so incredibly hard to break the porn/fap cycle (the longest I’ve had sexual sobriety my entire life was 3 months and that really messed with my head) with these kind of results, I’m going to stick to my PE decon (although I’ve lost 25” of BPEL), porn detox & fitness efforts for two months if it kills me and hoping to continue the report good, if currently intermittent, results.



Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

Great update! Learning to control ourselves is part of life. Not easy indeed but youve had a victory! Congrdulations!

Rock on!

Relapses hurt. Victories, however short-lived, still matter.

We can’t count the times we fall if we’re not willing to count the times we get back up.

Fall down 7 times, get up 8. Keep the goal in sight and the pussy pleased…you’ll make the rest work.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Great update! Learning to control ourselves is part of life. Not easy indeed but you’ve had a victory! Congratulations!

Rock on!

Thanks much Lilhelp. Speaking of the attempt to stop porn/gap (this time and many, many prior attempts), definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. While I literally couldn’t sleep the night she nodded off on me (and the night before when I couldn’t finish the deed), I obviously survived even though all night long, both nights, my mind gamed me to just give in and normally I absolutely would.

So yeah, it is was some really unexpected self-control even if it was white-knuckled and hard fought and even different than when I’ve attempted stopping being part of a 12-step (SAA) program. As I process it, I’m realizing the avoidance of porn/fap feels much more awesome than knowing my EQ problem is getting better (although the latter is what felt like an absolute crisis). Appreciate your support.


Dream big, however your mileage will vary...

Jan/17: 5.5" x 4.4" vol 8.4 ci

Feb/23: 7.1" x 4.6" vol 12.1 ci. :woot2:

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