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Plucking Shaft Hairs = Permanent Smoothe Shaft?

Plucking Shaft Hairs = Permanent Smoothe Shaft?

I know that the habit of pulling the hair from one’s head, Trichotillomania, can cause permanent baldness; I assume this could work for the penis as well. Anyone have any success with this? Comments/queries?

Probably. I used to have a super-unibrow but kept on plucking it. Now I occasionally get a stray hair, but for the most part, it doesnt grow back.

First time though… its going to hurt like a beotch! couldn’t imagine plucking all those hairs. One or two is one thing, but the whole damn thing!? YEOWTCH!

Check out this post by PirateSteve. I’m going to try the method he describes of plucking and using Kalo hair inhibitor. Sounds like a good permanent solution.

I just plucked a bunch today. Some hurt like a bitch, but if you stretch the skin tight, it’s pretty good.

Stevie, in PirateSteve’s post, he said that he had to pluck and apply the stuff for a few months, I was thinking that plucking repeatedly would have the same effect.

How much repeated plucking do you think it will take before the hair stops coming back? I agree that it might work, but I think the Kalo hair inhibitor will help speed up the process.

I hope Kalo does the trick. I just ordered some yesterday. I’ve been plucking the hair on my scrotum and penis for about 18 years and it still comes back. On the underside of my penis it seems to have reduced signifigantly, but the rest seems to be the same as always.

I also have been doing my “unibrow” for almost the same length of time and it requires occasional clearing. I haven’t let it grow to see how much comes back.

I guess just some people have to keep it up. Everyone’s different, I’d give plucking a try for a while if you can stand the pain.

plucking your scotom! do you guys get drunk first?!

Reminds me of that “jerking off with a cheese-grater” joke.

Slightly amusing, but mostly painful.

Becoming.... Godsize

Originally posted by Prickle
Reminds me of that “jerking off with a cheese-grater” joke.

Slightly amusing, but mostly painful.

Or wiping your ass with sandpaper.

Originally posted by Prickle
Reminds me of that “jerking off with a cheese-grater” joke.

Slightly amusing, but mostly painful.

Is that some sort of insult?? Better watch yourself or I’ll rape you in the as with a sandpaper condom! :)

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